Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 81 2 Aunt Luo Shuangshuang

Chapter 81 Second Concubine Luo Shuangshuang
Liang You didn't expect the audience's reaction to be so strong, which made him a little dazed for a while.

Chu Qing seized this opportunity to defend himself: "I didn't change the singing voice of my ancestors, and I never said that what I sing is opera! But I like that audiences can fall in love with opera through my singing, So as to understand opera and accept opera!"

"Even if there is one audience member who did not go to the bar at night because of me, but went to Liyuan to listen to the opera, that is my contribution to traditional culture!"

The audience applauded after listening to it!Only at this moment did they understand why Chu Qing had so many fans on Shaking Hands!
This person seems to have a magical power, whether it is speaking, singing or performing, he is so attractive!
After hearing Chu Qing's words, Jiang Liangtao nodded first and said: "You're right, now is not the time to care about the method, it is already a good thing to make young people like traditional dramas!"

Wang Zhe also smoothed things over with a smile: "Okay, it's not us who have the final say, but the audience has the final say! Old rules, ten points! What do you guys think of Chu Qing's performance?"

Wang Zhe looked at Jiang Liangtao first and said, "Teacher Jiang, what score do you give?"

Jiang Liangtao smiled and said, "I'll give you nine points! It's not that your performance is not perfect, but I want to leave you room for improvement!"

Chu Qing cupped her hands and said, "Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

Wang Zhe looked at Ding Cheng again, and Ding Cheng crossed his arms and said expressionlessly, "Ten!"

There was an uproar at the scene, as if no one expected that Ding Cheng's evaluation of Chu Qing would be so high!

"Chu Qing! I will continue to work hard in the future, I am very, very optimistic about you!"

Although Ding Cheng didn't have any expression on his face, what he said was all support!

Chu Qing hurriedly cupped her hands again and said, "Thank you, Teacher Ding!"

Then it was Liang You's turn, and Liang You didn't even think about it: "I'll give you five points, full marks for the singing part! Zero points for the dance part, and five points for the overall score!"

The audience immediately booed a lot. If Xie Kun was standing on the stage now, the audience would definitely scold him for giving him five points!
Of course, if it was Xie Kun, he would not dare to give five points.

Chu Qing still had a gentle smile, and gently cupped her hands and said, "Thank you, Teacher Liang."

The camera showed Bu Ruiwen, but Bu Ruiwen said directly: "I'll give you zero points! Chu Qing, I was very surprised by your performance in the last show! Let me repeat, this is a singing and dancing show! Did you get off topic? So , I won't give you a single point!"

The boos from the audience became louder and louder, and there were even voices of cursing!

Lu Xiaoke and the girls next to him stared at Bu Ruiwen, and then they didn't know what to think of, and slowly smiled.

Chu Qing's expression didn't change at all, as if he wasn't the one who gave zero points.

"Thank you, Teacher Bu!"

Now, only the last Wang Zhe remained silent.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "I think what Mr. Bu Ruiwen said makes sense. Chu Qing, your performance is indeed wonderful, but it's a bit off-topic in this show! But because you want to promote traditional culture , I'll give you seven points!"

Chu Qing said politely: "Thank you, Teacher Wang!"

Upon seeing this, the host smiled and walked onto the stage and said, "The five teachers all gave their own evaluations, the audience friends at the scene and the audience friends who are watching the show! After you see this, don't forget to vote!"

"Thank you Chu Qing for the wonderful performance. Please Chu Qing go down to rest first. Next, we invite our sixth group of players to come on stage!"

After Chu Qing bowed to the audience again, she walked towards the actor's rest area.

As for the instructor's evaluation, he listened to the good ones, and treated them as farting if they were not good!

Chu Qing understood early on that it was impossible for everyone to like one thing!Even gold will be regarded as dung!
He is not a rarity, how could everyone like it?
Besides, what are the evaluations of these instructors?At that time, won't the audience still vote?
As soon as Chu Qing returned to the waiting room, he found that the players looked at him changed again!

Xie Kun purposely walked up to him and sat down, bumped him with his shoulder and said, "Okay, you! This song almost made me cry! The singing is good, and the MV is also good!"

"Hey, it's hard to tell everyone. Didn't you see that Mr. Liang and Mr. Bu gave me five points for one and zero for the other?"

Xie Kun smiled, but his eyes cast aside a few of the contestants.

Chu Qing followed his line of sight and saw that those people were all ranked higher last time, but this time they were in Wu Xinyuan's team.

Chu Qing understood, what Xie Kun meant was that he threatened the interests of some people, or threatened the ranking set in the program group!That's why the surname Bu and the surname Liang gave themselves such low scores!
After Chu Qing figured it out, she was somewhat speechless, after all, she was only alone!How many people can you threaten?
At most, the other 59 people were eliminated! ! !

After finishing the day's recording, Chu Qing originally planned to go home, because "Idol Has an Attitude" will be broadcast tonight, and he also planned to see if he had enough shots.

But at this time, Lu Xiaoke led a young girl over in a bouncing manner.

This scene made many contestants a little envious, but they remembered that these two girls were sitting in the first row!

Those who can sit in the first row are almost all rich and powerful people!And these two are not low in appearance, wouldn't it be a pleasure to have such two fans?
Chu Qing first greeted Lu Xiaoke with a smile, and then heard Lu Xiaoke introduce him.

"This is your second concubine, Luo Shuangshuang"

Chu Qing hurriedly shook hands with the other party, but he is a benefactor, uh, a benefactor!

Luo Shuangshuang shook hands with him graciously and then smiled and said, "You sang really well today! It would be great if all operas sang as well as you, then I will go to the opera garden to listen to operas every day."

Chu Qing laughed and said, "If it's all the same as what I sang, then it's not a show. In fact, a real good show sounds much more enjoyable than mine."

Song Dawei at the side couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the people talking and laughing happily.

It's much better than when I was young. When I was young, I knew my sisters and sisters. Look at others?Start off as a rich woman!
According to the usual practice, several people had a meal together in the evening. After chatting, they learned that Luo Shuangshuang had just graduated from university. She and Lu Xiaoke were best friends. They grew up together, and now they plan to start a business together!
After dinner, Song Dawei drove Chu Qing back home.

Due to time constraints, he didn't catch up with the premiere of "Idol Has an Attitude", so he could only watch the rerun.

He directly skipped the part without his own camera, opened the barrage, and began to watch netizens' comments on him.

(End of this chapter)

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