Chapter 55
Although Chu Qing learned the movements and the theme song, she still practiced with other contestants.

It's not a question of will, it's a question of attitude!
As a "little fresh meat trainee", other character designs don't matter, but you must stand firm if you work hard!

It would be even better to get the title of Desperate Saburo if he came into a coma twice!
Of course, the premise is that you have to have works.

If there is no work and the light is in a coma, then it is really useless.

He, who has been through it all, is working so hard, how dare the people behind him be lazy?
Immediately, they worked harder one by one, seeing their 'resolute' expressions, as if they were doing something extraordinary.

Jiang Liangtao and Ding Cheng were very satisfied with their state, and after following them for a few times, they left, leaving them to practice alone.

As mentors, they also have to take care of other players.

After waiting for the instructor to leave, the trainer was divided into four camps in an instant. Chu Qing and Xie Kun each practiced their own, and the remaining seven were divided into a three-person team and a four-person team. Obviously, they should be know each other.

The four groups each occupied a corner of the room, and their eyes flickered from angles that the camera couldn't capture.

They each have their own plans, but they are very unified in one thing, that is, they must get Chu Qing out of the C position!Moreover, this person must be eliminated as soon as possible, his threat is too great!

This requires the capital behind them to come forward. After all, big companies are not just talking!

After Chu Qing practiced the movements twice more, after confirming that there was no flaw at all, she took the initiative to find Xie Kun.

"Hi Xie Kun, I'm actually your fan too, I really like your stage style, can we communicate with each other?"

Xie Kun was taken aback by Chu Qing's sudden accusation, but then he reacted, shook hands with Chu Qing with a smile on his face, and said, "Of course, if we communicate together, we can make progress faster."

Seeing this, the rest of the people couldn't help but narrow their eyes slightly. In this room, the strongest person must be Chu Qing!The second one is the big V Xie Kun on Weibo in front of me!

If these two people join forces, can they still have a good life?

But they didn't know that Chu Qing was just here for the camera!He knew Xie Kun through Song Dawei, not to mention his strength, but his background was top-notch!And it's the kind of behind-the-scenes boss, which is different from an economic company!
There will never be fewer shots of this kind of person. If you don't rub the camera with such a person, who will you rub the camera with?
Another point is that this person has too many brain-dead fans. Chu Qing 'robbed' his C position before, and those fans don't care about their strength. At that time, they won't be able to run away if they get sprayed .

That's why Chu Qing came here, acting like everyone's good brother showing loyalty, at least he can make those fans spray lightly, even passers-by fans himself!

And Xie Kun had also witnessed Chu Qing's strength just now, and he also believed that there would be many scenes of Chu Qing in this show!

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the terrifying ability that I learned just now no matter what, and then there will be no problem if I take a shot for a minute or two!

The two hit it off right away, discussing the dance moves with great interest.

Xie Kun's singing skills are much better than Chu Qing's. Chu Qing just relied on his good voice, and Chu Qing really gained something from the communication between the two.

The seven people who were divided into two groups also rushed over after exchanging glances with each other.

"Brother Chu, you must be a legendary genius! You can learn singing and dancing just by watching it once! It's amazing!"

"Brother Chu, my dance moves in the chorus are always poorly connected, can you teach me?"

These people suddenly became enthusiastic, and their targets were all Chu Qing, the smile on Chu Qing's face remained unchanged.

"Of course, everyone communicates with each other. I'm actually a nerd. I was good at rote memorization when I was in school. I just memorized the movements. I can't jump out of that spirituality at all. Xie Kun is different. "

Chu Qing once again directed the topic to Xie Kun, and the mentor was not in front of him, so what if he performed well now?If you can't catch the camera, it's all in vain!
Moreover, the purpose of these people is also very obvious, they only praise themselves, they just want to make Xie Kun feel unbalanced, divide the two of them, and fear that they will form an alliance!
On the other hand, it also has the meaning of flattery.

Chu Qing had used this trick countless times in her previous life, so of course they couldn't catch Chu Qing's eyes with such little tricks.

When they were still about to say something, Chu Qing smiled and spoke first.

"Actually, we are good at different things. For example, I don't know anything about rap. We must all have our own strengths to be selected as A-level. I am just good at rote memorization. Apart from coping with exams Besides, it’s useless.”

Chu Qing smiled shyly, but none of the people in front of her believed it.

But Chu Qing didn't expect them to believe it. Anyway, in front of the camera, it was enough for everyone to look harmonious. Plastic brothers, plastic brothers, don't ask for eternity, just keep it for a while!
Seeing Chu Qing smile, the others also showed what they thought was the prettiest smile.

Then the nine people began to practice again. This time, Chu Qing naturally stood in position C, surrounded by the other eight people, and everyone began to rehearse.

After a day of practice, everyone has connected the movements with the lyrics in sevens and eights, and can sing and dance at the same time.

In the evening, after the recording of the show, Chu Qing rubbed her sore shoulders and walked out. Just two steps away, she heard Xie Kun's voice behind her: "Chu Qing"

Chu Qing turned her head with some doubts, and saw Xie Kun smiling and said, "Do you want to have dinner together tonight?"

Chu Qing was slightly taken aback, then nodded with a smile and said, "Okay."

This scene was seen by several other A-levels, and the faces of the few people couldn't help but look a little ugly.

What they were most worried about seems to have happened. If these two people join forces, they will definitely have a place in the last ten!
Originally there were ten positions, but now there are only eight left, it's only a ghost that they can be comfortable!
Chu Qing and Xie Kun walked outside all the way, Song Dawei was a little surprised when he saw this, as if he didn't expect Chu Qing to make friends so quickly.

After Chu Qing briefly introduced each other, Xie Kun invited Chu Qing into his RV, while Song Dawei drove along with Tang Jiaming following.

In the RV, Chu Qing was surprised to see everything.

In two lifetimes, this was the first time he had come into contact with an RV.

Xie Kun's manager and assistant kept looking at Chu Qing, and Chu Qing's "zombie fall" that day also left a deep impression on them both.

 I have a bad cold, my whole body hurts, my head feels like it's about to explode, hey

(End of this chapter)

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