Chapter 84
When the recording started this time, two watersheds were clearly distinguished on the scene.

A group of people showed joy, and a group of people turned pale!

This time, the number of votes for the variety show was not kept secret, so it was directly posted on the webpage for everyone to see!

The top [-] now naturally have confidence in their hearts, and the bottom ten are worried about the [-] who will be eliminated to 'steal the tower'!
Chu Qing didn't panic. His current ranking is No. 15, with a total of 450 million votes, which is a relatively safe position.

Chu Qing was already very satisfied that so many people voted for him.

At this moment, Chu Qing was chatting with Jiang Liangtao and Ding Cheng.

"I don't know what's wrong with this program group, but they don't allow such a nice singing voice!"

Jiang Liangtao spoke first, and Ding Cheng sighed and said, "They are afraid that you will become bigger! They are obviously targeting you! Now that you are [-], it should be safe, and you are not allowed to act in drama, you have other things Is it a show?"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Of course, I have prepared a song and a dance. If it is convenient for the two teachers, can you give me some advice later?"

Both of them smiled and nodded. They both admired Chu Qing very much, so naturally they would not refuse such a trivial matter.

After waiting for the program to officially start recording, the two went directly to Chu Qing's practice room.

Ding Cheng took the lead and said, "Hurry up and perform, I can't wait to see your performance!"

Jiang Liangtao also nodded in agreement and said, "We can give you some pointers and suggestions while there is still time."

Chu Qing said with a smile: "Since the program group said that drama is not allowed, I have written a new song. The name of the song is "No. 89757". Please give me some pointers from the two teachers."

Chu Qing played the soundtrack on her phone, and then began to sing and dance!
This song is a perfect match with the mechanical dance!After waiting for Chu Qing to perform, Jiang Liangtao said with emotion: "You are really a musical genius, you can control any type of song so perfectly! I have never heard this song, is it also your original song? ?”

Chu Qing nodded with a smile, and Ding Cheng on the side said: "The song is not bad, and the dance is not bad, but it's really monotonous if you dance alone, so I suggest you change some moves, or find a partner."

"Chu Qing! What do you think of me?"

As soon as Ding Cheng finished speaking, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Xie Kun walked in with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Jiang Liangtao couldn't help frowning, this person was actually eavesdropping outside the door?
Behaving so ungentlemanly, how can he be a good person!
Ding Cheng's eyes lit up, he looked at Chu Qing and said, "I think the two of you will definitely have a certain chemical reaction!"

Chu Qing's heart chemical reaction?What chemical reaction?
One nitrate two sulfur three charcoal?Four trials and five sentences for six and a half years?

However, since I can't follow the path of drama and Chinese style now, then I can really join forces with Xie Kun!After all, the capital behind this product is really strong!And I invited myself not once or twice, sincerely!
Chu Qing thought for a while and said, "Then what about your current team members?"

"Hey, sixty to thirty, I don't know how much I can get in, and besides, I have to queue up again after entering!"

As soon as Xie Kun heard that Chu Qing meant there was a door, he immediately explained it.

Chu Qing continued: "Then we can only cooperate once, that is, thirty to ten this time! The final is the final, and I will not give up."

Xie Kun also laughed when he heard the words: "Me too! I won't give up either!"

Then Chu Qing stretched out his right hand and said: "Then celebrate the happy cooperation in advance. If I am not eliminated this time, then our alliance will take effect!"

Xie Kun laughed and said, "Don't worry, your position is very stable!"

The two shook hands, and the short-lived alliance was thus finalized!

Different from the previous recording, after the training video was recorded on Saturday and Sunday, there was no competition on Monday, but players were eliminated.

Of the one hundred and one chairs before, now there are only sixty left!

And the staff, in front of all the players, took away the chairs from 31 to [-].

The host sounded regretful and said: "The competition is destined to be cruel. This time, [-] partners will leave us!"

Then they began to read one name after another, and the person whose name was read would step onto the stage and give a speech for elimination.

More than 80.00% of them shed tears on the spot. Chu Qing felt that some people must be crying for the sake of traffic, but also felt that some people were really crying!
Especially those who are clearly capable, but have never fought for capital!
The opportunity to change fate is clearly in front of you, as if you can make your debut and change your life if you just stretch out your hand again!
But the capitalists dug a gap for them here, a gap that would scare them just by looking at it!

Sitting in her seat, Chu Qing watched a famous contestant come on stage, give a speech, and was eliminated!

Inexplicably, he had an extra thought in his mind.

You must not be like them, you must win!To win the championship!
"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 22"

"LV: 002"

"Current points 902"

"Current experience: 677/1000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

Chu Qing's points and experience are increasing rapidly, and now the points are almost [-], and when he reaches [-], he can exchange for powerful props in the system!

It's not too much to win a championship at that time, right?

Those eliminated contestants probably knew that they would never appear on this stage again, so the testimonials were very long. It took nearly three hours to record the testimonials of these [-] people!

Seeing this, Chu Qing couldn't help but sigh. Could it be possible that the crew cut all their words into the three-hour elimination speech?Of course not, and it's even a question of whether they'll be on air.

But these people did not give up, or they still had such a hope.

Maybe just because of my elimination speech, I was chosen by a big director to make a movie?This kind of thing is not unheard of!

After waiting for the eliminated personnel to go down, the program group began to divide into groups. According to tradition, the top three can choose their own team!

But unlike the previous teams, the ones selected this time have the right to refuse!

After Xie Kun stood up, he took the microphone and said loudly: "Chu Qing! I solemnly invite you to join my team here! Will you come or not!"

This voice directly stunned the other contestants, and even the host was a little surprised.

Afterwards, many people's complexions changed a little. Everyone is an entertainer, and they are not blind. Can you not tell who is stronger and who is weaker?

They all looked at Chu Qing nervously, and they all hoped that Chu Qing would refuse like last time, and then form a team alone!

Chu Qing slowly stood up from her seat, and strode towards Xie Kun's direction.

At this moment, no matter what other contestants think, in order to make a good impression on the audience in front of the camera, they must applaud and cheer.

It's just that voice and expression, how hypocritical and hypocritical.
(End of this chapter)

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