Chapter 79 Why is he?

"The show is going to air tonight, so excited! I don't know if I can see myself"

"Don't be silly, this is not the first episode of their show, how could it be possible to see it tonight, besides, there are so many people in the auditorium, and we are so far behind, people can't see it"

"Oh, what if? And it's all fresh meat today, and I like Kunkun, that's great! Maybe I can get Kunkun's autograph, I heard that Kunkun is very fond of fans!"

As the audience walked towards their seats, they couldn't help discussing excitedly.

"Yes, yes! In order to vote for Kunkun, I specially opened [-] member accounts! I'm just waiting to vote for Kunkun when the voting channel opens today!"

"Wow! You look like a true fan, I really envy you!"

"Hey, if you don't spend some money on star chasing, is it called star chasing? Like this kind of people who can spend money for idols, that's called star chasing, and other kinds can only be called liking."

"That's it!"

"I like Wu Xinyuan better, I think he will definitely perform well"

"Yuan, Yuan Yuan is also very cute."

The female audience began to discuss their favorite artists, but it was rather strange to say that there was not a single male audience at the scene, and all [-] audiences were female audiences!

Soon, the audience took their seats, and the recording of the program officially started after five seconds counted down!
Amidst the sound of music, the host walked onto the stage to introduce the rules of the game and the current grouping situation, and the contestants officially appeared on the stage!

The first performer is Xie Kun's team. As No.1, he will be the first performer tonight.

There is a large monitor in the rest area of ​​the players, on which the scene is projected.

The contestants also looked nervous, or looking forward to, admiring, etc., just to get some shots later.

After waiting for Xie Kun to lead the team to the field, they could hear the cheers of the audience from a long distance away. The sound seemed to overturn the recording studio!
"Kun Kun!"

"Kun Kun!"

"Kun Kun!"

The voice was a bit noisy at first, but then it turned into a uniform voice!
Chu Qing felt a little sympathetic to Xie Kun's team members. Working with Xie Kun, there was not even a fan calling their names in the audience. How embarrassing!

If you are on your own team, or team up with others, you might even have a chance to enjoy being cheered on.

According to the traditional rules, several people began to share the responsibility again on the stage. This rap is responsible, and that dance is responsible. Anyway, everyone can be assigned a role.

After waiting for several people to introduce, following Wang Zhe's voice, several people began to perform!
Xie Kun performed an old song that was changed to dance music. The choreography was obviously new. They were all handsome guys, and they looked good no matter how they danced. The nympho audience in the audience was going crazy, shouting desperately , even the sound of the music can't be suppressed, which shows Xie Kun's popularity!
After waiting for their performance, the five instructors on the scene gave very high evaluation!

In this kind of atmosphere, if they dare to say that Xie Kun's singing and dancing are not good, they will definitely make these fans at the scene spray to death!
Then the second group of contestants appeared on the stage. There were six people in this group, and the performance style was still singing and dancing!

This time, the on-site instructors started to find faults, this didn’t work, that didn’t work, but they almost stopped. The audience might have been exhausted by Xie Kun, and the cheers were also quieted down, which made other people who didn’t make it to the stage The players are a little nervous.

Followed by the third group, the fourth group!

Their performance can only be said to be quite satisfactory. In fact, strictly speaking, even Xie Kun's performance is quite satisfactory, but the audience just like it!
Finally reached the fifth group, or the group is not suitable, because there is only Chu Qing!

Chu Qing adjusted her breathing and followed the staff to the staff aisle!

While waiting for Chu Qing to appear on the stage, he could clearly feel that the scene was stagnant, and there was even a momentary silence.

Just when Zhang Jianshe wanted to let 'Tuo' drive the applause, two girls in the first row of the auditorium stood up holding a big light board and shouted loudly: "Chu Qing Chu Qing! Evergreen in the industry! "

After Chu Qing heard this, she was so embarrassed that she almost used her toes to dig out two rooms and one living room. Evergreen in the industry?No matter how it sounds like praising an old artist!Sister, I haven't made my debut yet!This word is not suitable for me!

But Chu Qing definitely couldn't say anything, because one of them, Chu Qing, had already recognized that it was Lu Xiaoke. Although he didn't know the other one, the one who could hold up his own light sign must be his fan.

The audience at the scene didn't care about this, it was over for being handsome!
It has to be said that Chu Qing's appearance tonight is indeed amazing, especially after the audience sees that the first four groups are all handsome men in suits, it is inevitable that they will experience a little aesthetic fatigue.

When Chu Qing appeared at this time, it was as if he was tired of eating big fish and big meat, and suddenly gave you a salad!
And after hearing Lu Xiaoke's voice, they recognized that it was actually Chu Qing!Chu Qing shaking hands!

I have to say that Shaking Hands is really an app used by the whole people now, which has changed the way of life of countless people!

Now no matter young or old, they are shaking their hands almost in their free time!

And Chu Qing's dress-up video was very popular on Shaking Hands, even now there are still many people imitating it!

The cross-dressing video recorded by Chu Qing has more than 500 million likes!So many people have seen it!

At least 60.00% of the female viewers at the scene have seen Chu Qing's casual clothes video, and now after watching the main show appear, they all excitedly shouted after Lu Xiaoke.

"Chu Qing Chu Qing! Evergreen in the industry!"

"Chu Qing Chu Qing! Evergreen in the industry!"

"Chu Qing Chu Qing! Evergreen in the industry!"

Chu Qing was a little confused, what's going on?Why are so many people calling my name? Could it be that these audiences were hired by Song Dawei?

Don't say he is curious, the other contestants in the background are a little curious!
Xie Kun's fans are normal. After all, Weibo has more than 1000 million fans, and the background is also hard, but why is this Chu Qing?
Although Chu Qing was a little dazed, she still saluted the audience.

Because of this costume, he chose to bow his hands, and the cheers of the audience became more intense when they saw this.

After waiting for the applause to weaken, Wang Zhe said with a smile: "It can be seen that Chu Qing's popularity is very high! What program will you bring us today?"

"I have prepared an original song called "Red Ling", I hope the instructor and the audience will like it"

"Okay, the stage is handed over to you!"

"Thank you teacher!"

Chu Qing clasped her hands again, lowered her head slowly, and the prepared BGM sounded slowly behind the stage.

Amidst the sound of the music, Chu Qing slowly raised his head, and the stage camera gave a close-up of his face, and the audience could see clearly through the big screen behind him.

Seeing Chu Qing at this moment, there was a breath of sadness in his eyes, which was touching.

At the same time, Chu Qing's singing gradually resounded throughout the studio.

(End of this chapter)

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