Chapter 69
Song Dawei took dozens of photos in a row, and finally recorded a few short videos, and then handed the phone to Chu Qingdao in satisfaction.

"What do you think? As far as my photography technique is concerned, I really don't want to brag to you. I think it was also a well-known photographer in Beijing back then!"

Chu Qing glanced at it twice, not to mention, the shot was really good!

Chu Qing selected a few of them and sent them to her mobile phone, as did the short videos.

Editing videos or something, it is better for him to come in person, after all, he knows what effect he wants!
It's not easy to do makeup once, so Chu Qing simply recorded some themes, which might be useful in the future.

Before leaving, I bought some cosmetics from the master.

This kind of makeup, when it comes to recording, you have to do it yourself.

After taking off their make-up and returning their outfits, the two started to rush towards Chu Qing's house.

After arriving near the apartment, the car was parked, and the two had a meal before going back to edit the video.

The computer Chu Qing used for live streaming was very good, and there were software for video editing and so on. Chu Qing put on a white shirt, which looked very clean. After he recorded a little video, he started to operate on the computer.

In about half an hour, Chu Qing made two videos.

He dragged Song Dawei to the computer and said, "Brother Viagra, which of these two videos is better?"

After seeing it, Song Dawei slapped his thigh and said, "Both are good!"

Chu Qing frowned and said: "But the two of them are similar in type, so you can only choose one to post, otherwise they will be diverted."

Song Dawei was very conflicted, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Then choose the one on the left! The man is on the left and the woman is on the right!"

Chu Qing smiled: "Okay! Then post this!"

After speaking, Chu Qing directly clicked send, and at the same time silently spent 1000 yuan to buy push traffic!
Just kidding, everyone is so successful now, how much money is short of this?

Lin Meng is an office worker, an office worker who likes to brush and shake her hands during working hours.

But that's okay, after all, her job is more leisurely.

And because she usually likes to watch handsome guys, after analyzing the big data of Shaking Hands, all the videos that were pushed to her were some handsome guys.

But this kind of thing, if you watch too much, you will really get tired of it.

And as she swiped, she came across a very interesting shaking hand.

In the picture, a man in a white shirt is held by the collar by a big hand. The man looks a little thin, the white shirt is spotless, and he wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses on his face. He looks like a bully.

But even so, it can't stop his handsomeness, and the current appearance will make people feel a sense of protection.

The big hand shook his neck, and the background music also played. She had never heard this music before, but it sounded quite emotional, giving people a feeling of blood boiling.

At the same time, a voice-over sounded: "Let go of your hands"

The owner of that hand seemed to be disdainful, and pushed the shirt man away vigorously. Just when the shirt man was about to fall, the screen exploded, and the shirt man disappeared, replaced by a blue and white man holding a long gun. actor!
Lin Meng only felt her heart tighten, as if her soul was being held by the other party!
Especially the actor's eyes are simply breathtaking!
Looking at those eyes, she only felt trembling all over, and she didn't know whether it was fear or love.

This person gave her an unparalleled sense of security, giving her an urge to fall into his arms, as if the other person was a walking hormone!

She double-clicked without hesitation, and watched the video again. The more she watched it, the more handsome she felt!
For the first time, she discovered that traditional costumes can be so handsome!
She looked at the author, Chu Qing. She seemed to have a little impression of the name, but she couldn't remember it for a while. After clicking on the work, she realized that it was Cui Qiqi's ex-boyfriend!

At the same time, there are countless people like Lin Meng!
In just a few minutes, this video has over 3000 likes and over [-] comments!

And this data shows no sign of stopping at all. With every refresh of Chu Qing, it will go up a lot!

Song Dawei was also constantly refreshing the data, and the smile on his face never stopped.

"This method of publicity is really good! Look at your fan base, which is almost 200 million. After you become a big Internet celebrity, we can find other big Internet celebrities to help you advertise and call on everyone to go Kiwifruit supports you!"

Chu Qing asked curiously, "What's the price?"

"It's about the same big Internet celebrity, and a video of support is about 20."

"He gave it to me?"

"I'm afraid you're thinking about farting!"

"Just kidding! 20! If there is 20, I will find him, and if I spend 20, I will be in the newspaper, boss!"

"How many people still read newspapers now? Even many schools have canceled their subscriptions"

"Then I won't give them 20! 20 is enough for me to make a down payment at home!"

Song Dawei was speechless, but he was used to it, and it took him so long to understand Chu Qing's character.

To put it simply, this product belongs to the genus Pixiu, and it is typical to have in and out!
The iron rooster is the younger brother in front of him, the iron rooster is at most a hairless, this guy won't even let you see the hair!
Song Dawei thought about it for a while and said, "Then just connect with Mai and find two people who have about the same number of fans as you. Let's make friends with each other, and then the two of you will boast about your business and talent! It's impossible to ask someone to record a video for you to promote. Now, let’s talk about it during the live broadcast!”

Chu Qing thought for a while, then shook her head again, it didn't feel like it was compelling!
And it's all leftovers from other people's play, which will lower your own image.

Seeing Chu Qing shaking his head again, Song Dawei had no choice but to shrug his shoulders and said, "Then what do you think?"

"Forging iron requires our own hard work! We rely on ourselves, no one is even in the same boat! What about PK here and there, and they all gang up to cheat fans of money. I won't do this kind of thing!"

When Chu Qing said these words, his expression was that of a righteous speech, which seemed inviolable.

But Song Dawei understood that this kid simply didn't want to spend money, and he didn't want others to rub his heat!

On Shaking Hands, Chu Qing's cross-dressing video quickly swept the entire Shaking Hands!

In just over an hour, the number of likes exceeded one million!
The comments are as high as more than 20, and this is also because this is the first time this kind of cross-dressing video appears on Douhan!

For this reason, there are even a lot of celebrities who commented on Chu Qing below.

At first Chu Qing thought it was a fake account, but when she found out that it was all verified by real name, she hurriedly replied.

And the one with the most comments was about Chu Qing's image after disguise.

The most commented by netizens are some national quintessence, support.

Am I getting old, why do I like this kind of thing and other comments.

Anyway, Chu Qing was shaking her hands, and she became angry again!

 I won't say more nonsense, one word, ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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