Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 50 Madam, please collect tickets!

Chapter 50 Madam, please collect tickets!
When Chu Qing sang this song, she kept her eyes closed, and when she opened them to see the list, she was taken aback!
Xiao Xue is fine, her gifts haven't changed much, but the amount of gifts for the first wife and the second concubine have changed!
The first place on the list, 'Chu Qing's First Wife', earned a total of 15!
The second place on the list, 'Chu Qing's Second Concubine', earned a total of 12!
In just one night, not counting other people's small gifts, these three rich women paid Chu Qing 35 yuan!

Such a big movement even caught the attention of some official administrators.

They immediately reported this matter, and waited for the person in charge to see that it was Chu Qing who was broadcasting live, and increased the drainage of the live broadcast room without saying a word!

Chu Qing watched as the number of people online in his live broadcast room went from [-] to [-], and then from [-] to [-]!
After [-], the increase has slowed down, but it has continued to grow at a relatively stable rate.

Chu Qing was working hard to adjust his mentality, and his experience as a salesman in his previous life helped him again.

The more people there are, the less you can panic and the more confident you have to be!Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here today, my goods are the best!You have to buy mine!If you don't believe it yourself, how can you convince your customers?
Thinking of this, the expression on Chu Qing's face became more confident.

There are only 5 people, maybe they are all false data?
Chu Qing wronged Shaking Hands. Shaking Hands' real-name system is extremely strict, and it is almost impossible to buy zombie fans.

The number of people online during the live broadcast is absolutely real data, not adulterated at all!
For those big anchors, if there are 10,000+ people watching during the live broadcast, that is already a great achievement!
That is to say, only when those big stars broadcast live, can there be more than 20 or more than 30 online people.

Like Chu Qing, who has millions of fans and more than 5 people live online, it can only be said that those few treasure ships were not in vain!
"Welcome, welcome all newcomers to my live broadcast room. I am a new anchor. If you haven't paid attention to it, you can pay attention to it."

Chu Qing put his palms together and bowed to the camera.

It was Chu Qing's first live broadcast in two lifetimes, and his words and actions were all learned from other anchors in his previous life.

The barrage was still flickering fast, and when Chu Qing was about to take a screenshot to see the barrage, suddenly a Lianmai request flashed below!
This person also wears Chu Qing's brand name, which is a very old-fashioned title 'Chu Jiajun'!
Chu Qing also felt a little ashamed, but this thing is practical!
This person's rank is very high. Only after seeing the profile picture clearly did he realize that he was actually the first lady on the list!

Chu Qing directly clicked to agree, and he paid 10,000+ for himself!Can even a Mai himself push three obstacles and four obstacles?

The live broadcast screen is divided into two, Chu Qing is on the left, and the eldest wife is on the right.

The picture on the right flashes, and then a fair-skinned woman appears on the right side of the camera.

Chu Qing took the lead and said, "Hello, hello."

The woman smiled, and also waved to the camera: "Hello, my eldest wife of Chu Qing."

After hearing this, Chu Qing was somewhat embarrassed, feeling like being molested by others.

This woman could be about 27 or [-] years old, and she looked very young. Her long hair with a shawl was dyed a light flaxen color.

The most impressive thing is that she has two beautiful dimples when she smiles.

"Well, Ma'am, thank you for the gift, but it will not be necessary in the future."

"I know, family"


Chu Qing coughed lightly, adjusted her smile and said: "This will make me feel a little embarrassed, and suddenly I feel like eating soft rice, because of certain things, I am particularly resistant to the word "soft rice" now."

Although Chu Qing didn't say it clearly, everyone knew who he was talking about!

Sure enough, the live broadcast room immediately became angry!
Even the eldest wife said angrily: "She is such a disgrace to us women! Just thinking about it makes me angry!"

Chu Qing quickly waved his hands and said, "It's all over, it's all over, we have our own lives now, it's actually pretty good"

Chu Qing smiled, but the smile was not in the sunshine, but rather bitterly said: "I thought a lot before, and even thought about getting married in the future, where can I buy a house in the school district so that my children can go to school?"

He said with some self-deprecating tone: "This is very good, no one will delay anyone, and we separated in advance, very good, very good"

Chu Qing said three sentences in a row that were good, but judging from his expression, he couldn't tell what was good.

The eldest wife couldn't see Chu Qing's appearance, so she hurriedly comforted: "Why don't you marry me, my house is next to all the key schools in Yanjing"

Chu Qing almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!What is a local tyrant?This is called a local tyrant!This wave of showing off is simply unstoppable!
But is Chu Qing such an easy-to-get person?joke!Think you can get yourself with 10,000+ gifts?
Need to add money! ! !
Chu Qing smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm not good enough for you, I'm just a poor boy with no prospects"

The eldest wife said seriously: "How will you know if you don't try? I am a person who can get it very easily, once I get it, I can get it!"

As soon as these words came out, the male audience in the live broadcast room went crazy.


"Girl, do you think I can do it? I think you and I must have a common language when I give you the nickname Hanging Loincloth!"

"The loincloth has a common language? Do you take me three times?"

"Girl, mine is short, but it can spin!"

"Up and down, left and right, BABA, don't explain!"

All of a sudden, all kinds of tiger and wolf words came out.

Although there are no administrators in Chu Qing's live broadcast room, there are official management from Shaking Hands!
Right now, many people were directly banned from speaking, and a few who spoke seriously were directly kicked out of the live broadcast room!

Chu Qing didn't read the comments, and he couldn't read the comments too quickly.

Hearing what the eldest lady said, he was a little shy, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Don't be like this, you are a girl, you have to be more reserved"

When the eldest lady heard this, she nodded and said, "So you like girls like that."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head, and when he waited to raise his head again, he put on a somewhat shy expression and said, "Do you think this is okay?"

Chu Qing was shocked, and the audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

"Fuck! Women are born actors!"

"Just this expression is enough for those zombie faces to learn for a few years!"

"That's why I have whatever looks you like!"

"Sisters! You can't admit defeat, you can't let Brother Chu fall into the arms of a rich woman!"

"Chu Qing: I advise you not to meddle in your own business!"

"Don't meddle in your own business and add one!"

Chu Qing was also a little speechless, he really wanted to nod now, and then have a good chat with the rich woman about life.

But not now!The first is in the live broadcast, and the second is to maintain your own personality!
Woooooo~ Damn character design!
Woooooo~ My rich lady~
 123~Ask for tickets! 123~Ask for tickets! 123~Ask for tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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