Chapter 53 Theme Song

Chu Qing's confident smile attracted the camera, and at the same time attracted the attention of several other people.

Their expressions were uncontrollable and became a little dignified. Everyone knew that Chu Qing was a very strong person!It is also their biggest opponent!

A few of them looked at each other, nodded to each other, everything was silent.

Chu Qing saw everything in his eyes, and sneered inwardly when he saw this.

Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, so there is no need to talk about Liaozhai!
Soon, Jiang Liangtao and Ding Cheng walked in.

This is the music teacher and dance teacher of their team. The nine of them got up instantly and bowed to say hello.

Jiang Liangtao's smile made people feel very comfortable. As soon as he came in, his eyes fell on Chu Qing. After waiting for the nine people to say hello, he walked up to him with a smile and asked, "Chu Qing, can you sing?"

Chu Qing nodded, relying on Wusheng to bring him not only movements and skills, but also some knowledge about opera!

Jiang Liangtao suddenly became interested, and patted Chu Qing on the shoulder in fear, "My mother also sang Peking opera, Tsing Yi. I grew up listening to Peking opera."

After speaking, he actually sang like this: "Look carefully, choose carefully, and there will be colorful clouds floating on the lock bag."

Chu Qing recognized that this was an excerpt from "Suo Lin Nang". He sang the first line, and Chu Qing naturally sang the next line.

"It seems that good horses should not be so rare, they are like dragons with four hooves."

After singing, Jiang Liangtao's expression became more appreciative, and he patted Chu Qing's shoulder and said, "Nowadays, there are too few young people who can settle down and learn Peking Opera. You have worked hard!"

Chu Qing smiled shyly and said, "This is also a hobby of mine. I haven't learned it systematically. I just watch plays and listen to music. It's just a mere imitation!"

Hearing the words, Jiang Liangtao waved his hands again and again and said, "No, no, this is not an imitation. I can tell that your basic skills are pretty good!"

The two talked like no one else, and the other eight people around were dumbfounded!

What's happening here?Brother, even if you appreciate Chu Qing, at least wait until we finish introducing ourselves first!Do you know that we don't have a camera like you?
Ding Cheng had been chewing gum by the side before, seeing Jiang Liangtao chatting endlessly, he was speechless: "Brother, you are not finished yet, we are here to teach singing and dancing, not opera, people are still waiting!"

Only then did Jiang Liangtao come to his senses, and smiled and apologized to the other eight people.

Several people waved their hands repeatedly, naturally not daring to accept Jiang Liangtao's apology.

Ding Cheng was still chewing gum, not like a teacher, but more like a little sister, and she looked at Chu Qing with special interest.

But it's a pity that Chu Qing's "little milk dog" is not her type, she prefers the aggressive little wolf dog!
"Briefly introduce myself. My name is Ding Cheng. I am your dance teacher. We will only teach you for one day today, and the rest is up to you to contact, understand?"

The nine people nodded one after another. Those who can enter the A-level, one counts as one, and they all have two skills. Naturally, they are not afraid to learn a dance in a day.

After Ding Cheng looked at them and nodded, his eyes swept across their faces.

"Which of you is the C position?"

Xie Kun raised his hand and stood up. Ding Cheng sized him up and smiled and said, "That's right, your image and temperament have passed the test. Your name is Xie Kun, right? I often see news about you on Weibo."

Ding Cheng began to allocate positions for several people. After standing up, the person behind Chu Qing suddenly raised his hand and said: "Teacher! I am shorter than Chu Qing, can I go in front of him, so that I can get more shots?"

Ding Cheng chewed gum and looked at that person lightly. She is also a trainee debuting. Can she not see the other party's careful thinking?
At this time, the person next to that person also said: "Teacher, I am too, can I also go to the front?"

Ding Cheng understood, Chu Qing made these people feel threatened, that's why she made such a small move!
She looked at Chu Qing, and saw that Chu Qing was still smiling and said: "Teacher, I have no objection. I am relatively stupid, and I am not sure that I can perform well at that time. Let them stand in front."

When the two heard this, they didn't even ask Ding Cheng, they walked to the front and stood in front of Chu Qing!

Ding Cheng stopped chewing gum, glanced at Chu Qing again, and said lightly, "Since everyone is fine, let's start studying!"

Chu Qing looked at the two people in front of him, thinking that of course there is no problem!
This is not the final grouping, what could be wrong?Don't you two like to go up front?very good!
Seeing that Ding Cheng had assigned tasks, Jiang Liangtao walked to the electronic piano beside him and said, "Let me sing our theme song for you first, and Teacher Ding Cheng will dance a section for you on the spot. You should learn as much as you can! Take a look at Teacher Ding Cheng's actions!"

Hearing this, several people walked to Ding Cheng's side one after another.

Chu Qing's eyes fell on Jiang Liangtao's electronic piano, but he did not forget that the first skill he drew was piano skills!This is also the skill with the highest level of his skill currently!
Seeing Chu Qing looking at his qin, Jiang Liangtao smiled and said, "Have you ever learned how to play the qin?"

Chu Qing showed a trademark smile: "Well, I learned it for a while before."

Jiang Liangtao didn't hide his appreciation at all, and the rest of the people also didn't hide their vigilance!
"Teacher! Let's get started!"

One of the contestants seemed to be afraid that Jiang Liangtao would call Chu Qing to come and play for a while, so he interrupted the rhythm directly.

Jiang Liangtao and Ding Cheng looked at each other, then nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, look after you."

Jiang Liangtao started to play the piano, and Ding Cheng started to dance.

After jumping up, Chu Qing realized that she had underestimated Ding Cheng before. This woman is definitely not a vase, but the kind with very solid basic skills!

Perhaps because of her personality, her dance moves are extraordinarily powerful.

On the other side, Jiang Liangtao's singing voice is also very pleasant, but he himself is not suitable for this kind of feeling.

Jiang Liangtao is more suitable for singing some slow-tempo sad songs, but the theme song is a cheerful and fast song, which can be said to be completely different from Jiang Liangtao's music style.

It didn't take 5 minutes for the dance and song to be over.

Ding Cheng spit the chewing gum into the trash can and asked, "How is it? Do you remember?"

Except for Chu Qing, the others shook their heads.

Ding Cheng was not surprised. After all, although this dance move is not difficult, it is not easy to learn it just by watching it once.

But when she saw Chu Qing nodding, she couldn't help being surprised and said, "You remember?"

Chu Qing nodded and said: "Well, eighty-nine are close to ten"

Ding Cheng turned his head and glanced at Jiang Liangtao, both of them were a little suspicious, but they also knew that Chu Qing couldn't afford to lie about this kind of issue.

"Since you remember everything, you can come here once."

Ding Cheng waved his hand, but Chu Qing looked at Jiang Liangtao and said, "Teacher, please help me make the music."

Jiang Liangtao smiled and made an OK gesture, and Chu Qing walked directly in front of the eight people and stood in front of the camera.

Such things as the lens are all obtained by myself!
Learn it, brothers!

(End of this chapter)

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