Chapter 463 The Finale
Silently, the entertainment empire created by Chu Qing has grown into a behemoth.

Especially after the establishment of the Actors Guild, it has grown to be one of the best in the circle.

But there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight!

When Chu Qing enjoys the convenience brought by rights, she is also restricted by many rules of rights.

Fortunately, he has a system by his side, so he can handle it.

And during the Spring Festival this year, even more people came to visit Chu Qing's house!

Many of them had no relationship with Chu Qing at all before, and they just knew each other that there was someone like each other, but now, they all came to visit.

But Chu Qing dare not accept gifts from such people. Who can guarantee that there are no contraband in them?

And now Chu Qing has reached the status of being able to say no to others!

In the second year, Chu Qing held a meeting for the first time as the president of the actor's guild.

However, this meeting is only for first-tier and above artists, and others are not qualified even if they want to come!

The venue for this meeting is in the new building of the [Actors Union].

Nowadays, there are more than 100 first-line artists in China, men and women together.

There are still many newcomers who have just been promoted, otherwise they may not be more than a hundred.

After waiting for everyone to be seated, Chu Qing came late.

It's not that Chu Qing has drifted away as soon as he became a leader, but that if he comes too early, it will be a kind of pressure on those artists who arrive late.

Rather than that, it would be better if he came a little later.

As soon as Chu Qing entered the arena, someone wanted to stand up and say hello, so Chu Qing hurriedly pressed his hands down.

"Hey, don't do this, I don't like it."

Chu Qing really didn't like it, after all, many of the frontlines at the scene were seniors.

Asking a group of old seniors to stand up and say hello to him, it's not nice to say it.

Not to mention that many people here only joined the actor's guild because of his face!

Chu Qing naturally came to the main seat and sat down, and glanced at the audience.

Not all those who came were celebrities, but some were managers or work assistants.

After all, you can't guarantee that all the stars will be free during this time, if you don't have time to come, let your agent come.

If the agent has no time, let the work assistant come.

If the work assistant didn't come, it can only explain two problems, the first is that they were not notified, and the second is that they are crazy!
Chu Qing glanced at the personnel list, and spoke only after seeing that everyone had arrived.

"First of all, I am very grateful for taking time out of my busy schedule to attend the meeting!"

"This meeting has three main contents."

"The first one, about foreign artists, I have said this once before. Now the Chinese market is growing very fast. Since you have given up your identity as a Chinese, then don't make money in China! This point, It won't change!"

"Article [-], regarding bad artists, once they are discovered, whether they should be hired or not, if the circumstances are bad, they will be completely banned!"

"In addition to being an actor, we have another identity, a public figure! Our words and deeds can affect many people!"

"You don't have to spread positive energy, but I don't want anyone to spread negative energy either!"

"The third, and the latest one, is that male artists are too feminine!"

As soon as Chu Qing said this, the expressions of some young artists in the venue were a little bit wrong.

Because they are the overly feminine male artists that Chu Qing said!

Although they don't admit it, in the hearts of the audience, they are such an image!
Now, when the president of the actor's guild said that, who wouldn't be upset?
"This is a very bad image, especially for some children. What we should pass on to them are correct values ​​and world views, instead of such disgusting things as eating peaches and super sweet candies!"

"Is it necessary to let this kind of people defend their homes and the country after the next generation grows up? After they go to the battlefield, laugh at the enemy to death?"

Chu Qing's words were a little sloppy, and the faces of several people at the scene turned red and white.

Chu Qing coughed and said: "From now on! Actors should look like actors, and actresses should look like actresses!"

The meeting room was quiet, Chu Qing said slowly after glancing at them.

"What issues can be raised now, we will solve them in the conference room, but after we walk out of this conference room, nothing can be changed!"

Everyone at the scene was still quiet. Seeing that no one objected, Chu Qing slowly took out a script and said.

"Since there is no objection, I will announce our plan for the next three years!"

"In the next three years, every October [-]st, we will release a movie! I have already written the scripts of the three movies, and this will be our epic masterpiece in China!"

""Founding of the Republic"!"

""The Founding of the Party"!"

""The Founding of an Army"!"

When Chu Qing announced the names of the three scripts, everyone at the scene became excited.

Isn't the main goal of them joining the actor's guild to cooperate with Chu Qing?

And now these three works can be known from the names alone, they must be rare big productions!Otherwise, would you dare to name it like this?
What's even more rare is that one can tell at a glance that it must be a serious drama!
Chu Qing continued: "This time, I will be the lead director! As for the actors, I will choose among you!"

Chu Qing's words directly heated up the atmosphere at the scene!

If you can play a role in this kind of drama, it will undoubtedly be the greatest affirmation from the official!
And Chu Qing directly announced that "The Founding of a Nation" is already in preparation, and I hope the actors can report to him about the future schedule, and they will allocate it reasonably!

Who would say that he has no schedule?

Many people even said that as long as they are selected, their subsequent schedules can be delayed, or even breached!
In this way, within half a month, the cast list of "The Founding of a Nation" was finalized.

