Chapter 67 Upgrade
Seeing the expressions of several people suddenly respecting himself, Lu Xiaoke smiled and waved his hands: "Hey, he is not as amazing as you imagined. My father is also an ordinary director. The only difference is that he is a director within the system. "

The three of them regarded her as being modest, and no one would believe her!That's Lu Sanshi!It is not an exaggeration to say that Lu Sanshi is an official director!

Chu Qing's reaction was okay, because he knew that the official directors would not look down on his "little fresh meat".

It is almost impossible to cooperate with others, so why are you so cautious?Might as well make yourself more comfortable.

Chu Qing swallowed her saliva and said, "It's amazing, then have you learned a little bit of superficial stuff?"

Lu Xiaoke shook his head resolutely and said: "I'm not a director. I'm so tired that I don't make money. There's this investor, that investor, who's messing around all day long. I'm so uncomfortable."

"Then what do you plan to do in the future, you can't just wait to die."

"Of course I can't. I plan to start a company in the future. The live broadcast platform has been very popular in the past two years. I also want to build a live broadcast platform. When the time comes, I will get some anchors to start the live broadcast. It will make a lot of money."

Chu Qing said very seriously: "A rich second generation surnamed Wang once thought of you, and he acted on it. In the end, he was dismissed and closed down. I advise you to be careful!"

Lu Xiaoke shrugged and said, "I'm not in a hurry. I have real estate and office buildings in Yanjing, Magic City, and Guangdong City. The monthly rent is more than 1000, which is enough for me to eat."

Chu Qing's smile was a little stiff. At first, he thought that a person like himself with nearly a million cards was considered young and promising, but today, this woman named Lu Xiaoke directly taught him a lesson, letting him understand what No need to work hard!

Song Dawei and Chu Qing looked at each other, and they both laughed wryly.

Lu Xiaoke didn't seem to be very interested in these things, so he changed the subject with a smile: "By the way, why did you choose to form a group alone tonight? It's a disadvantage. Xie Kun obviously glanced at you when I was watching the team. You But I shook my head, why didn't you form a team with him?"

Chu Qing was a little surprised, she didn't expect Lu Xiaoke's eyes to be so good, and she didn't expect that she could guess this.

"Because what I want to perform is some Chinese-style songs, dances and other things are all made up by myself. If I form a team with other people, with my strength and background, they will definitely not let me be the captain. Give it to me, when the time comes, I will have to dance and sing with them, without my own thoughts, I will not be free instead.”

Lu Xiaoke's eyes lit up and said, "Create the dance yourself?"


"Have you ever learned to dance?"

"No, it's all self-taught. If you have time, don't forget to join us. Believe me, my singing and dancing are definitely different from others!"

Lu Xiaoke nodded her head, and then said: "You said today has something to do with opera?"


"But now there are no people listening to opera, only people of my grandfather's generation like it"

Chu Qing said with a smile: "It's not a play, it's a singing style of opera, for example like this"

Chu Qing cleared her throat and began to sing.

"The people under the stage can't see the old color"

"The people on the stage sang a heartbreaking farewell song"

Chu Qing's two singing lines stunned the three of them. In this world, there has never been such a song!
"This, is this a play, or a song?"

Song Dawei murmured, and Chu Qing smiled and said, "I call this opera opera, and it's also called Huaxia style. How about it? Does it sound good?"


"It sounds good!"

The other three were all amazed, especially Song Dawei, who already had pictures in his mind.

Chu Qing is wearing a costume and singing this kind of song on the stage, it's absolutely eye-catching!
Before, he thought that Chu Qing was going to sing pure Beijing opera, and he was a little nervous at the moment, but then he thought about it, people like them who have no background, didn't plan to go to the end at first, so they just regarded it as crazy with Chu Qing. Forget about everything else.

But looking at it now, Chu Qing had already prepared for it!
Song Dawei excitedly said: "This time the stage performance is stable! The rest is how to canvass votes!"

Chu Qing couldn't help scratching her head when she heard the words, they are all trainees of professional media and entertainment, and the channel resources behind them are terrifying!
His background is not small, Yanjing Radio and Television Station!

But the superior doesn't pay attention to him at all, so there's a fart for that!You have to rely on yourself for anything.

Chu Qing frowned and thought for a while, her only publicity channel now is the live broadcast!The rest will have to wait until the show airs.

Chu Qing is confident that her performance on the show will attract a group of fans, and she only hopes that this time the fans will "tap water" to help her promote it.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and my most urgent task now is to keep my position and not be eliminated!

Chu Qing pinched her chin, as long as she fired the first shot and gained points, would she still lose if there were so many items in the system mall?
"Dididi, the experience has reached the upgrade standard, do you want to upgrade!"

At this moment, the system prompt sound came to Chu Qing's mind again, and Chu Qing confirmed the upgrade without even thinking about it!
"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 22"

"LV: 002"

"Current points 211"

"Current experience: 000/1000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

The system was upgraded, and Chu Qing saw at a glance that the halo function of the system below was activated.

Chu Qing looked over curiously, and already knew how to use the halo in her mind!
The system halo has three states!Favorable halo!Lucky aura!Aura of doom!

The current levels of the three auras are all LV1, which means that they can be upgraded just like skills.

The function of the halo is also simple and direct, the favorability halo, after it is turned on, can increase the favorability of people around Chu Qing!

After the lucky aura is activated, Chu Qing's luck value will increase dramatically!

The halo of doom, after it is turned on, can bring bad luck to those around it!

The halo effect is simple and rude, and the point deduction is also simple to eliminate violence, one point per second!
With Chu Qing's current remaining points, it will be consumed in less than 4 minutes!
After returning to her small apartment, Chu Qing put away the host card, fell on the bed and began to catch up on sleep.

The first step of the plan was successful, and he was finally able to relax.

He doesn't need to record the show tomorrow. In the days to come, they can also contact each other at home. They just need to wait until Saturday, Sunday and Monday to record.

Early the next morning, Chu Qing scratched her head in a daze, grabbed her clothes and subconsciously wanted to catch the subway, and then remembered that she had a rest today.

He rubbed his head, yawned, and started calling Song Dawei.

There are still many things to do today.

(End of this chapter)

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