Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 76 Resume Recording

Chapter 76 Resume Recording
In a blink of an eye, it was Saturday again.

The recording of the variety show started again. Because of the team, Chu Qing was the only one in the training room this time.

The official recording is on Monday, and they practice freely in these two days. If there is anything they don’t understand, they can ask the five instructors.

In fact, it is the same wherever they practice. The main reason they are here is that the program group needs to record the clips of their practice.

But this is also normal, this game is actually just a few games.

The first one hundred into sixty, this is the first game, then the sixty into thirty, this is the second game.

Thirty into ten, this is the third game, if there are any more, it is ten into one or ten into a few, this is the fourth game.

According to the requirements of the program group, a total of twelve episodes need to be filmed!
How can the material of just four scenes be used?What if the time is not enough?
It's simple, just grind your hands!
Hey, one or two episodes can be recorded for players to choose positions, and there can be several episodes of training.

People who watch this kind of program come here to see handsome guys. Is there really someone who comes to see talents?funny!

You don't care what I play, if I'm handsome, it's over!
Chu Qing was a little regretful, without those few people around, no instructors came to see, he was the only player in the room, not even a photographer, there were only two unmanned cameras, one They were facing him from front to back, and there was a camera above his head, which should be used to take panoramic shots.

How can I say that I am also No.2!Why is wool so miserable?

Although Chu Qing couldn't figure it out, she had no choice but to contact her for practice.

But in the room, there is not even a musical instrument, only a stool, and the rest is empty!

In the end, Chu Qing simply sat on the stool, put on her earphones silently, and began to brew emotions and practice singing.

He knew in his heart that it was useless to do so, as he would not be able to get any shots, and he would not be able to grab the fresh meat supported by capital.

How can that work? No lens means no heat, and no heat means no traffic.

Strictly speaking, these people are traffic artists, traffic artists without traffic, just like soldiers without guns!Sooner or later people will be eliminated.

Definitely do something now!It has to be mixed with the lens!

Just as Chu Qing was thinking, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and Jiang Liangtao and Ding Cheng walked in, followed by their exclusive photographer.

The two couldn't help being taken aback when they saw the 'empty' training room!Immediately, Ding Cheng's complexion became a little ugly!
Chu Qing's strength is obvious to all, and he is only two votes behind No.1. No.3 can't even see his taillights. He is such a good seed, and there is not even a photographer in the training room!
Chu Qing was listening to the accompaniment with earphones. When she heard the sound, she turned her head and saw that it was the two instructors, and she couldn't help showing surprise.

He was so surprised that he couldn't pretend. Among the five mentors, these two were considered to be more friendly to him, especially Jiang Liangtao, who really admired Chu Qing.

Chu Qing hurriedly stood up and said, "Good morning, tutor!"

Ding Cheng frowned and said, "Why don't you have a photographer here?"

Chu Qing smiled awkwardly and said bitterly: "Maybe, it's because we have too many contestants, and there aren't enough photographers for now."

When Ding Cheng heard this, his brows frowned even deeper!
But Chu Qing smiled and said: "The two instructors came just in time. It is convenient for your photographer to help me see if the camera is turned on? I don't know much about these things, so I don't know if it is recording or not."

Ding Cheng and Jiang Liangtao felt a little uncomfortable hearing this, there must be a limit to bullying others!

Don't think they all understand, it must be because they think Chu Qing's performance is too good, and the first three are all pre-booked, this is because they are afraid that Chu Qing will spoil the situation, so they plan to reduce his shots and let him slowly be seen by the audience Forget it!

Ding Cheng didn't talk nonsense, she turned to look at her photographer and said, "Brother Liu, show me."

The photographer didn't talk nonsense, walked over to check the two cameras and said, "Well, they are both on."

Chu Qing smiled: "That's good, that's good"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Liangtao and said, "Teacher, I went to the teacher to learn some scriptures these two days, and I wrote a song myself, would you listen to it?"

Jiang Liangtao adjusted his expression and said with a smile: "Of course, I also watched the video of you shaking your hands. Zhao Yun's dress is really energetic! Did you go to the Beijing Opera Troupe?"

Chu Qing nodded with a smile, turned her mobile phone to the outside and said, "Teacher, can you listen to this song?"

Chu Qing cleared her throat after speaking, and sang along with the soundtrack.

"The ups and downs of the show"

"Singing joys and sorrows has nothing to do with me"

"Fan open and close gongs and drums and silence"

"Who can tell the outsiders in the drama?"

Chu Qing sang the very popular "Red Pity" in the previous life!It was the first time for the two of them to hear this kind of singing, especially when Chu Qing's singing came out in the refrain, Jiang Liangtao only felt a chill rushing from the tailbone straight to the sky!

At this moment, his eyes can already be used as light bulbs!

Before Chu Qing said that he wanted to promote traditional culture, he thought it was an opera, and he was also worried about Chu Qing, but he didn't expect that he would use this method!

Ding Cheng was also dumbfounded. She is from a girl group, but it doesn't mean she doesn't like these traditional cultures!

When she heard Chu Qing's opera aria, her reaction was not worse than Jiang Liangtao's at all, even worse!
She can even see that a new type of singing is about to emerge!And the founder is just the player in front of him, a player who has been severely guarded!

After Chu Qing sang the song "Red Pity", she turned off the soundtrack on her phone.

"Teacher, do you think the lyrics need to be adjusted? And the soundtrack, this is the first time I have made this kind of music. I don't have much experience, and many things are easy to fail to consider."

Hearing Chu Qing's inquiry, Jiang Liangtao didn't speak, but applauded slowly!

Ding Cheng also recovered and applauded along with Jiang Liangtao!
Chu Qing said with an 'embarrassed' look: "Teacher, do you think it is necessary to modify the opera? I have tried several singing styles before, but I always feel that Xiaosheng is not as good as Huadan."

Jiang Liangtao suddenly said with emotion: "Chu Qing, it's really useless for you to participate in this kind of program."

As soon as these words came out, Ding Cheng and Chu Qing were a little surprised, neither of them expected that Jiang Liangtao's evaluation of Chu Qing would be so high!
Chu Qing hurriedly said: "Teacher! You are too much!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she kept looking at the two photographers behind her.

Jiang Liangtao noticed his gaze, smiled and waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, I'm not afraid that they will sue, what I'm saying is from my heart, you are simply a genius! Regardless of the sound quality or creative ability, you are amazing. It’s at the genius level! If you study music with me, I’m confident that within three years, I’ll be able to make you a first-class singer!”

(End of this chapter)

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