When waiting for the list of actors to be announced, the industry couldn't help being a little dumbfounded!
What kind of fairy lineup is this?The second "Let the Bullets Fly"?
This guy, wishing he could even play tricks on the actor!Is this lineup a little too much?

But then, Chu Qing announced the lineup of "The Founding of the Party" and "The Founding of the Army"!

The audience saw that this is a trilogy!

And can this kind of cast list really do it?
As it turns out, it can!

And those artists who didn't join the actor's guild, when they saw the movie project, their envious eyes grew!
He didn't get a share of this serious drama?

Even if you let yourself play tricks?

However, what they didn't expect was that the shooting speed would be so fast!

After announcing the list of actors in April, it was directly announced that the filming would start on May [-]st and it would be released on November [-]st!

The time for shooting and editing is only half a year!
If this is a low-budget movie, half a year is enough, after all, [Bright Entertainment] has always been famous for its fast shooting speed in the industry!

But this kind of luxurious production can also be completed?
The answer is, yes!
And it's very well done!

For these three films, Chu Qing received the greatest support from above, asking for people to give, and things for things!

That's why the speed can be so fast and the quality can be so good!
When it was released on October [-]st, the box office did not disappoint these people, with a box office of tens of billions!

This once again made those who didn't join the actor's guild regret it, what the hell, why didn't you say such a good thing earlier?

But it's not over yet!

The "Founding of a Nation" has just been released, and Chu Qing announced that "The Founding of the Party" will be released on October [-] next year!
And after "The Founding of the Party" is "The Founding of the Army"!
Chu Qing's Jianguo Trilogy once again brought about earth-shaking changes in the circle!More actors break their heads and join the actor's guild!
For a while, more than [-]% of the actors joined the actor's guild, and the rest, except for foreign artists, were some bad performers.

This is almost the end of the way for this group of people in the Chinese show business circle. They can only leave their hometowns and go to Southeast Asia, where the market has been obviously huge in the past two years, and plan to make a breakthrough here.

But when they arrived at the place, they found that the entertainment industry here had long been named Chu!
Chu Qing is the leader in the domestic entertainment industry, and she is also the leader in Southeast Asia!
In the second year, after "The Founding of the Party" was released, Chu Qing released another benefit in the actor's guild!
That is, the artists of the Screen Actors Guild can use the channels of Lincoln Films to let themselves go to the world!

Movies from domestic film companies, if there is no channel, can also be shown in Lincoln Film Company's theaters!

This is an export of Chinese culture!

Since Chu Qing released "Let the Bullets Fly" in the world before, the Chinese now have a place in the world's movies, but this is far from enough!

We have the largest film market in the world, so why let foreigners make money in our country?

This time, Chu Qing planned to lead a counterattack!

Although the previous few times must have failed, Huaxia has never been the kind of country that is afraid of failure because it is afraid of failure!
There is always someone who wants to find a way out, and Chu Qing is willing to be the one who finds a way out!
In the third year, after "The Founding of an Army" was released, another small event happened in the circle.

That is, the head of the Railway Art Troupe has resigned, and the successor is Chu Qing!
The name of Iron Boss is not for nothing!
Chairman of Guangming Group!
Chairman of Lincoln Films!
President of the Huaxia Actors Association!

Head of the Railway Art Troupe!
Each of these four titles is not simple, but now they are all in one!
Sea K, offshore

On a yacht, Chu Qing, Duan Peng, and Song Dawei were leisurely fishing with a sea pole each.

Duan Peng was wearing beach shorts and a big straw hat.

"This shit, it doesn't bite the hook, does it?"

Duan Peng has never been a patient person. If Chu Qing and Song Dawei were not there, he would have wanted to leave a long time ago.

Song Dawei gained a lot of weight after getting married, Wan Wen said with a chuckle.

"Be a little patient. Patience is lost in fishing. You look so frizzy. When will the fish take the bait?"

Chu Qing didn't speak, but just put the sea fish he just caught into the plastic bucket beside him.

There are far more fish in his bucket than two people.

Seeing this, Song Dawei couldn't help curling his lips and said: "You are a good singer, a good filmmaker, and now you are so good at fishing, are you still giving us ordinary people a way to survive?"

Chu Qing smiled, hung the bait on the hook, and threw it into the sea water.

"Viagra, you said that you want to live your whole life again, how are you going to live?"

Song Dawei scratched his head and said, "I haven't thought about it. I am already very satisfied with my life. If there is a next life, I will just meet you sooner and become your manager sooner!"

Hearing the words, Chu Qing looked at Duan Peng again and said, "Dapeng, what about you?"

Duan Peng shook his head: "Like Viagra, I am very satisfied with my current life."

Song Dawei looked at Chu Qing curiously and said, "Hey, don't just ask us, if you live your life again, how do you plan to live?"

"Me? I intend to."

Ding!The fusion of parallel worlds is complete, the host should cherish the chance of rebirth!

 The book that should have been cut long ago is almost a million stumbling.

  The new book "What to Do if You Accidentally Debut" is the first non-systematic book of Shan Gui, you deserve it!

(End of this chapter)

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