Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 80 The song "Red Pity" shocked 1 audiences!

Chapter 80 The song "Red Pity" shocked everyone!

"The ups and downs of the show"

"Singing joys and sorrows has nothing to do with me"

"Fan open and close gongs and drums and silence"

"Who can tell the outsiders in the drama?"

Needless to say, Chu Qing's patriarch chasing after the feeding voice, the audience's ears were already firmly grasped as soon as he opened his mouth!

The lyrics are delicate and the tune is melodious.

Just chanting four lines of lyrics seemed to pull the audience to a stage where an actor was putting on makeup and getting ready to go on stage.

At the same time, the big screen on the stage changed, and an actress really appeared. She sat in front of the mirror, carefully applying makeup to herself.

"Used to blend emotions into ink and ink"

"So what if you sing through the clichés"

"Bones and ashes are mine"

The actor on the screen finished his makeup and smiled in the mirror with satisfaction, but his eyes were determined.

She got up slowly, looked at the outfits around her, with reluctance and determination in her eyes!
This scene, combined with Chu Qing's singing, made the audience quiet down one after another. Many people even held their breath and just looked at the actor and Chu Qing.

"Duckweed in troubled times bears watching the flames burn mountains and rivers"

"Humble but dare not forget to worry about the country"

"Even if no one knows me"

The actor on the big screen came on stage, but sitting under the stage was a devil in Japanese military uniform!
This person sings for the Japanese devils?Traitor?
But everyone looked at her decisive eyes, as if they understood something again.

Even if no one knows me, even if I am humble, I dare not forget to worry about the country. These two lines of lyrics seem to be able to explain something.

"The audience walked by"

"No Old Colors"

"The people on the stage are singing"

"Heartbroken Farewell Song"

While the audience was thinking, the actors on the stage and Chu Qing began to sing at the same time!The two voices merged together, and the audience who listened to it could only feel an electric current hit from the Tianling Gai, straight to the heart!

As the younger generation, they have long disliked listening to operas!But now, after hearing Chu Qing's opera tone, he suddenly felt heart palpitations!That feeling is like holding hands with the one you love for the first time!

Is this a play?Why is it completely different from what I have heard before?It sounds good!It sounds really good!

"Love words are hard to write, she sings and must be reconciled with blood"

"The curtain rises and the curtain falls"

"Always a customer"

The actor on the stage flicked his sleeves, and the dance was so charming!
The opera accent speaks, and the singing is melodious and melodious!
Even people who don't know much about drama can feel the sadness of the other party!

The only regret may be her audience!Why, why are these wolves, tigers and leopards performing?
The screen changed on the big screen, and the audience realized that it was the Wa country that had already reached here. They used the people and the entire troupe to threaten her to compromise and sing for them!
"After you sing it, I will appear on the stage"

"Don't Laugh at Fengyue Opera"

"Don't laugh at people's absurdity"

"I also asked Qinghuang"

"I also sang the rise and fall"

On the screen, the actor's sleeves are like flying, like a flying sky from Dunhuang, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes, but there is a sense of sadness and determination!
Chu Qing on stage sang like a cuckoo crying blood, and the audience was stunned!
Many audience members had already guessed what the actor was going to do. They covered their mouths for fear that they would cry out!
Under the big stage, Japanese officers and soldiers ate meat and drank wine, laughing loudly.

The actors on the stage had already stopped, and a man dressed as an officer tilted his head and looked over.

"You, why don't you sing?"

After speaking, he took out a pistol and slapped it on the table!His eyes were fierce like jackals.

The actor just looked at him and smiled, dancing with his sleeves lightly, knocking down the candlesticks used for lighting on the stage!
The fire is raging!The flames are in the air!The Japanese soldiers wanted to run away, but found that the fire had already spread!
It turned out that when they were listening to music and watching a play, the surrounding area was already covered with kerosene.

At this moment, the stage was extremely quiet, only the screams of the Japanese soldiers and the crackling of the burning fire.


The Japanese military officer picked up his pistol and shot the actor on the stage.

The actor looked down at his chest, a blood-stained peony slowly bloomed.

Chu Qing's voice trembled slightly, but she sang softly.

"Tao is ruthless"

"Tao Youqing"

"How to think"

"Tao is ruthless"

"Tao Youqing"

"Fee Thinking"

On the stage, the actor had already collapsed on the stage, surrounded by raging fire, but there was a smile on her face.

Can't tell if it's relief, or what it is.

After Chu Qing sang the whole piece, she took a deep breath and bowed to the audience.

And the picture on the big screen also slowly turned into darkness, it's over!
He finished singing, but the audience was as quiet as if a needle could be heard!
None of the audience spoke, not even the tutor!
Two or three seconds later, Jiang Liangtao stood up first and applauded at the instructor's seat!

The audience just woke up like a dream and applauded one after another!
The audience just kept applauding, but no one screamed, as if they felt that screaming was disrespectful to Chu Qing and the actor!
The applause lasted for more than ten seconds before it stopped slowly, and the backstage players felt their scalps go numb!
The fact that the audience can applaud for such a long time is enough to prove the audience's love for him!
Wang Zhe looked in disbelief, and said firstly: "Chu Qing, I have to say, you shocked me again! I like your music!"

Chu Qing cupped her hands and smiled, "Thank you teacher!"

Jiang Liangtao immediately said: "It's great, it's really great! It's better than when you practiced at 01:30! Did you find someone to record this MV? It's great, it's really great Already!"

Chu Qing said with a smile: "No, this is a piece of copyright that my agent bought for me, and it's used as a temporary MV!"

Bu Ruiwen said at this time: "Contestant Chu Qing, your singing voice is indeed very good, and the singing style is something I have never seen before, but after all, this is a singing and dancing competition. Where's the jump?"

Ding Cheng also frowned when she heard the words, just now Chu Qing was so busy singing, she didn't have a single dance move!

Even a few dance moves during practice were cancelled, which made Ding Cheng feel a little worried.

Sure enough, after hearing Bu Ruiwen's words, all three except her and Jiang Liangtao frowned.

Indeed, the most important thing in this variety show assessment is singing and dancing, and if Chu Qingguang sings or dances, it may be difficult to convince the public!

Liang You, who had the least sense of presence, also said: "Besides, your so-called opera accent is neither opera nor song. Don't traditional opera actors condemn you after hearing it? It's something passed down from your ancestors, and you're just like that." It's impolite to change randomly."

These two people only attacked Chu Qing's performance, as if they were not the ones who were dumbfounded before!
Just when Chu Qing was about to say a few words to herself, Lu Xiaoke's voice rang out from the audience!
"It's fine if the audience likes it, you don't care about others!"

"Yes! We like it!"

"Like like like like!"

The audience in the audience actually echoed one after another, and the audience at the scene hated the instructor!Well, there is something wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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