Chapter 49

When Chu Qing saw this ID, she felt familiar, and then remembered, isn't this the rich woman who has always praised her in the blue sea!

"Thank you, Miss Xiao, for your reward. I didn't expect me to sing in a different place, and you still praise me so much!"

Chu Qing suppressed the excitement in his heart, after all, he and the platform are half of the gift from the platform!

The three treasure ships can get [-] by themselves, and even after paying the tax, they can get [-]!It's all money!
Xiao Xue's three treasure ships directly placed herself at the top of the list!
She typed on the public screen: "Brother, keep working hard, and sister will always support you!"

"Thank you, thank you Miss Xiao"

Chu Qing showed a sunny smile, which made many male fans speechless for a while.

They didn't believe it when Cui Qiqi said that Chu Qing was eating soft food, but now they suddenly believe it.

But this soft rice is a bit different, this is what the fuck someone delivers the rice to, and feeds him bite by bite!
Chu Qing was thanking Xiao Xue, and the live broadcast screen shook again!
"Chu Qing's eldest wife!Send the treasure ship to host Chu Qing! '

"Chu Qing's eldest wife!Send the treasure ship to host Chu Qing! '


This time there are five ships!Chu Qing was dumbfounded.

It's not a metaphor, he is really in a daze, but in the eyes of female fans, this is just cute.

Xiao Xuebang's No. [-] position was not yet hot, but he was squeezed out by this ruthless old lady named Chu Qing!
It took two or three seconds for Chu Qing to react, and hurriedly thanked her.

"Um, thank you, Mrs. Chu Qing, your ID is really, really"

Chu Qing's reaction in front of the camera was like a pure boy, but in fact he was laughing like crazy in his heart!

In the blink of an eye, it was a share of tens of thousands of yuan!If this guy is like this every day, wouldn't he also have a chance to buy a house in Yanjing?
Seeing this, Xiao Xue also swiped five treasure ships, threw out 8 yuan in a blink of an eye, and returned to the top of the list again!

Not only Chu Qing was dumbfounded, but the audience in the live broadcast room were also dumbfounded!
The difference between this treasure ship and other gifts is that when someone swipes the treasure ship in a live broadcast room, other users will see the prompt!
A dozen or so treasure ships were revealed in a row, which attracted many people to Chu Qing's live broadcast room.

Then the people who applied for Lianmai with him are already 99+!
Chu Qing didn't have time to talk to them at all, Chu Qing was confused by the other party's gift, Chu Qing hurriedly said.

"It's okay! It's okay! Two sisters, no one's money came from the wind. You two can watch my live broadcast. In fact, I am already very happy. There is no need to spend so much money."

Before Chu Qing could finish speaking, the third local tyrant appeared!

"Chu Qing's second aunt!Send the host Chu Qing to the treasure ship'

"Chu Qing's second aunt!Send the host Chu Qing to the treasure ship'


This person is also five treasure ships in one breath. Chu Qing thought it was the eldest wife at first, but after a closer look, he realized that it was the second concubine!

Chu Qing couldn't help but smile, what the hell is this!Where did I come from, my eldest wife and second concubine!
After the second aunt finished swiping the gift, she also typed on the public screen: "My family runs a wind power station, and my money is blown by the strong wind. I'll swip it for you!"

Chu Qing waved his hand again and said, "Please don't swipe anymore, you have made me feel unrewarded! Everyone just watch the live broadcast and treat it as a chat with friends."

Before Chu Qing finished speaking, 'Chu Qing's eldest wife' was another five treasure ships!

In just a short while, she swiped a gift worth 10 yuan!Straight to the top of the list again!

And the second aunt also swiped four more ships, becoming the second on the list!

Chu Qing hurriedly waved her hands and said: "Sister Xiao, everyone! Don't scroll anymore, if you do, I will have to download it!"

I don't know if Chu Qing's threat had an effect, the gift finally became quieter.

So now, the three VIP seats are all occupied by women!

The first place on the list, 'Chu Qing's First Wife', earned [-]!
The second place on the list, 'Chu Qing's Second Aunt', earned [-]!
The number three 'Xiao Xue' earned [-]!
In just a short while, Chu Qing can get 13!No matter how tax deducted, I still have more than [-] yuan left!

Chu Qing swallowed her saliva. If the situation develops according to this situation, and director Zhang Xiao sends the money in two days, won't she be a millionaire soon?

Thinking of this, Chu Qing felt as if there was a villain in her heart, wearing a white gauze, running on the beach under the setting sun~ah~ the feeling of first love~
Chu Qing smiled wryly at the camera in front of him, put one hand on his heart and said.

"You guys are really, my heart is pounding now, I almost didn't have a heart attack"

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room is almost 3!One must know that it has not been 10 minutes since Chu Qing started the live broadcast!

Those sand sculpture netizens also reacted, and all kinds of sand sculpture barrages flew all over the sky.

"Mom! Godmother! I'm your godson! What? You don't remember? It's okay, I remember!"

"Only a rich woman is good in the world~ A child with a rich woman is like a treasure~"

"Hey, when I was young, I didn't know how to be a rich woman, so I mistakenly regarded girls as treasures!"

"Everyone! The eldest wife and the second aunt! Do you want to consider me? I am the old Wang next door!"

"Old Wang? Isn't your ID old Han Xiaowei?"

The sand sculpture netizens were discussing excitedly, while Chu Qing said with a smile: "I haven't finished singing a song just now, and I'm patronizing and thanking everyone who brushed up the gifts. Next, I will give away the song "I Love You Regardless of Return Date" to all live streamers." Brothers and sisters in the room."

Chu Qing adjusted her emotions, and sang the song "I Love You Regardless of Return Date" full of emotion!
When Chu Qing sang the chorus affectionately, there was a momentary pause in the barrage, and they were all quietly enjoying the sounds of nature that Chu Qing brought to them.

"I love you like the wind has traveled thousands of miles and never asked the return date"

"Like the sun rises and sets, no matter the day or night"

The hearts of the rich women who listened to this lyrics almost melted, and they only sighed why the ex-girlfriend of such a good man is not himself?
Suddenly they were taken aback, huh?Wouldn't it be better not to be yourself?Then I have a chance to become his current girlfriend!This kind of man who has a dedicated relationship, is handsome and can sing, what are you waiting for if you don't hurry up and get it?

"I love you like a cloud that floats for thousands of miles without resting!"

"Like white snow raging across the boundless land!"

In the live broadcast, Chu Qing closed her eyes, frowning slightly, which made them feel distressed, and wanted to soothe those brows with love.

The more they knew what this man had gone through, the more they felt a desire to protect.

This kind of good man will become extinct if he doesn't protect him!I have to take on this glorious task, and I must not let those scumbags get close to him!
At the moment, gifts are flying all over the sky again, and the people who swipe can't even see the barrage!

 Thank you for looking back at the boss for the reward, long time no see~

(End of this chapter)

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