Chapter 54 C-bit

The music sounded, and just as Jiang Liangtao was about to speak, Chu Qing had already started singing.

Along with the singing, his body also started to move!
"A boy like the wind, working hard like a fire"

"We don't need to hesitate at this presumptuous age!"

"Standing on the biggest stage, singing the happiest song"

"At this moment, I am the well-deserved KING!"

There is no need to say much about Chu Qing's voice, but the singing skills are still a bit poor. Although the lyrics and melody are correct, the coordination with the soundtrack is somewhat flawed.

But the flaw was so small that no one at the scene could hear it except Jiang Liangtao.

Their attention was all on Chu Qing's movements, especially Ding Cheng, who almost couldn't take his eyes off Chu Qing!

Chu Qing's current dance moves are exactly the same as those she taught before!

The silky and smooth feeling is not like practicing for the first time, but like practicing countless times!
She was shocked, let alone the others!The eyes of several other contestants almost popped out, and even the jealousy in the eyes of several people could hardly be concealed!
But what does this have to do with Chu Qing?

He came to win, not to unite and befriend!

Ding Cheng kept staring at Chu Qing, and the more she looked, the more frightened she became!Originally, she thought that she would definitely make one or two mistakes in the dance she was learning for the first time, but after watching it for 2 minutes, let alone doing it wrong, she didn't even have a major flaw!

What surprised her even more was that Chu Qing was singing and dancing all the time, but his breath was not disturbed at all!
Anyone who has tried it will understand how difficult it is. First of all, you have to use two things at once. When singing and thinking about the lyrics, you must also remember the movements.

Then it is to adjust the sound according to the range of the movement, so that the sound will not fluctuate!Just like when running, it is difficult to control the voice without fluctuating.

Both of these can only be achieved after a long period of contact.

But look at Chu Qing, it seems so easy to learn for the first time!This kind of talent is not A-level who is A-level?
After waiting for Chu Qing to finish dancing, he bowed to Jiang Liangtao and said with a smile, "Thank you teacher for the soundtrack."

Jiang Liangtao smiled and clapped, and then Ding Cheng followed suit.

Even if the people behind them don't want to, they still have to applaud in front of the camera, otherwise they will be considered petty by the audience and lower their impression points.

Chu Qing was very 'modest' and said with a smile.

"It's the first time I'm learning to dance. Don't laugh at me if I don't dance well."

After hearing this, the next few people wanted to do something, it was old Versailles!
That's the first time you danced like this, compare us to each other, aren't we idiots?
Let's not laugh at you just like that, we don't even have the right to laugh at you!
Even Xie Kun's eyes were a little weird. For the first time, he was a little unconfident about his C position.

After hearing this, Ding Cheng laughed and said, "It's pretty good to be able to meet this standard for the first time."

After she finished speaking, she looked at the rest of the people and said, "Chu Qing made a good start, how about you? How much have you learned?"

A few people glanced at each other, and wanted to say that they still remembered a little bit, but when Chu Qing finished dancing, he was jealous and forgot all the movements.

Seeing this, Ding Cheng couldn't help frowning and said: "Don't dawdle, our time is precious, so, each of you dance alone, let me see what moves you have memorized"

After Ding Cheng finished speaking, none of the eight people moved.

Just like what Chu Qing said before, this responsibility, that responsibility, when something happened, they all lost their responsibility.

Although Jiang Liangtao was still smiling, he had already drawn a line between the eight of them and Chu Qing in his heart, dividing them into two levels.

If these eight people are also called A-level, then Chu Qing must be 'A+'.

Seeing that no one stood up, Ding Cheng simply started to roll the roll.

The first person she chose was Xie Kun in C. Should I say it or not, Xie Kun's learning ability is still good. Mud is the best metaphor!

Ding Cheng ordered the third person, and then the fourth person. The performances of these people can be described in two words, horrible, what a god!

Ding Cheng was very angry. If there was no comparison, she might not have felt it, but everyone only read it once. Why did Chu Qing remember it, and Xie Kun also remembered some, so why can't you all?

Ding Cheng looked at a few people and said: "Reassign the position, Chu Qing, you stand in position C!"

Chu Qing was a little 'surprised', then looked at the people around and said: "Teacher, this is not appropriate."

Ding Cheng frowned and said: "There is nothing inappropriate! The opportunities are all won by myself. Everyone feels that they are talented and willing to work hard. They are hesitant to show them a move. Can such a person hold the C position? "

Chu Qing looked at Xie Kun with 'apology' on his face.

Xie Kun forced a smile. It is not easy for a person to be able to laugh when he is robbed of the C position!
You can compare them by looking at the other people. The basic smiles on the faces of those people can hardly be maintained, especially the two who asked to change seats and stood in front of Chu Qing just now.

Although Chu Qing got the C position, she didn't show much surprise, her expression was still so gentle.

He understood that this matter was definitely not over. How could the capital behind these few people easily give up the C position to an unknown junior like himself?
No matter how powerful the tutor is, can he still compete with the capital?Can someone buy your C position for 100 million and sell it?If not sold, what about 200 million? What about 300 million?

What is the purpose of filming this variety show?Isn't it just for money!
But Chu Qing didn't panic at all, because he saw an item in the system mall!
[C-Slot Exchange Card] After use, you can temporarily exchange C-slot with any target. The time is limited, one hour!

With this kind of BUG-level props, it can be said that Chu Qing is not in the slightest panic!

What if I let you be the C position?When I'm at the scene, use the props myself, isn't this C position mine?This is the main reason why Chu Qing has been so indifferent!

As for the [-] points needed for exchange, Chu Qing didn't panic at all!
In the past two days, with the broadcast of "Who Knows My Strong Voice" and his two-day live broadcast, the growth rate of points and experience is still very fast.

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 22"

"LV: 001"

"Current points 540"

"Current experience: 470/500"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: Off!"

He has enough to exchange for one now. After reassigning the positions, Ding Cheng taught the players to dance twice. practice.
(End of this chapter)

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