Chapter 57
The two had a simple meal, and after Xie Kun learned of Chu Qing's plan, he did not force cooperation.

He used to think that Chu Qing was very strong, and if he teamed up with him, his winning rate would be increased, and his performance would be even more amazing!
But after talking with Chu Qing, he gave up after knowing Chu Qing's real plan.

Performing Peking Opera?Comedy?
Just kidding, what era is it now, where are there still young people listening to operas.

Music also has a sense of the times, just like how popular folk songs were back then. Generations of people grew up listening to folk songs, but now how many people can you still hear singing folk songs?
Everything has his era, and he doesn't know if it belongs to the era of Rap, but he knows that it is definitely not the era of Peking Opera!
After the two had eaten, Chu Qing said goodbye to Xie Kun with a smile.

Xie Kun looked very personable, even if he failed to achieve his goal today, his smile was still very friendly.

This made Chu Qing feel like meeting an opponent. As the saying goes, a smiling man is not a good thing.

Chu Qing felt that this sentence was very correct, especially for someone like him!
Chu Qing may not understand others, but he understands himself!He's hardly a good 'thing'!
Chu Qing met Song Dawei at the door, and Song Dawei was waiting for him at the door with a cigarette in his mouth.

Seeing Chu Qing coming out alone, he threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out: "Go home?"

Chu Qing hummed, then lowered her head to pick up the cigarette butt and said, "Do you have a sense of public morality? The cigarette butt has to be thrown into the trash can."

Song Dawei smiled and took the cigarette butt.

The two returned to the car. Tang Jiaming was dozing off in the car. When he saw the two coming back, he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Brother Chu, I almost forgot to tell you. Your host card is here. I'll get it for you tomorrow?"

Chu Qing smiled and hummed, Song Dawei started the car, glanced at the empty restaurant door, and then slowly started the car.

"Be careful when you get along with them, this group of people is not simple, I can't see through them"

Song Dawei said while driving, Chu Qing hummed, and said with a smile: "He asked me to discuss cooperation, but I rejected it."

Song Dawei was not surprised at all. In just a few days, he already had a certain understanding of Chu Qing.

Chu Qing is a person who likes to plan things in advance. The more he is like this, the more he hates those variables that appear outside his plan, such as Xie Kun's invitation!
Chu Qing knew that the power of capital was very strong, but she never thought that it would come so soon!
Just when Chu Qing went to record the show the next day and was practicing dancing in the training room, an 'assessment' suddenly came to him!
"Come, come, members of Group A gather!"

Just after they finished warming up, Wang Zhe and Bu Ruiwen walked in from outside.

Several people who were practicing walked to their respective positions one after another. Chu Qing clearly sensed that something was wrong, because he noticed that the expressions of the two in the trio were a little bit secretly happy, and they glanced at him from time to time.

If it's all right, Chu Qing would have eaten her shoes!
Chu Qing didn't show any abnormalities, she acted like I was Xiaobai, and I couldn't see that this was a conspiracy.

Xie Kun gave Chu Qing a sympathetic look. When Chu Qing looked at him, he shrugged at Chu Qing, as if there was nothing I could do to help.

Wang Zhe coughed lightly and said, "Yesterday, I heard Mr. Jiang say that your group A performed very well. Let's do a spot check today to see if any of you are slacking off!"

Bu Ruiwen clapped his hands and drew everyone's attention to himself and said, "Come on straight away! Since it's Group A, I believe you all should be very strong individually. In this way, go directly to the team dance!"

As soon as Chu Qing heard it, she knew that it must be aimed at herself.

Sure enough, Chu Qing saw that the secret joy on the expressions of the two people became more obvious.

Chu Qing sneered inwardly. This kind of person who expresses his thoughts on his face has never been an opponent to Chu Qing, but a tool he can use.

Only someone like Xie Kun who hides his heart with a smile is difficult to deal with!

But no matter what Chu Qing thinks, since people say that there will be an assessment, then what should be performed still needs to be performed!
The nine people gathered together, and when the music sounded, they started singing and dancing!

As the actions of several people progressed, anyone who is not blind can tell that Chu Qing is the best performer among them!Next is Xie Kun!
The two of them made zero mistakes. As for the others, they couldn't keep up with the rhythm or rushed to shoot.

However, after waiting for a few people to finish the opening dance, Bu Ruiwen suddenly said, "Why are you standing in position C?"

She said this while looking directly at Chu Qing, Chu Qing put on a 'confused' expression and said: "It was arranged by the teacher yesterday."

Bu Ruiwen frowned again: "Your movements are very standard, but you don't have the flexibility of dancing at all! You also don't have the kind of aura that can hold down the C position!"

Wang Zhe also agreed on the side: "Yes, although there is nothing wrong with your movements, you really can't impress me."

These words almost made Chu Qing laugh, there is no way to impress you, but I can kill you, do you believe it?
Bu Ruiwen shook his head and said, "You are not suitable for this position. Of course, you can insist on it, but this will definitely slow down your team. For the sake of the team, I hope you can let this position go to someone more suitable!"

Wang Zhe's gaze fell on one of the trio and said, "What's your name?"

The person who was asked his name said in surprise, "Teacher, my name is Wu Xinyuan."

Wang Zhe nodded to him with a smile, "Your aura feels very strong, you stand in the C position, let me see if you dance again."

Wu Xinyuan's face was full of surprises, but he forced an innocent expression to look at Chu Qing.

Chu Qing decisively moved away from the C seat, but looked at the other two in the trio.

One of them was still a little confused, while the other was full of dissatisfaction.

Chu Qing smiled, look, isn't this opportunity to sow discord has come?

"Come on, let's dance again!"

This time, Bu Ruiwen clapped his hands, the live music played again, and everyone sang and danced again.

After everyone performed, Wang Zhe applauded again and again: "This feeling is right! Much better! Let's rehearse according to this formation in the future!"

After Wang Zhe finished speaking, he looked at Chu Qing and said, "I'm not targeting you, it's just that you are a team, and the team needs your contribution, do you understand?"

Chu Qing nodded again and again: "Teacher, don't worry, I understand! Sacrificing the small self and fulfilling the big self has always been the direction of my efforts!"

Wang Zhe prepared a lot of excuses for Chu Qing to refute, but Chu Qing held back his words.

In the end, he could only nod his head and say, "Well, not bad."

After speaking, they exchanged glances with Bu Ruiwen, and the two left the training room together.

Chu Qing looked at Wu Xinyuan. The joy on Wu Xinyuan's face could no longer be concealed, but he still had to pretend to be humble when facing the camera.

I can see it's a bit hard for the kids.
(End of this chapter)

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