Chapter 460

Huang Silang was cheated of so much money by Zhang Mazi, so naturally he couldn't let it go.

He got a landmine, which was so powerful that only two were made, and the last one was used up during the [-] Revolution.

And this one, he intends to use it to kill the county magistrate!
Not only that, he also found another pockmarked person to pretend to be Zhang Pocky!
At the other end, Sister Hua held two guns, one pointed at Zhang Mazi and the other pointed at herself!

She used this method to prove that she was brave and wanted to join the bandits!

Zhang Mazi also agreed, and asked her to take care of Huang Silang's double.

Who would have thought that the other Huang Silang had tracked down the real photo of the county magistrate!

No matter what Zhang Mazi said, Huang Silang naturally couldn't believe it.

At this time, the master can only help Zhang Mazi lie, saying that Zhang Mazi is his nephew, and his nephew is like an uncle!

Huang Silang didn't care when he saw this, and took out money to let the county magistrate go out of the city to suppress the bandits, and secretly told the master that he had bought six officials, and he could share some of them with the master after the matter was completed.

Zhang Mazi set off with his troops, but not long after leaving the city, he ran into fake Zhang Mazi's troops, who led a team to hijack the car.

During the scuffle between the two sides, money was scattered all over the place.

The gangsters blew the signal, and everyone rushed to the mountain, only to find that the second child sent out before had been hanged to death.

This made Zhang Mazi and others very angry, killed the fake hemp bandits, and caught fake Mazi.

Fake Mazi took out a familiar box, hoping to exchange his life with the treasure inside.

The master recognized it right away, this box is exactly the box that held the gems before!

The master collapsed now, feeling that his wife and children were dead, screamed and ran down the mountain, driving the carriage to a distance.

In the end, it touched a landmine and was blown into the sky.

Zhang Mazi ran over in a hurry, and dug out the dying master from the pile of silver.

The master has been blown into two pieces, and his lower body is hanging on a tree, which looks ridiculous.

The master looked at Zhang Mazi and said, "I have five certificates of commission in my pocket on the tree, and I've given them to you. Don't go back to Goose City, it's too dangerous there."

The audience who heard this was funny and sad, with complicated thoughts.

Zhang Mazi buried his master and brought everyone back to Goose City!
He led his brothers to sprinkle the silver on the streets of the city, and the white silver was spread all over the street, which looked so shocking.

After one night, all the silver on the street was picked up.

The brothers were very happy when they saw this, and felt that the odds of winning were high, but Zhang Mazi said that it hadn't come yet.

Seeing this, Huang Silang directly asked his subordinates to drive the carriage through the streets.

As soon as the common people got the money, they all handed it in again.

The brothers under his command felt that the money was wasted, but Zhang Mazi felt that the odds of winning were high!

So Zhang Mazi scattered the guns and ammunition all over the floor again.

After one night, the guns and ammunition were gone.

Huang Silang is still an old trick, asking his men to drive the carriage out to collect the guns!

But this time, not only did his carriage not receive the gun, but was beaten to death by Zhang Mazi and the common people!

Seeing that the time was ripe, Zhang Mazi rode into the street and shouted, "Down with Huang Silang!"

They walked around the city several times before they saw the timid people picking up their guns and poking their heads out.

Zhang Mazi shouted, and led his brothers to kill Huang Silang's bunker, only to find that the common people did not follow.

Only a group of swaying big white geese followed, after all, this is Goose City.

Only then did Zhang Mazi realize that the people's backs had been bent, they didn't dare to resist at all, they only dared to help the winners!
Zhang Mazi had only four people outside the bunker, while Huang Silang had hundreds of people!
Zhang Mazi could only lead people to shoot randomly at the gate of the bunker, pretending to be fighting people, trying to attract the people to help.

But no matter how much commotion they made, there was still not a single commoner.

Until late at night, Lao San and Hua Jie came back with the fake Huang Silang.

Now Zhang Mazi has a solution!
Carried the fake directly to the street, pretending to be victorious.

Amidst the cheers of the common people, Zhang Mazi chopped off the head of the counterfeit in front of all the common people!
He held the knife in one hand, and the blood on the white shirt was so dazzling.

He announced that Huang Silang was dead, and asked the common people to go to the watchtower to get back their own things!
The common people rushed forward with their guns. What's even more ironic is that the first person to rush into the bunker was actually the martial arts leader of the Huangfu.

But the real Huang Silang had to pretend to be a fake in order to save his life.

Zhang Mazi gave him a gun and a bullet, saying that he would kill himself, at least he would die with dignity.

Not long after, Zhang Mazi heard the gunshot, but saw Huang Silang appear on the roof and detonated the building!

At the end of the story, the brothers who have been through life and death for many years decided not to be bandits in the future, and they will take Sister Hua to the magic capital.

Zhang Mazi regretted it in his heart, but he could only say that he kept in touch with him when he had time.

An eagle flew by in the sky, and Zhang Mazi was driving on the railway alone.

Just at this moment, another horse-drawn train came by. The people on the train were also eating hot pot and singing, and there was a man who looked like a master standing at the rear of the train.

The movie ends slowly.

When the lights in the reaction hall were turned on, the audience was clearly divided into two types.

The first one is confused and a little confused, and treats this simple thing as a black comedy.

The second type, I understand it, and I can't help but be overwhelmed!
Wu Gang belongs to the latter, especially because he has been a director, he can see many details clearly!
Looking down, he saw that the little book he had brought had already been densely recorded, all of which were subconsciously written by his hands while watching a movie.

Although it is very scribbled and chaotic, he can still emerge some details in the movie through these words.

No, I have to go out and ask the scalpers if there are still tickets!
There are too many things that are missed after watching this kind of movie!
There are not a few film critics like him now!They went out to look for scalpers one after another, but when they found the scalpers, they were dumbfounded.

The scalpers don't have today's movie tickets in their hands, and if they want to watch it, the fastest they can do is tomorrow's first show!
Wu Gang gritted his teeth and bought it!The first game tomorrow will be the first game tomorrow!

And on the Internet, the bullets are completely flying!

People who have watched this movie are full of praise, especially the lines in it, which are even talked about by audience netizens.

And to say that the audience likes it the most, or the line of the brothers: "Brother, you know me!"

Because of the role of Hu Wan, Song Wei was rated as an acting school by countless audiences, and finally completely took off the hat of "idol".

That sentence: "Isn't this bullying honest people" has become a hot word at the moment, and is often used in short videos on Douhou.

And the master played by Zhang Mo is regarded by netizens as Zhang Mo's most successful role since his debut!
The movie is on fire!
Actors, even hotter!

(End of this chapter)

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