Chapter 66 Lu Xiaoke

The eldest lady had seen Chu Qing a long time ago, and after putting the light board aside, she came towards Chu Qing bouncing around.

It was only then that Chu Qing noticed that the eldest wife was younger than in the video, and she looked about 24 or [-] in reality.

When the two came closer, Chu Qing stretched out his hand generously and said, "Ma'am, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me."

The eldest wife's smiling eyes are like two crescent moons, which looks very playful and cute.

"Hello, idol"

The eldest wife shook hands with Chu Qing, her slender hands smelled fragrant!

Chu Qing smiled brightly and said: "I really appreciate it, you are the only one holding my light sign at the scene, isn't it embarrassing?"

The eldest wife smiled like a flower, shook her head and said: "Of course it's not embarrassing, I should be honored! Because I know that you will definitely become popular. After you become popular, other people will find out when they watch the show that I am your first a fan"

Chu Qing smiled gently, scratched her head with a smile and said, "By the way, I don't know your name yet, and I can't keep calling you Mrs. Mrs., it's somewhat embarrassing."

"My name is Lu Xiaoke!"

"Miss Lu, would you like to have a meal together?"

"Okay, okay, I know a restaurant that makes many kinds of snacks, let me take you to eat, okay?"

Chu Qing hummed: "No problem, but I have to tell my agent that I don't have a car, so he has to drive us there."

Lu Xiaoke waved his hands gracefully and said, "No, no, I have a car, let's go."

After speaking, Lu Xiaoke planned to come over to hold Chu Qing's arm, but Chu Qing moved away with a light movement.

Just kidding, I am a showman but not a person!

It's outrageous to use hands and feet when you come up!My mother taught me that boys must protect themselves outside.

Lu Xiaoke was taken aback, then covered his mouth and smiled, "It's quite traditional."

Chu Qing was somewhat embarrassed, and walked towards the door.

Song Dawei and Tang Jiaming were waiting for him, and they were taken aback when they saw him leading a beautiful girl out.

Chu Qing coughed and said: "This is the number one in my live broadcast room, let's go out for dinner tonight"

Song Dawei was stunned when he heard the words and said, "Madam?"

Lu Xiaoke smiled and said, "It looks like I'm very famous."

Song Dawei thought in his heart, he was taken advantage of by watching the live broadcast with 10,000+ views, which is rare on the Internet!

But when he thought that Chu Qing was going out to eat with her, Song Dawei subconsciously asked, "Just you two?"

Lu Xiaoke nodded as a matter of course and said, "Yes, it's just the two of us."

Song Dawei directly shook his head and said, "That won't work. Now that Cui Qiqi's incident has just passed, if everyone sees you taking a young, beautiful and long-legged woman out to dinner, there will definitely be rumors, and some people will even watch you splash Dirty water!"

Song Dawei said sternly: "Besides, Yanjing is full of paparazzi, and the small videos are so developed now, if someone secretly filmed it, then don't die!"

Chu Qing suddenly felt that what Song Dawei said was very reasonable, and his current personality had not yet come out of the "infatuated species". It's set to collapse!
Which infatuated man is seamlessly connected?At that time, the human design will be broken to the ground, and it will be impossible to pick it up.

Lu Xiaoke thought for a while and said, "Then let's go together! Don't be afraid of being secretly photographed, they must think it's a colleague relationship"

Song Dawei said with a happy expression on his face: "This is okay, that's it, I will treat you tonight! Don't compete with me!"

Tang Jiaming remained silent. He definitely didn't want to rob Song Dawei. Even if he wanted to, his financial strength wouldn't allow it!

As for Chu Qing, it's even more impossible. His creed in life is 'if you die, there will be another life.The money is gone, and I am not reconciled to death'!
As for Lu Xiaoke, at first glance, she is the kind of person who has no concept of money, and she will not compete with Song Dawei to pay the bill.

"Then let's go, I know a restaurant that is very good, there are many special snacks, and the dishes are also good"

Lu Xiaoke walked outside with a few people, and when they arrived at the parking lot, they saw a small pink two-seater sports car, which was eye-catching!

Song Dawei swallowed, looked at his car again, and suddenly felt that people are really different from each other!

More than half an hour later, the four of them came to a restaurant.

Lu Xiaoke didn't even look at the menu, and ordered seven or eight items in a row, all of which are relatively famous dim sum or snacks here.

Song Dawei and Tang Jiaming also ordered the same, but Chu Qing just ordered a glass of orange juice.

He felt that these dishes were enough, and it would be bad to waste them.

Lu Xiaoke was obviously very curious about Chu Qing, and started to ask some questions about him after sitting down, such as what he likes to eat, what are his usual recreational activities, what is his favorite color and so on.

Tang Jiaming looked envious when he saw this, he really wanted a rich woman to treat him so well!

When we were in the parking lot just now, Chu Qing just said: "Your car is so beautiful."

Lu Xiaoke immediately replied: "Then I'll give you one!"

Listen, is this called human talk?The rich woman who gave away a car if she disagreed!Please give me ten, thank you!
The serving speed here is very fast, it only takes 10 minutes before and after, and the snacks and snacks are served.

I have to say that the taste is really good, and the presentation is also very good.

A few people chatted while eating, Chu Qing asked curiously: "What does your family do? You are so rich, do you open a mine?"

Lu Xiaoke was eating pastry, with bulging cheeks, she looked like a hamster, and said in a vague voice after hearing the question.

"No, it's about pouring cigarettes"

Chu Qing funnyly handed her a glass of orange juice and said, "Swallow it down."

After Lu Xiaoke took a big sip of the orange juice, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "No, my family is a director and producer."

Song Dawei's eyes widened suddenly, he looked at Lu Xiaoke, and said in a trembling voice, "You, your surname is Lu?"

Seeing his appearance, Lu Xiao couldn't help laughing: "I know what you want to say, you are right, my father is the one you think of"

Song Dawei's eyes widened even wider, and Chu Qing was afraid that his eyes would suddenly fall out of their sockets.

"What's wrong? Viagra, what's your expression?"

"Her, her, her father is Lu Sanshi!"

Chu Qing was also taken aback when he heard the name. He had really heard of this name, it should be said that he had seen it!
Lu Sanshi, from Yanjing, the king of official directors!

It can be said that one word from him can determine the life and death of an actor in the industry, the background is unfathomable!
The reason why Chu Qing knew this name was because she had seen clips of the other party's movie when she was using Shaking Hands before!

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaoke was actually his daughter!

Pooh!What is Lu Xiaoke?This is clearly his big baby!
(End of this chapter)

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