Chapter 86
Thinking this way in her heart, Chu Qing looked like a good gentleman on the surface, and stretched out her hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Tony, I'm Chu Qing."

Teacher Tony's expression was not salty, and he looked superior. He reached out to shake Chu Qing and then quickly retracted it, as if Chu Qing had a virus on him.

Not only that, but he also acted as if he didn't hear Chu Qing's greeting, and he didn't even introduce himself.

Seeing this, Xie Kun frowned and said: "Teacher Tony! Chu Qing is my friend, I hope you can be more polite!"

Teacher Tony reluctantly said: "Hello, my name is Tony"

Chu Qing didn't respond, but Duan Peng's temper exploded, and he said directly: "A good Chinese, and you have a foreign name, tsk tsk tsk, shame on the ancestors!"

"What did you say!"

Tony got angry directly, pointed at Duan Peng and said angrily: "Who are you talking about, you bumpkin?"

Duan Peng didn't talk nonsense, he just rolled up his sleeves and showed his muscles: "About you! Deaf!"

Wanting to move forward after speaking, Chu Qing grabbed his arm and said, "Don't cause trouble!"

Teacher Tony was unwilling, and with his hips crossed, he said angrily, "Take me as a country bumpkin who wants to teach you to dance! Do you know how much I pay for a class? If I can teach you, your ancestral grave will be full of smoke." Did you know!"

Duan Peng was so annoyed by these words, he scolded directly: "You fucking bastard, if I don't give you green shit today, you've never eaten a leek box!"

After speaking, she wanted to step forward to do something, but Chu Qing said angrily: "Dapeng! Can you stop causing trouble for me!"

That's what Chu Qing said, but his body has already blocked Tony's retreat.

At the same time, he looked at Xie Kun.

Xie Kun frowned like a ball of fire. He nodded to Chu Qing, then looked at Teacher Tony and said, "Did I pay you?"

Teacher Tony was startled, and then as if he didn't hear clearly, he still said angrily to Duan Peng: "Who are you threatening? You want to hit me? Come on! Do it! Touch me, and you will pay if I sell you!" Sorry!"


Xie Kun roared, then looked at Tony and said, "Teacher Tony, you have been fired!"

Teacher Tony heard clearly this time, and turned his head to look at Xie Kun in disbelief.

Xie Kun said with a cold face: "I will not hire people who disrespect my friends! Teacher Tony, your arrogance today makes me feel very uncomfortable. You will not lose a penny of your salary. Now please leave my house!"

Tony said with an unbelievable look on his face, "You actually plan to let me go for the sake of two country bumpkins?"

Xie Kun didn't speak, but looked at the assistant at the side. The assistant clapped his hands, and two security personnel came up silently from the side.

Tony's face darkened when he saw this: "Okay, okay! I'll go!"

After speaking, he gave Duan Peng and Chu Qing a hard look, and then walked downstairs.

However, Chu Qing and Song Dawei couldn't help but look at him, and at the same time kept his appearance firmly in their minds, planning to cheat him if they had the chance, preferably the kind that would make him unable to turn himself over for the rest of his life !

After arriving in society, you will find that it is nonsense to stay on the front line when doing things, and to meet each other in the future.

The society of adults pays attention to, or do not do it, do it!

Since I have offended him today, and I don't plan to reconcile with him, the best way to prevent him from tripping me up is to trip him up first and throw him to death!

After waiting for Tony to leave, Duan Peng felt a little embarrassed instead.

He was just like that, short-tempered and a little brainless, but not a bad guy.

If Tony had ridiculed him before, he might have endured it.

But Tony couldn't accept the way he looked down on Chu Qing!
According to his thinking, Chu Qing is his best friend, no one can look down on him or belittle him!
And his character is that if others treat him badly, then he will treat others badly.

But when others treat him well, he treats others well!

Now that Xie Kun fired Tony for their dignity, he immediately felt a little embarrassed.

Duan Peng glanced at Chu Qing somewhat at a loss, then scratched his head and smirked, "Mr. Xie is really nice. I thought you were a bit of a bitch, but I didn't expect you to be such a man!"

As soon as these words came out, several people in the room were speechless. Is this really a compliment?
But I have to say that Xie Kun's emotional intelligence is very high. From Chu Qing's reaction just now, he knew that the relationship between the person in front of him and Chu Qing must be extraordinary.

He smiled immediately and said, "It's nothing, this person is usually arrogant, but the basic skills of dancing are really nothing to say, otherwise I wouldn't invite him. It's okay to leave now, no one will turn the world the same"

The more indifferent he was, the more embarrassed Duan Peng became, and in the end he could only laugh.

Chu Qing also smiled and said a few flattering words: "As far as your dancing skills are concerned, you still need to hire a teacher. According to my opinion, you can design the dance moves. It must be better than those so-called teachers and mentors!"

Xie Kun waved his hand with a smile, and said to the assistant beside him, "Go ask Teacher Hua to come here."


The assistant promised and walked towards the door, Xie Kun then smiled from Chu Qing.

"Professional matters are better left to professional people. Come, come, let's go upstairs."

After speaking, he led a few people to the elevator. Chu Qing and Duan Peng looked like bumpkins entering the city again, and Duan Peng couldn't help asking.

"The third floor needs an elevator!"

Xie Kun said with a smile: "Actually, there are five floors, and there are two floors underground. If you usually want to move something, it is more necessary to have an elevator."

Hearing this, Duan Peng looked at Chu Qing, as if you were looking at how powerful he is.

Chu Qing said in her heart, you see I have some use for nothing, I have worked very hard!Do you know how many rich women want to sleep with me now?

Cough cough cough, digression, digression.

After arriving upstairs, Chu Qing was dumbfounded again.

The second floor is very spacious, and what attracts Chu Qing the most is one of the walls!

The above are densely packed with hand-made, as the saying goes, one wall for otaku, one suite in Yanjing!Just looking at those figurines, even Chu Qing, who doesn't understand the value of them, knows that they must be very valuable!

Moreover, such a wall is not just one side!
There is also a wall on the second floor, which is covered with densely packed small glass cabinets, which contain pairs of sneakers.

There is another wall, the same glass cabinet, but there are pieces of watches in it!

There is also a wall with bottles of red wine inside.

Chu Qing swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "These are all."

"Ah, my collection, my biggest hobby is to like to collect"

Song Dawei walked to the 'Watch Wall' with a blank expression and looked at it, then covered his watch with his sleeve in silence, not because of anything else, but simply because he couldn't afford to lose this person!
Chu Qing swallowed a mouthful of saliva, it was the first time that she wanted to get angry like this!
He also wants to be rich, and he also wants to have such a wall!
The happiness of becoming a millionaire before disappeared in an instant, directly verifying the old saying, no comparison, no harm!
(End of this chapter)

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