Chapter 82 Interesting

What Chu Qing didn't expect was that there were quite a lot of shots for herself!

The scenes of singing ditties and falling zombies are preserved, but it is normal to think about it. After all, compared with other people's performances, these performances of Chu Qing are definitely gimmicks and attractive!
But what Chu Qing cares most about now is the audience's evaluation of her!
When it was his turn to perform, the enthusiasm was second only to Xie Kun.

Some people may think, that's it?That's it?The second child of ten thousand years?

But have you ever thought about it, Xie Kun has ten times as many fans as Chu Qing!It is already very good that he can do this in the early stage!

On the computer screen, Chu Qing's image was made three points more handsome by the beautification!

At this moment, he was singing the ditty "Explore the Clear Water River" with full of emotion. Although the barrage didn't dominate the screen, it covered at least a third of it!

"Fuck, what the hell is this? It sounds pretty good!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over! I'm actually willing to listen to these things, it seems that I'm old, help!"

"This is the ditty? Now I finally understand why the ancient princes of Baylor like to listen to the ditty."

"What the hell! I want to work hard! I want to be a rich woman, and then let Chu Qing sing me a ditty every day!"

"Hmm! I have to work hard too, and when the time comes, sit on his abs and listen to him sing a ditty!"

"Fuck! Put me down! This is not the car to go to kindergarten! This is not!!!"

"It's so nice, everyone, isn't it better than those who couldn't understand the lyrics?"

"It sounds good, but it's not as handsome as me, Kunkun! Kunkun is the most handsome man in the universe!"

Chu Qing looked at the barrage and laughed. Most of the barrages were relatively friendly. Of course, there were some barrages that scolded him, for example.

"What kind of shit are you singing? You wrote it yourself? That's all!"

"Is this called traditional art? Tsk tsk tsk, tradition and art, which one do you associate with?"

"It's so ugly, it's almost enough to ward off evil spirits, and it's disgusting!"

"Everyone, actors are wronging the country! Actors are wronging the country!"

Chu Qing's brain usually blocks such words automatically. It's nothing. His mother taught him to be kind since he was a child. When he grows up, he really hopes that everyone has a mother.

The barrage reached its climax when Chu Qing performed zombie throwing, but 80.00% of the barrages were two words.


The Zombie Fall performed by Chu Qing has the highest heat curve in the entire video!It even surpassed Xie Kun's performance when he appeared on the stage!

It's a pity that such a wonderful performance still can't stop the troll's keyboard.

"That's it? Hehehe, that's it? Is it okay if it's not a human being? Is it really a skill if you pour it down?"

"Who says it's not? If you drink two taels of small fever, who would know if it doesn't hurt?"

"I really don't want to pass, how did such a person enter the selection, and just pass the audition?"

"After watching his performance, I suddenly felt that I could also go on this show. Fortunately, I am better than him!"

After seeing these bullet screens, Chu Qing took a breath and replied to each of them.

"Fuck you! If you really have nothing to do, go back to the village and dig out the public toilet!"

"Being a troll? Relying on your keyboard to defend your home and country? There are so many b-words for white people, and the beggar thinks the food is cold after eating?"

"I'll fuck you, uncle, you know your grandma's a spoon? I'll give you a linear equation in two variables that you can solve, it's not bad, let's pretend to be a wolf with a big tail!"

The sound of Chu Qing's keyboard was crackling like setting off firecrackers, and he pissed off dozens of people by himself!

After waiting to ensure that everyone scolded them all over again, Chu Qing took a deep breath, and put on a gentle smile on his face again.

She pretended to be gentle for too long, so long that I almost believed it!
troll?Cursing?What is sales based on?It's all about lip service!
Who is afraid of anyone who scolds the street, if they scold the street face to face, Chu Qing can scold the street all morning without repeating the same thing!
However, when in front of people, Chu Qing is usually used to showing a gentle and refined appearance.

To use an analogy is, um, no need to use an analogy, just say one person, Yue Buqun!

After cursing the street, Chu Qing thought of looking at the voting list, but he almost scared him to death!

Vote No.1, Xie Kun!170 million votes!

Voting No.2, Wu Xinyuan, with 33 votes!
Vote No.3, Chu Qing, with 30 votes!
Fourth place
Chu Qing was a little confused, he thought of Xie Kun being the first, but what he didn't expect was that Wu Xinyuan would be second!

What's more, he and Wu Xinyuan together don't have as many fractions as Xie Kun!

This made Chu Qing feel extremely confused, what a joke!The main task is to let yourself win the championship, look at the number of votes, if you can win the championship, then sows can climb trees!
Chu Qing began to scratch his head, and subconsciously opened his system panel.

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 22"

"LV: 002"

"Current points 611"

"Current experience: 375/1000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

Chu Qing was a little dazed. How long has it been? How did the points and experience increase so quickly?
The points have increased by more than 400, and the experience has almost increased by [-]. How did it increase so quickly this time?
Chu Qing's eyes subconsciously looked at the variety show on the computer screen, could it be because of it?

Thinking of this, Chu Qing burst out laughing, no wonder so many people liked to go to variety shows in the last life, it really benefits a lot!

During this period of time, he also understood the source of the points and experience. Generally speaking, it should be the audience's appreciation for him!

The more audiences who appreciate him, the more experience and points he has!

And now with the broadcast of this variety show, his number of fans has obviously increased a lot, and as a result, his points and experience have increased a lot!

This directly made Chu Qing beautiful. As long as there are points, there are so many props in the system mall. It is not too much to win a small variety show champion, right?
The only thing that makes Chu Qing feel a little regretful is that there is no such item that can directly win the championship!Otherwise, save some points to buy one, wouldn't it be nice?

Chu Qing narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at Xie Kun's almost 200 million votes.

Early the next morning, Chu Qing simply went to have some breakfast after waking up, and then he received a call from Song Dawei.

Song Dawei's tone on the other end was a little uncomfortable, so he just spoke.

"Chu Qing, those bastards in the program group have changed the rules!"

Chu Qing didn't understand: "Speak slowly, what's going on?"

"The program team called me just now and said that you have been collectively complained by many contestants. They think this is a singing and dancing program. The program you perform is too different from this program, and there is not even a little dance."

"And for the sake of fairness, the program group strictly prohibits you from showing this kind of drama in performances in the future, or you will be eliminated directly!"

Chu Qing narrowed her eyes slightly after hearing this, interesting, really interesting!
(End of this chapter)

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