Chapter 83 Ranking Changes
Squinting his eyes is Chu Qing's habitual action when he is plotting against others. The reason for this is that he is afraid of being spotted through his eyes when he is plotting against others, so he squints subconsciously.

"You didn't tell them that our follow-up plan is ready?"

"I said it, but people don't care at all, and I think they are targeting us for this matter!"

Song Dawei was a little angry when he said this, Chu Qing thought about it and said: "You don't need to record today, you come to my place, let's discuss it."

"Okay, where is Duan Peng, do you want me to pick him up?"

"No, I'll call him soon and ask him to take the subway"


Song Dawei hung up the phone, while Chu Qing picked up his black-bellied little notebook, crossed out two pages, and started counting again.

You don't need to think about it, everyone has reported it, and it's obvious that someone is messing with this matter!
In this world, not everyone is like you don't offend me, I don't offend others!

There are many people who will hate you as long as they see that you are better than him!
This kind of person will not think about their own reasons, nor will they try to enrich themselves and surpass you!

His idea is very simple, kill you, kill all people stronger than himself, then he is the strongest person!
According to Chu Qing's thoughts, this matter must be the work of those people!

And this time they succeeded, the opponent successfully disrupted Chu Qing's rhythm!

The thing that Chu Qing hates the most is that others disrupt his plan, but the other party just does it!

Chu Qing was lost in thought as he stared at the two pages he had crossed out. It was originally a follow-up plan written by him, including some songs and MV preparations, etc., but now it seems that it is useless.

No way, who let this be someone else's program?

Since it's someone else's show, I have to follow their rules!
Now because of those bullshit reports, Chu Qing can no longer use the banner of 'promoting traditional culture'!

Chu Qing then flipped through the small book again, and it was densely written like the two pages that Chu Qing had crossed out before.

Chu Qing smiled, what was written on it was his backup plan!
This person, no matter what he does, likes to make three sets of plans!

One of the sets is used as the main plan, and the remaining two sets are used as backups!

Look, can't it be used now?The only downside is that the TV station is not easy to deal with. If the other party makes things difficult for him, then he may have to apply for resignation!
More than an hour later, Song Dawei came to the apartment with a box of beer, a fruit basket and some cooked food in his hand.

Duan Peng and him rushed over, and Chu Qing went downstairs to buy some more peanuts. They sat in the apartment, eating and drinking, and discussing the follow-up plan.

"What the hell! I think they're just afraid we'll win! Do you see your votes?"

Chu Qing nodded. He read it again this morning. He was still third, but the number of votes had risen to more than 50!

The second Wu Xinyuan is 60 yuan, and the first Xie Kun has already moved towards 300 million yuan, which deeply made them understand what the gap is!
"Our number of votes is the normal number of votes, that bastard surnamed Wu! Anyone with long eyes will know that you are better than him! Why is he ahead of you? I went to see the heat graph yesterday, and you fell like a zombie." The time is the highest! And then Xie Kun's appearance, Wu Xinyuan is only a few scenes in it!"

Song Dawei was not fair for Chu Qing, and Duan Peng agreed after hearing it: "That's right, that bastard is still fighting on the show! Why is he second?"

"Why, rely on abundant strength!"

Chu Qing smiled lightly after taking a sip of beer. When Song Dawei and Duan Peng heard this, they all yelled, "Strength? He has the strength of a shit!"

"Great economic strength!"

After hearing what Chu Qing had said, the two of them couldn't be happier.

But they both knew that what Chu Qing said was the truth!

It's normal for Xie Kun to be No.1, after all, his fan base is there.

Chu Qing has these votes because of his outstanding performance, and the heat graph is the best proof.

So why Wu Xinyuan?Just by saying hello everyone, my name is Wu Xinyuan?Then he danced the cerebral thrombosis sequela dance twice and was able to rank second?funny!

It can only be said that Lexin Culture is really rich!And also willing to resource!Pushing such a person out, can he stand up?

A few people scolded while eating, and when they were about to eat and drink, Song Dawei wiped his mouth and said, "Looking at it now, we shouldn't have a problem getting into the top [-], but it's hard to say, the capital behind those people these two days is It’s time to start working hard.”

Song Dawei sighed and continued: "The house leak happened to be raining all night, and the program team doesn't allow us to sing opera, what should we do?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chu Qing and said, "Without the advantage of acting, it would be a bit of a disadvantage for us alone to compare with a team!"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "It's okay, I still have a backup plan!"

Chu Qing did not show the two of them the black-bellied little book, but said seriously: "In fact, we only have two tough battles to fight, one is thirty to ten, and the other is ten to one! So the program It’s actually okay if the group doesn’t let us act, it’s just two performances.”

Song Dawei said dumbfoundedly, "Ten to one?"

Chu Qing nodded and said: "Of course, I am alone, and I will definitely win the first place with the rest of the others in the end!"

Song Dawei said with an embarrassed expression: "Xiaoqing, in fact, the top three positions have little to do with us. Even if you perform well, the positions of the champion, runner-up and third place have already been determined. According to my idea, the final The most likely victory should be the men's team formed by them!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "Until the last moment, who is right?"

Seeing that Chu Qing didn't take it seriously, Song Dawei sighed.

He felt that Chu Qing might still be a little ignorant of the world, thinking that a man will win the day, this world is inherently unfair, and some things you fought for with your life have already been determined to belong to from the very beginning!Others are just running with them.

Chu Qing didn't care about their thoughts, clapped his hands to draw his eyes to himself and said.

"Since the plan has changed, the things we prepared before will no longer be needed, and we have to prepare again! Viagra, Dapeng, we have to get busy these two days!"

"Hahaha, tell me, how can I cooperate with you?"

Song Dawei patted his chest, as if you were relieved to leave the matter to me!

Chu Qing smiled, eyes flickering and said: "Isn't it just singing and dancing? Who can't!"

In the blink of an eye, it was another Sunday, and it was time to record variety shows.

Xie Kun's votes have reached a terrifying 1000 million, and he is still at No.1!
No.2 is still Wu Xinyuan, with the number of votes reaching 900 million, and he is in hot pursuit of Xie Kun!
As for Chu Qing, she was no longer the third place. Now the third place is a man named Huang Ping with 700 million votes!
And Chu Qing has fallen out of the top ten, just like what Song Dawei said before.

Capital, start working hard!

(End of this chapter)

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