Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 52 I have something wrong, please bookmark and recommend!

Chapter 52 I have something wrong, please bookmark and recommend!

Chu Qing is a very complicated person. He used to be sunny and loved to laugh, just like the character he is trying to play now.

In fact, this can't be called acting, because before graduating from university, he was indeed like this.

Sunny, positive, full of smiles, full of expectations for the future.

Then, when the Cui Qiqi incident happened, he felt like the sky was falling when he was young.

He put everything on his shoulders, and he didn't intend to give in!He wants to fight!
But whenever he gets up, a person named Reality will slap him hard and wake him up abruptly!

After receiving more slaps, he began to learn to protect himself.

smile!All kinds of smiles!No matter who the other party is, Chu Qing can give him a smile that makes him feel comfortable!

Then there is hypocrisy, compromise, learn to make excuses, and shirk responsibility!
At the same time, he discovered that in this world, if you don't offend people, people won't offend you!

What the teacher said at the beginning can't be clapped with a slap is simply a wrong sentence!

If it's true that a slap can't be made, then there will be no such thing as a bad person in the world.

Those robbers, did you provoke him?
Those thieves, because you stole his first?
No, it's not!

It took Chu Qing ten years to grind himself from a cube with sharp edges and corners into a ball.

With one kick, the ball can go far away!
He changed himself from a fool to a conspirator who habitually thinks the worst of everyone!
This will not hurt, and it is also difficult to feel the beauty of the world.

Song Dawei looked at Chu Qing with complicated eyes. He had met too many people, especially those who had just graduated or were still in school.

Their eyes are often full of longing and yearning for the future!

Young people like to dream, they will work hard towards the dream they have, even if they are covered with bruises, it doesn't matter, isn't that what youth is all about?
But in Chu Qing's eyes, he had never seen this, never!

He never seemed to be dreaming, seeing everyone always had that incomparably gentle smile, as if he could become extremely good friends with anyone, but Song Dawei could feel that he didn't trust anyone!
Beneath those gentle eyes is a deep sense of alertness and doubts!Even when facing him, on the surface Chu Qing seemed to be very friendly and spoke kindly.

But years of experience as a manager made Song Dawei aware that Chu Qing didn't believe in him!

Song Dawei was really curious, what exactly did Chu Qing go through to make him what he is now!
All of this, it would be difficult for only one Cui Qiqi to do.

Seeing that Chu Qing was still in a daze, he smiled and patted Chu Qing's shoulder and said, "Okay, why are you still lost? Hurry up and adjust your status, we will be grouped soon!"

Chu Qing was woken up by the sound, and she came back to her senses. In an instant, all the confused expressions disappeared, and she put on that gentle smile again.

Seeing this, Song Dawei's expression became more complicated. He understood that this gentle smile had become Chu Qing's mask, and it was difficult to take it off.

Not long after, the outside staff came to inform Chu Qing to start recording the show.

After Chu Qing adjusted her smile, she opened the door of the rest room.

After waiting for Chu Qing to leave, Tang Jiaming suddenly said, "I feel that he is a little unhappy."

Song Dawei didn't answer him, and after a few seconds he said calmly: "It's inevitable, how many happy adults are there?"

Chu Qing returned to his yesterday's seat and sat down. As the director Zhang Jianshe counted down, the others also adjusted their smiles and postures.

Waiting for the director to start shouting, the scene has once again become a sea of ​​"sunshine boys".

The five mentors were standing on the stage, and Wang Zhe held his hand card and said: "After yesterday's re-grading, the scene is divided into five parts! The nine players of the A-level will occupy the C position, the B-level second echelon, the C-level The third echelon of the D-level! The fourth echelon of the D-level, and the F-level can only sing and dance together!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the F-ranks at the scene were full of loss and collapse.

The people around were suppressing their ecstasy, and they were still comforting others to cheer up.

Chu Qing's expression didn't change, it was still as gentle as water.

Of course, even if he has any expressions, it doesn't matter much. There are almost no shots for him in his position.

Wang Zhe ignored the wailing of the players, looked at the cards in his hand and said, "Nine A-level players come out!"

Hearing this, Chu Qing got up and walked towards the stage, and the other eight people also walked towards the stage from their respective positions.

After waiting for all nine people to stand in the center of the stage, Wang Zhe continued: "You just won the first round, don't be complacent, this time the theme song, everyone below will look at you, and will also think about your current performance. Position! If you want to be A-level all the time, you have to work harder than others!"

After listening to the nine people on the stage, all of them showed determination on their faces, even Chu Qing was the same!
Soon, the grading was over, and everyone was assigned to their respective training rooms in units of ten to start training.

The nine A-level people are in the same training room.

Chu Qing thought about it in his mind as he walked, fortunately, the system gave dance skills and long-term martial arts skills!Otherwise, with my own foundation that I have no foundation at all, I would make people laugh to death!

The expressions of Chu Qing and the nine people were all similar, humble and polite. After they came to the training room, the nine began to introduce each other.

Chu Qing has experience in sales and is very good at remembering people's information. Everyone just introduced them once, and Chu Qing has already remembered everyone!

At first, Chu Qing thought that her fans would be the highest, but unexpectedly, there is a person named Xie Kun here, who has more than 1000 million fans!
When he said the number of fans, Chu Qing and the others were shocked.

Even if the remaining eight of their fans add up, they are not half as much as Xie Kun!

He has undoubtedly become the C position among the nine people. There is no way, who makes people have more fans!

In today's society, who can provoke their fans?The fighting power of each of them is extremely powerful!You can kill whoever you want online!
After confirming the C position, everyone started to allocate.

This one is in charge of rap, and that one is in charge of cuteness!While waiting to be assigned to Chu Qing, everyone naturally skipped it for him.

This made Chu Qing a little confused, what's going on?Why don't you assign me some responsibility?Could it be that these people all have the problem of indirect blindness, when they saw themselves, they happened to be blind?

Chu Qing looked at the photographers at the scene, and seeing that they did not speak, Chu Qing also did not speak.

Not fighting or robbing is in line with his current personality. Just relying on his system blessing, can he still be suppressed by these young people?
You have company!I have cheats!
You have fans!I have cheats!
No matter what you have, I have it anyway!
come!Hurt each other!

 Cool is just one word~ I only say it once~ You know I can only express it with actions~
(End of this chapter)

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