Chapter 78 Rehearsal
Song Dawei and Duan Peng and Tang Jiaming were right behind him, watching him put on makeup.

Song Dawei looked at the phone and said, "Tonight, after the show airs, you can vote. Then it will be time to decide whether to live or die. Are you confident?"

Chu Qing couldn't help frowning when he heard the words. It wasn't that Song Dawei's words made him feel uncomfortable, but this rule made him a little speechless.

This kind of selection method is simply more than the default!
To give a simple example, when Chu Qing was first divided into teams, all of them together did not have as many fans as Xie Kun, and now they are elected through this kind of online voting, who the hell can compare to him?

And the way the game is played is also very weird. Although they have all recorded to this point now, what about the audience?Tonight is the first episode. By the time the audience sees this episode, it will be almost a month. Today's match will not be decided until a month later?Isn't this ridiculous?

Song Dawei smiled when Chu Qing said what he thought.

"What are you thinking? People will see it next week!"

Seeing that Chu Qing didn't understand, Song Dawei began to introduce.

It turns out that this program is different. For normal users, an episode will be updated once a week, but if you become a member, it will be updated twice a week!So for those who are full members, they will be able to watch this game next week!

Chu Qing was dumbfounded when he heard it, how could he do this?Just kidding?
"What should we do after that? Recording two episodes a week, isn't that nonsense?"

Song Dawei smiled and waved his hands after hearing this: "It's too late. Think about it, there are more than 60 people. Now, just record and cut them casually. It's enough to put together everything!"

"Then isn't this a bad variety show? Is anyone watching it?"

"Why haven't you figured it out yet? I've said it all. This is a variety show that looks at faces! People come here to see handsome guys. Do you think who came here to see talents?"

"Didn't you say three months of recording time when you signed the contract before? At this speed, if you add it up and down, it won't take two months for everyone to finish broadcasting!"

Song Dawei laughed and said: "This is a web show! It's good for two months, and you can't tell by watching this kind of competition? They just want to realize the traffic! There are many people watching and the heat is high. It can sell advertising space and attract sponsorship! Look at this competition method, let the audience vote for the final champion”

"Isn't this just comparing fans and channel resources! To put it bluntly, provides a platform for those companies to use their own resources, their own contacts, and support their own people!"

After finishing speaking, Song Dawei waved his hands and said, "So, I never thought about the championship or anything. I must have discussed it a few days ago, and the cake is almost divided, so this time, my goal is to enter the top [-]." Just do it!"

Chu Qing couldn't help curling her lips when she heard it, top [-]?Are you looking down on me or the system?

On the other hand, I also feel that this program group is a bit out of class. Online voting instead of live voting is the first, and using garbage time to fool the audience is the second!
What makes Chu Qing most angry is that!The notice fee is really low.
After waiting for Chu Qing to put on her make-up, she was taken to the rest area of ​​the contestants, 60 people were there at the moment!
Chu Qing's makeup and clothing instantly attracted the attention of many people. At this moment, except for Chu Qing, the 60 people were all dressed in handsome clothes. Most of them were in slim suits, and a small number of them were in slim jeans.

Only Chu Qing, wearing a large white costume and a quarter of the costume painted on his face, stands out from the crowd like a chicken, but also has a strange sense of freedom.

Xie Kun claimed to be Chu Qing's friend. Seeing this, he led his team members and walked over with a smile. He sat next to Chu Qing and said, "Not bad! This outfit is quite eye-catching, why? Really singing tonight? "

Chu Qing shook her head with a smile and said, "Almost, it's an opera tune!"

Xie Kun raised his eyebrows, looking very interested.

Chu Qing looked at the clothes he was wearing. Xie Kun was wearing a white suit with a white shirt inside today. He looked clean and easy to give people a good impression.

On-site director Zhang Jianshe came out again, talking about some recording rules on the spot, and after arranging the order of appearances, everyone began to rehearse in order!

Chu Qing's order of appearance is in the middle, which is not bad.

Xie Kun was the first one. After hearing the director call him for rehearsal, he smiled and waved goodbye to Chu Qing.

Chu Qing ignored the strange gazes around her, closed her eyes and began to rest.

Everyone has only one chance to rehearse, and the rehearsal must end before the morning, because the audience will enter the venue in the afternoon!
It can also be seen that the program group will make more money. Chu Qing asked Lu Xiaoke how much the ticket was before, and Lu Xiaoke said that the cheapest is 888!

Chu Qing asked her how much the ticket cost, but Lu Xiaoke said nonchalantly that it was less than [-]!

Chu Qing felt that it didn't take long before the staff came and asked him to go to the rehearsal.

It was only when Chu Qing performed on stage that he saw that the five tutors were all in the audience.

After Chu Qing finished singing the song "Red Pity", Jiang Liangtao and Ding Cheng were fine, but the other three instructors and the staff were a little stunned!

Even Zhang Jianshe heard it for the first time, so he slapped his thigh straight away, thinking that Chu Qing would definitely have a place!
As for the contestants in the backstage, many people's faces changed at the same time. They looked at Chu Qing with jealousy, but also with envy!

After singing, Chu Qing returned to the rest area, waiting for everyone to finish the rehearsal before it was time for a break at noon.

Chu Qing went to the cafeteria to eat, Duan Peng had already prepared a meal for him, and Song Dawei and the others were waiting for him.

After waiting for Chu Qing to be seated, everyone began to eat. Song Dawei said while eating, "I saw the reactions of several instructors, the effect is good, and your performance is unconventional, I think it will definitely not be cut when editing! "

Chu Qing hummed, swallowed the food in his mouth, and said, "I don't think so. Last time I was ranked second. If I don't get any shots this time, the audience will definitely have something to say."

"How? Are you confident?"

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and shook her head: "If it's better than the show I have, if it's better than the fan channel, it's enough."

Chu Qing's voice was not loud, but it was enough for Song Dawei and the others to hear clearly.

At 12:30 noon, the audience officially enters the venue!
As the noise of the audience entering the arena sounded, the players on the scene began to get nervous again.

Especially those people who were filmed at the end last time, many people's nervous faces turned pale!

Facing the opportunity to debut, no one wants to be eliminated!Even Chu Qing felt a little nervous. After changing the [C-position exchange card] last time, his points were not much.

This time, it really depends on strength!
(End of this chapter)

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