Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 51 Preparing to Record

Chapter 51 Preparing to Record
Seeing Chu Qing's somewhat embarrassed look, the eldest wife was amused and giggled.

"The song you just played was really nice, I hope to have the opportunity to hear you sing the live version"

Chu Qing immediately seized the opportunity and said, "There will be a chance. I am currently participating in a variety show called "Idol Has an Attitude", and there will be a live performance at that time."

The eldest wife was a little surprised when she heard the words: ""Idol Has an Attitude", right? Okay, I will remember it, and I will definitely watch it when the time comes."

For this sentence, Chu Qing did not doubt the authenticity at all!
After all, this kind of woman who is close to [-] million people and rich in wealth, I believe that the program team will not reject her as an audience!

Chu Qing smiled, lightly played the guitar twice and said, "You're still the first person I've connected to the live broadcast, what song do you want to hear, I'll sing it to you."

The eldest wife's eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and she said cheerfully, "Anything is fine, as long as it is sung by you, I like it."

This sentence made many male viewers in the live broadcast room howl, as if Chu Qing was kicked away and replaced by himself!Pretty and rich, and so good-looking when she smiles, isn't this the girl of my dreams!

Chu Qing looked at the little dimples of the eldest wife, and gently plucked the guitar.

"Small dimples and long eyelashes"

"It's your most beautiful mark"

"I can't sleep every day"

"miss your smile"

The eldest lady's eyes widened when she heard the singing, and then she asked in surprise, "Is this written for me?"

Chu Qing smiled and nodded, "Well, I only thought of these few sentences for now, I hope you like them."


The big lady's eyes were about to star, and the audience in the live broadcast room were also convinced.

With such good looks and such talent, if I were a rich woman, I would love him too!

Chu Qing still wanted to chat with the little rich woman, but suddenly she saw a middle-aged woman walking out from behind the little rich woman.

The middle-aged woman was a little surprised and said: "Who is this young man? He looks very energetic."

Chu Qing didn't say anything, the barrage exploded first!

"Mom, I'm your future son-in-law!"

"mother in law!"

"Go to mother-in-law, talk to my old baby with respect, okay?"

"Mommy mommy!"

"You have to ask the tadpoles about finding your mother, they have experience."

The sand sculpture netizens had fun again, but the eldest wife went offline directly, leaving Chu Qing with a confused face.

Seeing that the second aunt and Xiao Xue had no plans to mic together, Chu Qing gave a dry cough and began to sing.

This time Chu Qing broadcast live for an hour, but received 38 gifts!
Chu Qing ranked seventh on the Shaking Hands fan list that day!
You must know that this is his first live broadcast, there is no publicity in advance, let alone a birthday or anniversary celebration, it is simply based on the three rich women.

After waiting for Chu Qing to broadcast, the official even sent two super managers to be in charge of Chu Qing's live broadcast room. In the future, when Chu Qing is live broadcasting, the super management can help maintain order and help drain traffic.

After all, Chu Qing is the official favorite of a beckoning cat-type anchor!
Because no matter how much Chu Qing earns, they can take half of it!
After the broadcast, Chu Qing was so excited that he couldn't sleep. There are two things that make Shaking Hands the best. The first point is that the dividends are the highest among all platforms. This is also the most important reason why he can attract so many big anchors!
The second point is that you can withdraw cash after the live broadcast, which is faster than the daily settlement!

However, the system will directly deduct 20.00% of the income tax, and the direction of these taxes is also open and fair, which can be found on the tax APP.

Chu Qing earned 38 this time!After the platform takes half of it, there is still 19 left.

19 and then pay 20.00% tax, that is to say, 15 will be deducted, leaving [-] in the end!

Chu Qing, who got the final figure, suddenly felt a little unhappy. It was 38 before!In the end, I only got 15 yuan, and suddenly I really wanted to add a rich woman's V letter, telling them not to use the platform for gifts in the future, just transfer the money directly.
There was nothing to say all night, and Song Dawei drove to pick up Chu Qing to record the program early the next morning.

Seeing Chu Qing's lack of energy, he couldn't help laughing: "What? You're so tired after more than an hour of live broadcast? Or did you pick up private work after the broadcast last night?"

"Private work? What kind of private work?"

"Those rich ladies gave you gifts for nothing!"


"Hey hey, it's hard work"

"Your thoughts are dirty! I'm ashamed to be with you!"

The two talked and laughed, and after picking up Tang Jiaming at an intersection, the three headed towards the film and television town.

After arriving at the film and television town, Chu Qing went to put on makeup again, Tang Jiaming held a thermos, as if you don't mess with me, I'm not in a good mind!
Song Dawei stood outside the dressing room and pinched his chin. He began to consider whether to hire a professional makeup artist!
Now a similar makeup artist starts with an average of 6000 yuan!It must be more expensive to hire a temporary one, Song Dawei rubbed his chin, and began to seriously think about the makeup artist.

While he was contemplating, Chu Qing had already walked out of the dressing room, still wearing light makeup, which was very different from the strong photography makeup on other people's faces.

This is also Chu Qing's request. If everything is the same as others, how can she stand out?

After putting on their makeup, Chu Qing and the others came to yesterday's lounge. After being assigned to A-level, even the staff's attitude towards them was much better.

Song Dawei looked at his watch and saw that the recording would take a while, so he discussed with Chu Qing about the makeup artist.

After hearing this, Chu Qing said: "I think it's better for us to rub against other people's makeup artists!"

Song Dawei was drinking water and almost spit it out.

Tang Jiaming also stared at Chu Qing with wide eyes, wondering if the current social atmosphere is like this?Are you saying this kind of thing with confidence?
Chu Qing said with a smile: "I only have two jobs now. The TV station doesn't need makeup. People who come here to record videos have professional makeup artists. If I save the makeup artist's salary, wouldn't I be able to save thousands of dollars a month? These thousands of dollars Our brothers are not happy eating barbecue~”

Song Dawei shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Director Zhang's money is about to come down. You earned another 10,000+ from the live broadcast last night. What are you doing with the money?"

Chu Qing laughed and said, "Buy pension insurance for my parents, then change my dad to a scooter, buy my mom a big solid wood wardrobe, and a big double-door refrigerator! Buy a mink, and then Buy a designer bag."

Song Dawei asked in surprise, "Give it all to your parents?"

Chu Qing thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Of course not, my living standard has to go up if I have money! Didn't you see that I eat meat for brunch now?"

Song Dawei stared at Chu Qing and said, "I'll give you three seconds to think about it and name the three people who are most important to you!"




Song Dawei stared into Chu Qing's eyes, Chu Qing said without thinking, "My father, my mother, my aunt!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, he smiled and was very satisfied with his answer. These three people are indeed the three most important to him.

"Why without you?"

Song Dawei just said this sentence lightly, and Chu Qing's body froze in place.

"You are also very important, you have to love yourself more"

Song Dawei patted Chu Qing's shoulder with complicated eyes.

 Everyone should be nicer to yourself~ ask for tickets every day~
(End of this chapter)

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