Chapter 459

Zhang Mazi took out his pistol and slapped it on the table, but Wu Zhichong didn't pay attention to him at all, saying that the Wu Juren handpicked by his emperor was higher than you according to his official position!
How could Zhang Mazi follow such a trick?Directly called the brothers to give him a board.

Don't you agree?Simple, hit you!

In the end, I didn't expect that Wu Zhi Chong was not good enough, and he gave up after a few hits.

He hurriedly kowtowed to the common people beside him to admit his mistake, and the common people at the door all regarded Zhang Mazi as the master of Qingtian and bowed down.

Zhang Mazi directly fired a few shots at the sky and said angrily, "Don't kneel! Get up!"

"When I come to Goose City, I only do three things!"



"It's so fair!"

After being beaten, Wu Zhi rushed back and reported what happened to Huang Silang.

Huang Silang felt that he needed to teach the county magistrate a lesson. Doesn't he like to judge cases?Then get him a case!

Within a few days, Hu Wan really got a case for them.

Let the guy who was kicked by the Wuju people testify last time, and framed Xiao Liu for eating two bowls of jelly, but only gave him money for a bowl of jelly.

Xiao Liu is a very shy person. He said that he never lied, that if he ate a bowl of jelly, it was a bowl!
But the housekeeper and the instructor sang together, deliberately provoking him, and finally forced him to cut open his stomach to prove his innocence.

When the crowd dispersed, Hu Wan walked up calmly.

"You got Fooled"

The audience couldn't bear to see this. Before, they thought it was a bit dark and humorous, but now they only feel bloody!

Zhang Mazi arrived at this time, and wanted to kill the housekeeper to avenge his godson, but the master tried his best to stop him and told him not to kill anyone, otherwise he would fall into Huang Silang's hands.

In anger, Zhang Mazi smashed the butler's ear.

In front of Xiao Liu's grave, the brothers all vowed to avenge him!

Only the master said that he could not take revenge, so where would he make money after taking revenge?
And Huang Silang was not idle, he even tied up his two men and the jelly seller, planning to have a grand feast.

At the dinner, Huang Silang said that he has a way to make a lot of money!
Then he deliberately said Zhang Mazi's name. Just as Zhang Mazi was thinking about how to deal with it, Wu Zhichong killed the jelly seller.

The screams startled me, but the other two at the table didn't seem to hear anything.

Huang Silang continued to talk about Zhang Mazi. It turned out that his goods were always robbed by Zhang Mazi, causing huge losses.

He is willing to pay 180 million, and in the name of suppressing the bandits, let the other two masters pay along with them.

After the two families get the money, 180 million will be returned to Huang Silang, and then they will divide the money of the other two equally!
Zhang Mazi immediately agreed to the plan, but he didn't intend to return the 180 million to Huang Silang, but promised to kill the gangsters!
Upon seeing this, Huang Silang asked back, where did he get the confidence to suppress the bandits.

Zhang Mazi didn't speak, but blew a signal with the whistle in his mouth.

The brother who was in ambush immediately responded to him with a secret signal.

This is his confidence!
He can come in where Zhang Mazi can't, and when Zhang Mazi doesn't want to die, I can let him die!
At this time, there was another scream from behind the curtain, and the master stood up in fright.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was heated, and Huang Silang announced the deal.

What's more, a Japanese woman gave the county magistrate two priceless gems!

After Zhang Mazi left, Huang Silang summoned the housekeeper and a group of subordinates at home, and asked them to pretend to be gangsters to kill the county magistrate and get back the gems!
The housekeeper and others rushed into the county office and shot randomly at the county magistrate's room.

But they didn't know that the county magistrate was sleeping on the master's bed today.

How can these people mess with the real gangsters?It didn't take long to pick up the gun, and all these fake hemp bandits were killed.

Huang Silang brought people to test after the incident, but found that the county magistrate was safe and sound, only the magistrate's wife died.

Huang Silang cried out hypocritically, and said that he would definitely bury the wife of the county magistrate!

At the funeral, Huang Silang bid farewell to the gentry with a chrysanthemum in his hand.

Unexpectedly, the bandits rushed up at this time and took away Huang Silang and the leaders of the two big families.

They used this to blackmail the three major families, and they would tear up their tickets if they didn't give money!

But they didn't expect that the Huang Silang who attended the funeral was a fake, and the real Huang Silang was safe and sound.

In the end, the gangsters only got the ransom from the other two families.

The brothers thought that since they got the money, they could withdraw it, but Zhang Mazi said that what he wanted was Huang Silang's money!
In the end, the gangsters distributed the silver to the common people overnight. When the second and third passed by the J courtyard, they specially threw two big bags to the old friend.

Unexpectedly, the mask was removed on the spot, so the second and third child could only tie her up in front of the boss and let him deal with it.

As a result, just after she found out that the county magistrate was Zhang Mazi, she was so frightened that she passed out.

Huang Silang heard that the gangsters gave money to the people, so he asked his subordinates to become gangsters and go to the city to do bad things and set the blame.

They broke into a house, held the man down, and gave her wife something.

At dawn the next day, the couple came to the gate of the county government office to beat drums and complain.

The famous scene is coming!
When the sentence "Brother, you know me" came out, the audience almost couldn't stop laughing.

But it wasn't over yet, the keen Zhang Mazi found out that something was wrong with the master!There must be ghosts!
They rushed into the master's room, only to find a big man who claimed to be eight years old hidden in the room!

Audiences who are familiar with [Bright Entertainment] burst out laughing, because this big guy is the director Han Jie!
As a professional film critic, Wu Gang was once a director. How could he not know Han Jie?
He couldn't help but laugh at the moment, mainly because the image of Han Jie wearing a red bellyband was so joyful.

It turned out that this was a romantic debt left over from that year.

The woman said that her six-year-old son was taken away by the creditor, and if he didn't pay back the money, the ticket would be torn up!

Seeing this, Zhang Mazi gave her the two gems that Huang Silang had given her.

That night, both sides appeared in the city wearing bandit masks.

In the end, they didn't expect that the masks they wore were all four tubes, and they peeked at each other, but they didn't know who to hit.

Wait until they disperse before opening fire on each other.

When Huang Silang received the report from his subordinates, he thought they had won, so he took his subordinates to the street to look at the corpse with a smile.

Who would have thought that the housekeeper Hu Wan would have died as soon as the mask was lifted!
Only then did Zhang Mazi slowly walk over with the people, and he opened his mouth and said that the bandits were all from the Huang Mansion, and that it was Huang Silang who was here shouting "Stop the thief!"
Of course, Huang Silang would not admit it, and directly fired a few shots at Hu Wan, with a righteous expression on his face!

Zhang Mazi took this as a threat and took the opportunity to leave the 180 million!

Huang Silang had no choice but to pay the money.

In front of Xiaoliu's grave, Zhang Mazi said that he already had a plan and asked the second child to explore the road first.

At the same time, he also confessed to his master that his real name is Zhang Muzhi.

When he was young, he was a soldier and went to the Japanese country. When he came back, the world was in chaos, so he had no choice but to become a bandit.

Muzhi screamed and screamed, and was also called Mazi.

(End of this chapter)

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