Chapter 71 Live Again
After one night, Chu Qing's cross-dressing video had more than 300 million likes!

Moreover, there was a wave of dress-up styles on the Internet, and netizens' brains were also wide open, and there were all kinds of dress-up videos!

Transformed into warlords of the Republic of China, transformed into angels, etc., have all been developed by netizens, and the number of likes is not low.

The number of Chu Qing's fans also directly broke through the 200 million mark, reaching 220 million!

A single video can gain 30 million followers, which is something that many big internet celebrities are envious of!

Chu Qing also didn't forget to advertise herself. Under her profile, she wrote,'s "Idol Has Attitude" contestant, please support me.

Numerous netizens sent him private messages, saying that the show is only on the webpage and has not yet been released, and they will definitely vote for him after it is released.

At noon, Duan Peng came to Chu Qing's apartment.

He had gone to the boss to resign this morning, and the boss didn't make things difficult for him, but he didn't keep him either.

Duan Peng is a more principled person. When he is in the gym, he will not use some means to sell classes, so that his performance is not good.

The boss really doesn't care about employees with mediocre grades who want to leave!

As for Duan Peng, he usually has good eyesight in the gym and often helps with cleaning and so on, so the boss has a good impression of him, and he readily paid him his salary.

After he came, Chu Qing transferred 1 yuan to him first, and Duan Peng didn't hold back. The friendship between the two of them grew up wearing crotch pants, needless to say hypocritical words, but it seemed estranged.

If one day, Chu Qing got into a fight with someone, he would be the one who would go directly to help regardless of whether it was indiscriminate or indiscriminate!
In Duan Peng's words, you must help your friends in a fight, and it's up to the judge to tell the right from the wrong.

"Qingzi, what does the assistant do every day?"

"Serving tea and pouring water, doing laundry and stacking quilts"


"Just kidding, I also have an assistant sent by the TV station. What did the brother say, the TV station sent me to monitor me, afraid that I would use 'work time' to do other things, understand."


"So I'm definitely not at ease with such a person. At that time, I will have to help me with many things. For example, I need to arrange a quieter restaurant when I meet someone. You need to book a table for me. There is a hotel for me to travel, and you are responsible for helping me arrange it."

After hearing this, Duan Peng shook his head and said, "Isn't it all over the place? I'm a fool, can I still handle these things? I need to find someone who is careful!"

Chu Qing thumped him and said: "You can still be my assistant for the rest of your life? Even if these things are not done well, I can still blame you! The most important thing for you is to keep the directors and managers in those circles. Make a good impression and let them sign you away! You have a fart future with me, your acting skills are so good, wouldn’t you be blind if you don’t become an actor?”

Duan Peng laughed and scratched his head, he found that Chu Qing is indeed different now.

In the past, Chu Qing couldn't fart with three sticks, and she especially didn't like to talk. This kind of personality suffered a lot in elementary and middle schools, because she seemed a little out of gregarious.

For this reason, Duan Peng often stood up for Chu Qing, and was always at the forefront of every fight.

It wasn't until the beginning of university that Chu Qing started to get along with the group, and her performance gradually improved!

After the graduation party was over, it was like a completely different person!
"Go, brother will take you out for a big meal!"

"What to eat?"


"That thing is not very hungry, I have to eat three or four bowls to be full"

"You're going to die! Don't keep your figure?"

Duan Peng sighed and said, "Keep it up, definitely keep it up!"

"Then I'll prepare chicken breast and broccoli for you at noon."

Before Chu Qing could finish speaking, Duan Peng covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom. He was already at the point where he was about to vomit just hearing these two ingredients!

"Okay, okay, let's eat steak! Steak!"

Duan Peng just came out of the bathroom, and Chu Qing sighed: "A good boy, he was forced to practice forcibly, why bother, you have to practice so hard, seeing that I eat normally all day, don't you also maintain it well?"

Duan Peng sighed and said: "It's not surprising that I have a long face. If my figure is not good, then who can use me!"

Chu Qing smiled: "Don't worry, there must be a director with insight and talent who can fall in love with you!"

The two went out for a meal, which cost more than 400 yuan.

If Song Dawei saw this, he would definitely be amazed that the iron cock plucked its feathers!

After returning to the apartment in the afternoon, Chu Qing began to briefly introduce the situation of "Idol Has an Attitude" to Duan Peng.

It is mainly people he needs to know, such as the manager of a certain player, a certain young director on the scene, and so on.

Duan Peng remembered very seriously, and he didn't leave until it was almost dark outside.

He has to catch the bus and subway, and there will be no bus if he goes back late.

After Chu Qing sent Duan Peng away, she started her second live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast started, the number of people in the live broadcast room began to grow wildly. Chu Qing adjusted the timing of the microphone, and the audience in the live broadcast room exceeded 2 people!
Chu Qing couldn't help being speechless, wondering if he was really going to get angry?More than 2 people went online as soon as the live broadcast started?
Then, a large ship appeared on the live broadcast screen.

"Chu Qing's eldest wife!Send the treasure ship to host Chu Qing! '

"Chu Qing's eldest wife!Send the treasure ship to host Chu Qing! '

"Chu Qing's eldest wife!Send the treasure ship to host Chu Qing! '

The eldest wife came up with three treasure ships, firmly occupying the first place on the list. Chu Qing thought that Lu Xiaoke should have set up a reminder for the live broadcast, otherwise how could she come to collect gifts as soon as the broadcast started.

This made Chu Qing feel a little bit of a little surprise in his heart. No matter what, it is a wonderful feeling that someone is willing to support you with real money.

"Thank you, thank you Mrs. for the gift, thank you thank you"

Chu Qing clasped his hands together, thanked the other party for the gift he had given him, and followed the old rules, answering some questions from the audience while taking screenshots.

"Brother Chu, your cross-dressing video is so handsome, is that you in the back?"

"Yes, yes, I prefer some traditional cultures, and I usually study some. In two days, there will be a variety show called "Idol Has an Attitude" on, and I will have something to promote the culture of our ancestors. The performance, brothers who like it can go and watch it”

Chu Qing still did not forget that her main purpose was to advertise!
"Chu Qing's second aunt!Send the treasure ship to host Chu Qing! '

"Chu Qing's second aunt!Send the treasure ship to host Chu Qing! '

Not long after, the second female local tyrant also appeared. Chu Qing quickly thanked and smiled again: "Thank you, thank you for the gift from the second aunt, but you don't need to spend so much money, just chat, just chat."

At this moment, Chu Qing said in her heart, 'I love rich women!I love rich women!I love rich women!The important rich woman said it three times! '

 The sky does not give birth to my cute Xinshan ghost, the recommended ticket is like a long night!Tickets come!

(End of this chapter)

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