Chapter 68 Taking pictures
Chu Qing's short video has not been updated for a long time since she participated in the variety show, and the increase in fans has almost stopped during this time.

So he decided to record a small video today to add a little heat to himself.

He also thought about the idea of ​​shooting a video, so he shot cross-dressing!

This idea will definitely be popular, after all, it has been fully proved in the previous life, and this time he plans to shoot a different costume change.

Song Dawei drove downstairs to his house more than half an hour later.

After Chu Qing got into the car, Song Dawei handed him a small bag with a few buns inside.

"I haven't had breakfast yet. I bought it downstairs just now. It's still hot."

Chu Qing was not too polite, she took it and ate it, and said while eating, "Have you found a makeup artist?"

"Don't worry, my friend is in the Beijing Opera Troupe, this little thing is nothing to worry about!"

"That's it!"

Song Dawei drove towards the Beijing Opera Troupe. This time, the costume that Chu Qing planned to film was the Peking Opera costume!
This was also a big fire in the previous life, and Chu Qing believed that with her uncooled heat, she would definitely be able to catch fire!
It doesn’t matter if it’s not too popular, you can charge yourself!
As a person who is about to become a millionaire, can't the traffic of 1000 yuan still be unaffordable?

More than an hour later, the two came to the Beijing Opera Troupe.

The uncle of one of Song Dawei's friends worked as a makeup artist here. When he knew that Chu Qing wanted to shoot a video to promote traditional Peking Opera, the makeup artist was overjoyed.

She patted her chest and said, all of this was left to him!

Chu Qing was not too polite, and directly said that she planned to have a look that relied on Zhao Yun!

The makeup artist said no problem, and began to help Chu Qing put on makeup for the show!
In fact, this kind of thing is usually painted by myself, which is also one of the basic skills.

Chu Qing's martial arts skills actually cover this kind of makeup, but his skills are only first-level. His master has been doing it for half his life. To put it bluntly, even with his eyes closed, he can paint better than him. !
So, professional things should be handed over to professionals!
The two chatted while putting on makeup, and when they knew that Chu Qing was going to participate in the talent show, Chu Qing could feel the master's disdain.

When he learned that Chu Qing was actually the host of Yanjing TV Station, and that he only went to the show to attract more people to be interested in traditional culture, the teacher's expression became even more disdainful.

Looking at his appearance, he felt that Chu Qing belonged to the kind of person who touches the quintessence of porcelain, is dissatisfied with a bottle, dangles half of the bottle, and wants to gain popularity by relying on the banner of Peking Opera.

Seeing this, Chu Qing sang two verses straight away. The old master's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he began to sing with Chu Qing, often he said something to Chu Qing, and Chu Qing said something to him!
Song Dawei's head was so dizzy that he couldn't understand what the two were singing.

The master master, however, became more and more delighted the more he listened, and when he finished putting on Chu Qing's makeup and began to walk through the hair, he said with emotion: "Your basic skills are very solid. Did you learn it from a teacher or from school?"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Neither of them, I just like it. When I was young, my grandfather liked to listen to operas, and I also liked to listen to them. I learned by myself slowly."

The master was surprised and said: "Self-study? Oh my god, your talent is so amazing! If you can learn from a master earlier, I will definitely have another Peking Opera master in Huaxia!"

Chu Qing waved her hands again and again: "You are too flattering, too much!"

"Hey, these are all truthful words, not flattery. Listening to your singing, you are also singing Wusheng?"

"Well, I like these since I was a child. I used to go to the local opera troupe to watch a play, and learned the two-handed style from the old man."

While talking, the old master had already dressed him up.

He took a spear from the side and threw it at Chu Qing.

Chu Qing was not afraid, he raised his leg and kicked the spear into the air, turned around, and when he waited for the spear to fall, he had firmly caught it in his hand.

"it is good!"

The old master's eyes brightened, he laughed and said, "Just now I saw you walking like a dragon and a tiger, you should have practiced it before, and it really is!"

Chu Qing made two movements casually, and the banner behind him slammed violently, and Song Dawei and the master's eyes were shining brightly.

To be honest, I have seen a lot of masters like Chu Qing. The reason why I am surprised is that this is a person who has never studied Peking Opera. He can practice to such a degree that he is not inferior to professional actors!

The reason why Song Dawei was surprised was simple, because he had never seen it before!
In fact, this was Chu Qing's first time playing with a gun, but he felt that everything was so natural, as if he had put in a lot of effort and practiced hard!
Chu Qing looked for Song Dawei after a simple search, and said, "Brother Wei, it's alright!"

Song Dawei was already immune to this appellation, took out his phone, pulled the beauty filter to the bottom and said, "That's it!"

Chu Qing adjusted her mood and made two appearances!
Song Dawei's eyes lit up, and he felt that a photo of this level could be used as a screensaver!

But the old master shook his head and said, "No, no, you're almost energetic, you look like Zhao Yun! Chang Banpo is carrying a young master in his arms, Zhao Yun who enters and exits seven times! Your contempt has not come out!"

After the master finished speaking, he walked up to Chu Qing and said, "Pay attention, look into my eyes!"

After the master finished speaking, he also made a gesture of showing off, even if he didn't have any clothes, his aura was still unstoppable!

When people get old, their eyes will become cloudy, but this old master's eyes are full of energy, so that people dare not even look at him!

The old master said in a loud voice: "When you put on the outfit, you are not you anymore! You are the Zhao Yun who entered and exited seven times at the foot of Changban slope! Who is Zhao Yun? He is General Changsheng! The ever-victorious general who has lost! You have to show that spirit! Come! Follow me!"

After the teacher finished speaking, he made another look and said, "Come on! Learn to see!"

Although Chu Qing's learning ability is good, but eyesight is really not that easy to learn!Even after trying several times in a row, it didn't work.

The master thought about it for a while and said: "The eyes are all from the inside out, don't worry, imagine that you are Zhao Yun, surrounded by helpless, the only descendant of the lord is in your arms! You must take him Send it back!"

Chu Qing made adjustments again, and started to brainwash herself according to what the master said!

In fact, he has often done this kind of brainwashing in his previous life, during breakfast and meetings on the rooftop, come on, come on, I'm the strongest!Come on, come on, I'm the best!

As he brainwashed himself, he really found the feeling, his eyes became more and more determined, and there seemed to be a feeling of sacrificing his life and forgetting to die, who would give me up!
The master chef showed satisfaction, and Song Dawei even turned on the continuous shooting mode, his eyes were even brighter than the flashlight!
This photo, this photo!Even if Douyin is not popular, it can be sold to a rich woman!

Hahaha, I really picked up a treasure this time!

(End of this chapter)

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