Chapter 70 New Assistant

At night, Chu Qing's video had more than 200 million likes!
This data simply blinded the eyes of countless people, but immediately, countless videos began to be remade.

The BGM is very unified, they all use Chu Qing's BGM!

Chu Qing has no objection to this, and just treats the other party as helping her to promote herself. In addition, it is not easy to protect her own copyright on this kind of Internet. After all, the most indispensable thing in this world is shamelessness.

The kind that can say a few words politely, for example, brother, can I use your soundtrack?Brother, I want to use your soundtrack, can you see it?
It's not bad to have this kind of music. As for the kind that uses your soundtrack and gives you some copyright fees, Chu Qing never dared to dream like this!
Usually they take it without asking, and there is a more weird one, they will think that I use your things to give you face!If I don't want it, who knows that this thing is yours?
I don't know who these people learned their bandit thinking from, anyway, the teachers at the school must have never taught them that way.

Song Dawei burst out laughing after reading the data, and dragged Chu Qing to go out for dinner. It happened that Duan Peng also called at this time, and he was also happy for his good brother, especially now that Chu Qing has become a "big internet celebrity" case!
Chu Qing simply called Duan Peng, and the three of them had a meal together, and Chu Qing treated them.

Chu Qing's kind of iron rooster treats guests, so naturally he doesn't need to expect any big meals.

A small barbecue on the street is enough 'luxury' for him!

Duan Peng naturally didn't care, the lamb skewers were full of oil, and he didn't care if it was a muscle killer!

Song Dawei was obviously not very interested in these things, he just drank beer and ate 'Huamaoyiyi'.

Duan Peng's mouth was full of oil, and he said while eating: "Qingzi, you have become a big Internet celebrity, and you will have to earn thousands of dollars when you start the live broadcast!"

Chu Qing laughed and said: "I just started a live broadcast, guess how much money I made?"

"How much?" Duan Peng's voice was full of curiosity.

"10,000+! Hahahaha!"

"Fuck! Really? Hahahaha, you kid is rich! No, no, I have to give you bankruptcy today!"

When Duan Peng heard that he had earned 10,000+, his eyes were full of joy. After swallowing the meat in his mouth, he shouted: "Boss! Another [-] oysters, fatter ones!"

"Hey, twenty oysters, right? They'll be here soon!"

The boss not far away agreed, and immediately went to inform the grill master to add [-] more oysters.

Chu Qing was eating a portion of minced garlic vermicelli, and she couldn't help being surprised when she heard the words: "Twenty raw oysters? You are not afraid of nosebleeds! Can the fifth girl take it?"

Duan Peng chuckled and said, "Twenty oysters are nothing to worry about!"

During this period, Song Dawei had actually been paying attention to Duan Peng's eyes.

Ordinary people, after hearing that a friend who is similar to themselves suddenly earns 10,000+ a day, the first reaction is jealousy!
Then I want to take advantage of it. If you are a cautious person, you can’t wait to curse you for a serious illness. This 10,000+ is not enough to cure the disease!

This is the most real status quo in today's society, and only your family members will be happy because you suddenly make money or become prosperous, not relatives who are a little farther away.

And just now after Chu Qing said that he made money, Duan Peng didn't feel jealous at all, only envy and joy in his eyes.

It's normal to be envious, after all, it's 10,000+, not a dozen!

Joy is to be happy for one's good brother, this kind of expression can only be shown by family members!
"Dapeng, you quit your job in the gym. I'm participating in a variety show now, and there are many star directors in it. If you work as my assistant for a while, you may be picked up by a big director, so I will choose you." It’s signed! And it’s okay if I don’t have anyone around me who needs to be reassured, so you just come to help me.”

Duan Peng's eyes lit up when he heard this. He studied acting, but he didn't get an internship after graduation. Now that Chu Qing can show him around in front of the director, he is naturally willing.

"Then we have to agree! I can't afford less than 3000 yuan a month, or I won't serve you!"

Hearing this, Chu Qing raised her index finger and gestured one by one.

Seeing this, Duan Peng feigned anger and said: "You kid is so deductive! Now that you are rich, give me 1000 yuan as a salary! That's not enough for me to eat!"

"Ten thousand! I'll give you ten thousand for a month!"

Duan Peng was taken aback, then waved his hands again and again and said, "You can push me down, I know what I am, I'm not worth 1 yuan a month!"

But Chu Qing said seriously: "Don't you kid always yell that you are the future actor? With 1 yuan a month, you can hire the future actor to be my assistant. I'm already making a lot of money!"

Duan Peng still waved his hand and said, "No, no, don't pity me. I'm in the gym now, and I only earn more than 7000 yuan a month."

"I pity your ass! Just say whether you will come or not, and see you and me?"

At this moment, Song Dawei suddenly understood why the relationship between the two was so good.

One is a person whose expression is only joy when seeing his friends prosper.

Another person who is obviously an iron rooster, but is willing to spend far more than ordinary people's salary to invite good friends to be by his side.

It's not surprising that two people like this become good friends, right?

Looking at the two guys who were devouring it as if this meal was their last meal, Song Dawei suddenly felt that it is good to be young. When he just graduated, he was so youthful with his two good friends. Play it yourself!

But in the end, the friends slowly separated.

Some went out of town because of work, and some went back to their hometown to get married because of unhappiness.

In the end, he was the only one who stayed and persisted on this road.

Looking at Chu Qing and Duan Peng, he suddenly thought, if he fails again this time, he should also be in his hometown.

The pace of life there is slow, with relatives and friends around, life will be easier.

My English is good, I can go back and be an English teacher.

Thinking of this, Song Dawei showed a longing smile on his face.

Duan Peng saw this, but whispered: "Qingzi, your manager is not gay!"

Chu Qing was surprised: "Why do you think so?"

Duan Peng nuzzled and said: "Look at the way he looks at us."

Chu Qing turned her head to look, and saw Song Dawei was looking forward to 'looking at them'.

Suddenly Chu Qing shuddered, no way, this is too frightening!

"Viagra! Viagra! What are you thinking?"

Chu Qing couldn't stand Song Dawei looking at 'herself' like this, so she stretched out her hand and shook it in front of his eyes.

Song Dawei woke up with a start, rubbed his eyes and said, "It's nothing, I'm thinking about the future."

Duan Peng looked at Chu Qing upon hearing the words, with a hint of 'take care of yourself' in his eyes
(End of this chapter)

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