Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 56 Negotiation, please collect, please recommend!

Chapter 56 Negotiation, please collect, please recommend!

Xie Kun sat on a sofa, looked at Chu Qing who was curious and smiled and said, "Is the host's work hard?"

Chu Qing smiled and waved his hands when he heard the words: "I'm not a host, I'm just an intern announcer, and I have almost no work other than memorizing scripts."

Xie Kun smiled, but the agent beside him said at this moment: "Is your agent Song Dawei?"

Chu Qing smiled and nodded, "Do you know him?"

"Well, your manager is quite well-known in the industry. He is famous for his vision. Artists he likes have the potential to become famous."

After the manager finished speaking, he narrowed his eyes and said, "For example, have you considered changing your manager?"

After hearing this, Chu Qing shook her head with a smile and said, "No, Viagra is very good, very strong!"

The manager's expression froze. I'm telling you something serious. Why do you feel like you're flirting with me? What do you mean by being particularly firm?

He still wanted to say something, but Xie Kun stopped him with a look.

Although all this was hidden, it was still discovered by the observant Chu Qing.

Chu Qing didn't show it, she still looked curious about everything.

Now he feels more and more that Xie Kun is not simple. How many artists can control their managers to such a degree?

After driving for more than 20 minutes, the car stopped in front of a small restaurant.

After Xie Kun put on sunglasses, a mask, and a sun hat, he thoughtfully prepared a copy for Chu Qing.

Chu Qing waved her hands again and again: "I don't need it, even if I walk on the street now, few people can recognize me, so I don't need to wear these."

Xie Kun didn't force it, and led Chu Qing to the store.

Song Dawei wanted to follow behind, but was stopped by Xie Kun's agent.

"Haha, Dawei, you are a good artist, you have strength and determination! I was joking with him just now and asked him if he would like to come to my place, but he immediately refused!"

Song Dawei smiled and said: "Brother Li, you are all great, why are you robbing me of any artist?"

"Hahaha, I just made a little joke with him"

Both were smiling, equally false.

Xie Kun brought Chu Qing to a private room with ease, and the two sat face to face. After each ordered two dishes, Chu Qing took the lead and said, "Call me here, probably not just for dinner."

Xie Kun smiled and hummed, leaning his upper body slightly forward and said, "Chu Qing, among this batch of A-levels, only you are my opponent."

Chu Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering if this person would give himself a check like in a TV show, and said, "There are 500 million here, please leave my daughter! That's wrong, leave this competition!"

Chu Qing had some small expectations, wanting to see if she was worth 500 million.

"Let's join forces!"

Xie Kun suddenly said seriously, Chu Qing was startled, and looked up at Xie Kun.

"You and I join forces, combination!"

Chu Qing didn't speak, he was weighing the pros and cons. To be honest, Xie Kun's sudden proposal was beyond his expectation.

He originally thought that Xie Kun invited him to talk about the C position, but unexpectedly, the other party actually said to join forces.

Seeing that Chu Qing didn't speak, Xie Kun was not in a hurry, but just waited quietly.

After about ten seconds passed, Chu Qing spoke slowly.

"Why me? With your strength, there should be no problem in reaching the end, and as a person, I prefer to fight alone rather than work together!"

Chu Qing's words were already rejected. When he participated in the competition, he had already made a plan for himself. He felt that according to his plan, he had a high probability of reaching the end.

Then it was time to fight for 'props', and Chu Qing also didn't think she would lose.

Xie Kun was still smiling, with a sense of calmness in his smile.

"Chu Qing, I know that you are very strong, but there are some things that are not only useful if you are strong. For example, the C position you got today will definitely become any one of the eight of us before you finally take the stage. But it will never be you, do you understand?"

Xie Kun almost said this, there are people behind us, but there is no one behind you!
This competition is actually a competition for capital, but what is behind Chu Qing?
The manager is Song Dawei, who has no resources!

The background is Yanjing Radio and Television Station. Apart from giving him an assistant, there is no other help. So why did he go to the end?
By strength?People don't even give you a camera, so what's the use of your strength?Who can see it?

Chu Qing knew that she had a system, but Xie Kun didn't!

Xie Kun continued to release his chips and said: "Let's join hands! Come to the finals with me! You saw the situation in the practice room today, only the two of us are fighting alone! Let's join forces, and after we reach the finals, we will fight again. How about a winner!"

Chu Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, Xie Kun's proposal was actually really good, at least it was a way for Chu Qing now.

With Xie Kun around, those people could indeed restrain themselves a bit.

Just like what Xie Kun said, he can join hands with Xie Kun first, reach the top ten together and then fight each other.

However, after Chu Qing thought about it seriously, she still shook her head and refused: "No."

Xie Kun was a little surprised and said, "Why? I can't think of a reason for your rejection?"

At this time, the waiter came in with the dishes they ordered, and the two were silent at the same time, waiting for the waiter to walk out of the box before Chu Qing spoke.

"Because of the combination of two people, it should be that one plus one is greater than two, so that the combination makes sense, but the combination of the two of us will drag each other down instead."

Xie Kun smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I will drag you down?"

Chu Qing shook his head and said: "I also saw your strength today. You are very strong and will not drag me down, but what we perform is different."

Xie Kun was taken aback, and then said in surprise: "The performance is different? When you plan to go on stage, don't you sing and dance?"

Chu Qing nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, there is no way to do the theme song. In other people's shows, they have to follow their game rules, but when I perform individually, I will sing some Chinese-style songs!"

Xie Kun understood, but looked at Chu Qing strangely.

"You don't really want to promote traditional culture!"

Unexpectedly, Chu Qing nodded seriously and said: "Yes, you know that I am from a TV station, but I actually came here this time with a mission."


"Well, the first is to promote traditional culture, and the second is to see if it is possible to attract one or two sponsors back to the TV station."

Xie Kun smiled, he didn't believe it at all, but seeing Chu Qing's extraordinarily clear eyes, his smile stopped slowly, and asked with some uncertainty: "Are you serious?"

Chu Qing nodded firmly, Xie Kun was really surprised this time.

"I've seen your performances of Peking opera and ditties. They are really wonderful, but they are out of season! Think about it, when we sing and dance in front of the stage, we will drain the emotions of the audience. At this time, you will perform a Peking opera on stage. , do you think anyone will look at you?"

Chu Qing just smiled, her eyes were as clear as water.
(End of this chapter)

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