Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 461 The Actors Guild

Chapter 461 The Actors Guild
This work once again pushed Chu Qing to the altar!

Even just a day after the film was released, it was announced by the domestic Three Gold Film Festival that it had been shortlisted for the three awards of Best Actor, Best Film, and Best Director!
As for the best supporting actor and actress, it goes without saying!

This scale is the first time in the Chinese film industry!
Even the previous "Shawshank Redemption" did not have this kind of treatment!

After all, that movie is not a Chinese movie, and the actors are all foreign actors.

But this time is different!
Everyone from top to bottom is Chinese!
This is a prosperous age belonging to the Chinese people!At the same time, "Let the Bullets Fly" has also been screened in various places abroad.

Although they can't understand many details because of cultural differences, this does not prevent them from enjoying the black humor in the film.

Because of this work, Chu Qing's status in the film world has risen again!

When the premiere box office came out, no one in the industry could speak for it!
"Let the Bullets Fly" single-day box office 19 billion!

With this number, people all over the world have a new understanding of the Huaxia market!
It also made countless foreign directors go crazy!

Single-day box office 19 billion!What a terrifying box office purchasing power this is!
No wonder the whole world says that Chinese people are rich, it's so terrifying!

The whole [Bright Entertainment] was beaming.

Not only domestic, but foreign branches as well.

This movie successfully made [Bright Entertainment] gain a foothold in the world.

Domestic film critics seem to be celebrating the New Year!
I don't even know how many people have been in the movie theater for several days, and the only thought is to thoroughly understand this movie!
But every time I watch "Let the Bullets Fly", I always find something new!
This feeling makes them love and hate!

But at this moment, Chu Qing unexpectedly received the task from above.

"What? The actors' guild?"

In Bright Entertainment's office, there were some differences between Chu Qing and Song Dawei.

"That's right, you've also seen our domestic film market. Not only is it number one in the world, but the box office is also increasing every year. Therefore, more and more people are joining the entertainment industry now."

"Three teachings and nine streams, there are all kinds of people, and there is no specific rule, so the higher-ups plan to set up the Huaxia Actors Guild to control these actors!"

The old leader sitting in front of Chu Qing was eloquent. Chu Qing seemed to be listening seriously, but in fact he was already thinking quickly in his mind.

If an actor's guild is established, what are the advantages and disadvantages for oneself?

How to distinguish between actors, and what should newcomers in the company do.

But before Chu Qing could figure it out, what the old leader said made him and Song Dawei stand on the spot in a daze.

"The higher-ups plan to make you the president of the actor's guild!"

Chu Qing was startled, her eyes widened slightly!

Song Dawei's performance was even more obvious!
But then, Chu Qing figured it out. If he became the president of the actor's guild, then after the head of the art troupe he was in retired, wouldn't it be his turn?
Chu Qing took a look at Song Dawei, and Song Dawei immediately fixed the joints, and hurriedly said.

"Um, isn't Chu Qing's qualifications a little lower? Isn't it good to give him such an important position to a young man?"

Who is the old leader? He has been in the circle for so many years, and he knows what it means when he sees the eye contact between the two.

"Hey, I don't have to retire until four or five years away. What are you in a hurry for? When I retire, you will be 40 years old. I will write a letter of recommendation to your superiors. In addition, you have the relationship with your father-in-law. In this position Can you still run?"

After hearing this, Chu Qing didn't feel embarrassed either. After all these years, her face had already grown as thick as a city wall.

Song Dawei also smiled when he heard it.

"Then leader, how does this actor's guild decide?"

Song Dawei asked a question for Chu Qing, the leader smiled.

"It's also simple. The main thing is to grade and divide actors. When actors are treated unfairly, they can ask the guild for help."

"But at the same time, not all actors can join. In the future, only actors recognized by the actor's guild will be recognized by the higher-ups!"

Chu Qing and Song Dawei were shocked when these words came out!

Only actors recognized by the actor's guild can be recognized by the top!

What is this equivalent to?Gold Medal Token Arrow!
With this one in hand, who would dare not join?And to join the actor's guild, you have to obey the arrangement!

This is so simple!
Chu Qing didn't need to think about it, this would definitely cause quite a commotion!It may even cause a backlash in the industry, that's why the leader said, and this will be implemented in the future.

At the same time, Chu Qing also understood why he made himself the chairman instead of appointing an old artist.

It is precisely because he is young and influential that in the future, he will be able to hold the field!
This is a double-edged sword!

After the game is over, Chu Qing will speak his mind in the Huaxia actor circle!

If you don't play well, everyone will cast aside!
And for this kind of opportunity, Chu Qing will definitely not give up!

On September [-], "Let the Bullets Fly" was officially taken off the shelves.

Domestic box office, 120 billion!
Foreign box office, 100 billion!

It became the first movie in the country with a global box office of over 200 billion, with a total box office of 220 billion, ranking second in the world box office!
This made all the audience in Huaxia extremely excited!
It is a symbol of a Chinese film that ranks second in the world box office.

And the creator of all this is not even 40 years old this year!

Who knows how many good works he will have in the future?At this moment, their hearts are full of hope.

He even wondered if it was possible to replace Li Jian as the world's largest country!

And on this day, the official account suddenly announced a news.

The major official media announced at the same time that it will become the Huaxia Actors Guild!
The first president will be Chu Qing!
As soon as the news came out, netizens cheered again. In their view, this was the affirmation of Chu Qing by the leaders above.

But some artists in the industry are completely confused.

Screen Actors Guild?Didn't this kind of thing already exist?

For example, in Hengdian and some film and television cities, there are actors' guilds.

If you want to be a ensemble performer or a special guest, you have to join the Actors Guild, and they will give you an actor certificate. If you face salary disputes, etc., the Actors Guild will also help mediate.

But once they become famous, even as long as they are third-tier, they seldom affiliate with the actors' union.

Because they all had their own companies at that time, the companies would naturally help them deal with these matters.

But the actor's guild created by the government with such a great momentum can't be aimed at group performers, right?

But if it targets actors like them, will their company agree?
You know, who can establish such a large media company without two backers?
(End of this chapter)

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