Chapter 77 Rehearsal
Chu Qing was also surprised that Jiang Liangtao had such a high opinion of him!
"Teacher, you praise me too much"

"I didn't flatter you, what I said was from my heart!"

Jiang Liangtao said with a serious expression and firm eyes.

"With your strength, even if you don't stand out in this show, you will definitely shine in the future! I can be sure now that there will definitely be a place for you, Chu Qing, in the future Chinese music industry!"

"Your singing style really brought me a big surprise! Chu Qing, I am now formally extending an invitation to you. I want to collaborate with you on a song. Would you like to?"

Chu Qing nodded again and again, yes, of course I do!Of course Chu Qing would not give up such a good opportunity to catch the heat!
And it's always right to have a good relationship with Jiang Liangtao, he often visits him, and he can give himself a chance to catch some shots!

Ding Cheng thought for a while and asked: "After all, this is a show that focuses on singing and dancing. You must be able to sing without any problems. How about dancing?"

"I also prepared a section for dancing, but the main thing is singing"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she made a few dance moves and appearances, but Ding Cheng frowned after watching it: "Your dance is definitely not dominant."

Jiang Liangtao nodded and said: "But it's just right. If this operatic song is accompanied by those vigorous dances, it will be a bit nondescript."

Ding Cheng frowned, but also knew that Jiang Liangtao was right.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I can't take all the good things by myself. Since this is the path I chose, I will accept everything from him."

Chu Qing smiled brightly, and Ding Cheng suddenly found that he looked good when he smiled.

Jiang Liangtao also smiled and said, "Well, Xiao Chu is right."

Next, the three of them discussed the vocals and movements of the song together, and after more than two hours, the two left.

And not long after the two left, two photographers walked in, apparently Ding Cheng or Jiang Liangtao reported the situation to the superior.

Chu Qing could also feel the importance they attached to her. There were a total of [-] contestants in the field, but only five mentors.

But the two of them were willing to personally teach him for two hours, regardless of whether it was useful or not, at least he could feel how much they valued him.

When it was time to eat at noon, Duan Peng had already prepared the meal for him, which showed the difference between the two assistants.

Duan Peng grew up with Chu Qing, so he knew Chu Qing's tastes very well. The dishes he ordered were all Chu Qing's favorites, and he wouldn't make a mess like Tang Jiaming.

Chu Qing, Duan Peng, Song Dawei, and Tang Jiaming huddled together at a table to eat.

Chu Qing said while eating the meat, "How is it, Dapeng? Did you gain anything this morning?"

Duan Peng shrugged and said: "People like to answer and ignore, and there is nothing to gain."

Chu Qing looked at Song Dawei and said, "Brother Wei, help me, my brother is a bit thin-skinned, I'm sorry for some things, please help him"

Song Dawei smiled and said: "Don't worry, your brother is my brother, leave it to me! And I know a few directors, wait until I ask at night if they are short of actors."

Chu Qing was very happy when he heard that, and Duan Peng also giggled.

Tang Jiaming looked at the three people who were talking and joking, and suddenly felt that he couldn't fit in.

A few people were eating, when Chu Qing heard a loud noise, turned his head and saw Xie Kun walking straight to his place with a plate in his hand.

A few contestants next to him greeted Xie Kun enthusiastically, but behind him was an exclusive photographer!This is the treatment that only five mentors have.

Chu Qing sighed inwardly, it's true that people are more deadly than others!I didn't even have a photographer in my house before, but I only had two cameras. Looking at them now, this is still a professional!
Xie Kun sat directly next to Chu Qing, which immediately made the table for four seem a bit crowded.

Seeing this, Tang Jiaming picked up the plate and got up with a sense of current affairs, and gave up his seat.

Xie Kun smiled and said, "Dinning with you, don't you mind?"

Chu Qing asked curiously, "Why didn't you eat at your dining car? Are you not keeping fit?"

Xie Kun put away his dinner plate, stretched his waist and said, "I'm too lazy to go back. Besides, I'm tired of eating those every day. By the way, I heard from Mr. Jiang that the song you performed this time is very amazing?"

Chu Qing waved his hands with a smile and said, "Teacher Jiang is just flattering me, it's not really amazing, it's not amazing"

Xie Kun regarded him as being modest and didn't ask any further questions. Instead, he sighed: "I now realize how wise you are to choose to be alone!"

Adhering to the quality of being a professional fan, Chu Qing asked, "What's wrong?"

Xie Kun smiled wryly and said: "Everyone dances very well, but when we cooperate together, it is far from being able to make one plus one equal two, or even one plus one equals one point five! You say we are As a group, if you don’t even have the same dance moves, then what’s the point?”

Chu Qing was a little surprised when he heard the words. He didn't expect Xie Kun, who had always been gentle and friendly, to say this in front of the camera.

And his voice was not low, at least the few people around could hear him clearly.

In this kind of place, there are no secrets at all!
Chu Qing dared to bet that it would take less than half a day for all the players to know what Xie Kun said!
Then Chu Qing figured it out, this might be Xie Kun's plan, otherwise Xie Kun would not have eaten in his RV, but chose to eat here.

It's not easy for Chu Qing to speak up about this kind of thing. Xie Kun can offend others, but he can't afford to offend them!
If you want to offend, you have to be ready to make the other party unable to turn over!
Otherwise, Chu Qing would never say that much.

So Chu Qing just laughed, but didn't interrupt. Seeing this, Xie Kun understood Chu Qing's meaning, smiled as well, and began to eat with his head down.

Needless to say, Chu Qing also understood that their circle was dirty and chaotic, and someone must have used tricks on Xie Kun.

But it's not easy to provoke Xie Kun, who has always maintained a good temper, to such an extent!
If this part was not edited in the post-editing, Chu Qing could already see how that person would be sprayed by Xie Kun's fans!

People like them don't use knives to kill people.

One sentence, two sentences, can determine a person's future.

For example, Chu Qing in the previous life was killed by Cui Qiqi's brain damage!

After eating enough, Chu Qing returned to the training room to continue training. In fact, she was more proficient and recorded some content for the later editing shots.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the official recording on Monday.

Chu Qing sat in the dressing room and put on a simple costume for herself, but it was not a full costume, but only a quarter of her face.

From the left eye to the bridge of the nose and ears as the boundary, there seems to be an indescribable charm
(End of this chapter)

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