Chapter 462

But at the moment, there are still some companies that don't realize the seriousness of the actor's guild.

After the Actors Guild announced its establishment, people began to announce to join the Actors Guild one after another.

It's just that the ones who joined were some third-tier and low-level actors.

Now the first and second tiers of the Actors Guild are all [Bright Entertainment]'s own people.

These companies are giving Chu Qing their power!
Chu Qing's unscrupulous release of movies before forced them to change the schedule, which was embarrassing.

Now it's Chu Qing's turn to be ashamed!
Aren't you the president of the Screen Actors Guild?Then I really want to see how you feel when you become a polished commander!
But immediately afterwards, Qi Lin posted a line on the official Weibo.

"In the future, [Bright Entertainment] will only cooperate with actors signed to the Actors Guild for all scripts, endorsements, and activities!"


Before, the actors could still listen to the company, but after Chu Qing said so, they stopped doing it!
Look at the popularity of the actors who filmed "Let the Bullets Fly"?

Can't hinder our development for the sake of your relationship?

Stand in my way, that's my enemy!
Not to mention that Chu Qing directly found some seniors in the industry to take the lead and announced that he would join the actors' union.

For a while, those companies were riding a tiger, and they could only compromise in the end.

But at this time, if you want to join, Chu Qing doesn't want everyone!
Strict review standards at all levels, but anyone who has done illegal things will not be allowed!
Those who are not Chinese nationalities are not allowed!
With just these two items, less than half of the people will be screened out!

Especially the last one, it's too ruthless!
Directly annoyed many artists of foreign nationality!There is a lot of cursing on the Internet, including many well-known old artists.

The netizens are not used to them at all, why?Are you the ones who scold people?
"Fishing money in China, but holding foreign nationality, you will not die!"

"Who knows? It's you people who are shamelessly talking about it!"

"The first thing to become a foreign nationality is to swear that you will love your country wholeheartedly. You shameless foreigners, why are you making money in China? Support Chu Qing!"

"Yes! Support Chu Qing!"

This time, Chu Qing was on the cusp of the storm and offended many people.

But he is not afraid, because standing behind him is the will of this country!What are some ghosts and monsters?When the sun came out, it was time for them to perish!

In this way, the time has come to October [-]st!

In one month, more than 1000 people have joined the actor's guild!

Most of them are small fourth- and fifth-tier artists, and there are few third-tier artists.

But that's okay, it's still a good start.

And on October [-]st, the spy war drama filmed above was released.

Word of mouth, quite intriguing.

When the premiere box office came out the next day, it was even more silent.

The 3000 million premiere box office didn't even earn back the promotional expenses!
Since the Huaxia film market has grown, there have been fewer such first-run box office tens of millions!
Naturally, someone needs to take the blame for this matter, and of course it is impossible for the screenwriter, after all, they are here to gild, not to take the blame.

So this pot naturally fell on the director's head.

After the actor's guild was established, some staff members were sent to help manage it.

Chu Qing became the shopkeeper, after all, there were not so many things to do when it was just established, as long as the actor resources were arranged reasonably.

The rest will naturally be done by his subordinates.

All he needs to do is to attract more artists to join the actor's guild, and what Chu Qing does for this is also very simple.

Directly announced that [Bright Entertainment] will personally invest in the shooting of a blockbuster next year!
This movie will be co-directed by Chu Qing and Han Jie!And all actors, including leading actors and actresses, will only be selected from the actor's guild!
One stone caused a thousand waves!

This is about Chu Qing!
Almost all the artists of the younger generation in Huaxia are crazy!

Chu Qing and Han Jie co-directed. If anyone can be the protagonist of this movie, wouldn't they take off in place?

Besides, joining the actor's guild can also guarantee their future, so why not join?

Right now, the actor's guild is ushering in a frenzy of joining!
Before New Year's Day, more than half of the actors in Huaxia are in the actor's guild!
This made some companies start to panic, no matter how stupid they are, they will understand that this is an action from the top!

Otherwise, how could the higher-ups ignore this kind of recruiting that can be called a monopoly?

Sure enough, on New Year's Day, the higher-ups issued another order.

"For all the dramas, only the actors from the actor's guild will be used!"

As soon as this order was promulgated, it directly triggered an earthquake!
The previous speculation has become a reality at this moment!

All the artists who didn't join the actor's guild before panicked.

The domestic actor circle was instantly divided into two circles. The first circle was the artists of the Actors Guild, which represented orthodoxy!

Other artists have turned into wild circles, who can bear this?

Many artists even came to the actor's guild in person, hoping to join.

But the screening standards of the Actors Guild are much stricter!This makes the actors really want to scold the street.

But it is those companies who want to scold the street more!

Because of the actor's guild, the net worth of actors has also changed.

Artists within the actor's guild have increased in price, while those outside the actor's guild have dropped in price!
This is because those who can join the actor's guild prove that they are 'clean'!
Don't worry about using this kind of actor, you won't be caught filming for some reason and lead to reshoots!It's worth it even if it's a little expensive.

And those artists who didn't join the actor's guild before, their intestines are full of regret.

Now anyone who has not joined the Actors Guild is considered a 'flawed artist' in the hearts of the audience!
Who made the Actors Guild have an official background?

And this undoubtedly affected the interests of many people, so various attacks against [Bright Entertainment] followed one after another!

More than a dozen companies have jointly established the [Actors Alliance]!
They also recruited actors, and all of these dozens of companies are big companies. This combination can be called the overlord in the country!

This is a means for them to show their attitude!
More than a dozen companies have united together, are you afraid of an actor's guild that has not been established for half a year?
However, they underestimated Chu Qing too much, and they underestimated the official too!
Under Chu Qing's use of props, some of the dark sides of these dozen companies have been put on the bright side!


It fell apart in an instant!

For a while, not only did they fail to stop the actors' guild, but they became street rats that everyone shouted and beat!

This is a lesson for other companies, let them think about whether they have the strength before they have other ideas!

(End of this chapter)

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