Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 72 "Comprehension", please recommend for collection!

Chapter 72 "Comprehension", please recommend for collection!
As soon as Chu Qing started the live broadcast, he received countless applications for Lianmai.

Chu Qing didn't seem to notice it at all, and didn't order any of them. Those who sold goods and advertised were all banned by the super management of Shaking Hands.

Chu Qing is very satisfied with this, it is okay to advertise, but you have to pay for the advertisement!White P is the most shameful. How is it different from those who read books but don't collect them, and don't vote?shameful, bah!
After interacting with the audience in the live broadcast room for a while, Chu Qing said with a smile: "I don't have any particularly good talent show, why don't I sing a song for everyone?"

As soon as these words came out, the barrage exploded again, all of which were song requests, such as "Overfire" and "The Queen", and the screen was swiped over and over again.

Seeing this, Chu Qing coughed lightly and said, "Let's sing a new song for everyone today. I just created it in the past two days."

Now the audience became interested. In fact, they are almost tired of the so-called original songs sung by the anchor.

Among the 99 anchors, [-] of them's original songs are terrible, and even the songs that are said to be saliva are a bit unqualified.

Sometimes the audience really wants to persuade these people, let's cover it, or find a reliable songwriter!Your current song is really terrible!

But Chu Qing is different, the quality of each of his songs is extraordinary, and even now there are many people covering them on Shaking Hands!

The song "Overfire" even entered the top ten of the Shaker Music Chart!Chu Qing deserves to be called a well-known original singer!
Chu Qing took a deep breath, turned around and took off her brand-name acoustic guitar and said with a smile: "This song is also my perception during this period of time, and it can also be regarded as a summary of my previous feelings. The name of the song is " Comprehension"! Today is my first time singing, if there are any mistakes, you probably won't be able to hear it."

"Ha ha ha ha"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"It's the first time you sing, you must be right! After all, we haven't heard other versions."

"Brother Chu is so cute, ahhh, I have a girlish heart!"

"Wait upstairs, old man?"

Chu Qing began to brew emotions, and when she was ready, she silently turned on the soundtrack on the computer.

He has been busy during this time, registered a lot of songs, and made a lot of soundtracks!

After gaining soundtrack skills, these are trivial things for him, as long as he has a computer or mobile phone, but compared with other professionally produced soundtracks, the effect is still a bit worse.

But it doesn't matter, as you make more, you will definitely be able to make better ones after you upgrade your skills, and one day you will be more professional than professionals!
"I thought I was going to cry"

"but I do not have"

"I just stare blankly at your footsteps"

"My last blessing to you"

Chu Qing started to sing, but the audience was a little confused after hearing it. Is this singing or chanting?
Although Chu Qing's voice is nice, is it really a song?There's not even a soundtrack, it's just a cappella!

"Isn't this a kind of understanding"

"Let me see myself clearly"

"Though the loveless pain"

"Day and Night"

"In the deepest part of my soul"

Chu Qing's voice fluctuated slightly, as if forcibly suppressing some emotion, and the audience finally found some feeling of listening to the song.

The speed of commenting on the screen has obviously slowed down. At this moment, tens of thousands of people who are watching Chu Qing's live broadcast all over the country are quietly listening to Chu Qing singing this new song. Through this song, they can feel his story , his experience.

"I thought I was going to get revenge"

"but I do not have"

"When I See the Woman I Loved"

"As helpless as a child"

As soon as Chu Qing uttered these two lines of lyrics, an image instantly appeared in the minds of the audience.

The matter between Cui Qiqi and Chu Qing was not too big or small. After all, neither of them was a big-name person, but most of the audience who watched Chu Qing's live broadcast had some understanding of what happened back then.

The audience also knows what roles the two of them played in that relationship.

Comparing my heart to my heart, if I changed the role I brought into Chu Qing, would I take revenge?

certainly!definitely will!

The most unacceptable thing for a person is betrayal, let alone a betrayal from a close person, and Cui Qiqi is no longer a betrayal, she clearly wants to kill Chu Qing!
And what about Chu Qing?He really seemed to want to sing in the lyrics, when he saw that woman, he was as helpless as a child, not knowing what he should do.

If you don't have a good friend to secretly take pictures, go to the school to interview with a righteous reporter.

Maybe the current Chu Qing has been sprayed into Xiangxiang!Thinking of this, some female fans couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"Chu Qing's eldest wife!Send the treasure ship to host Chu Qing! '

"Chu Qing's eldest wife!Send the treasure ship to host Chu Qing! '

"Chu Qing's eldest wife!Send the treasure ship to host Chu Qing! '

Lu Xiaoke didn't say anything, and three more treasure ships came!Just use the gift to prove your support for Chu Qing!
At the same time, more and more viewers poured into Chu Qing's live broadcast room.

"Isn't this a kind of understanding"

"Let you see yourself clearly"

"Being loved is a luxury of happiness"

"Too bad you never cared"

Chu Qing's voice is faint, but there seems to be a magical power in it, which can make the audience be aroused by his singing, and naturally walk into the picture scroll he has composed!Feel the joy, anger, sorrow and joy brought by him!
Love, be loved!

What you don't care about is what others envy and want to have!
Just like Cui Qiqi back then, when Chu Qing was completely devoted to her, she only thought that Chu Qing was a piece of mud, it didn't matter, no matter how much she trampled on, he would wait for her right there.

It wasn't until I lost her that it dawned on me that it wasn't a piece of mud, it used to be a heart, but the injury was too serious and it slowly rotted away.

"A relationship ends here"

"A heart that seems to be barren"

"If our love is wrong"

"May you and I not suffer in vain"

"If you have given sincerely and sincerely"

"Should be satisfied!"

Chu Qing's voice gradually became louder, as if everything she sang before was for the chorus!The audience also slowly became excited with his voice, and their emotions seemed to be connected to Chu Qing's strings, rising and falling with his plucking!
But after Chu Qing sang the word "satisfaction", she stopped and took a deep breath quietly.

This feeling was as if he was about to hit the door, but stopped forcibly. This even made many audience members feel that their breathing was a little stagnant, just waiting for him to take a breath when he sang the chorus!

However, there are more audiences, carefully reminiscing about the lyrics he just sang.

If our love is wrong, may you and I not suffer in vain.

These two lines of lyrics are really well written!

(End of this chapter)

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