Chapter 87 Teacher Hua
Xie Kun took Chu Qing to visit his collection, and introduced to him where this figure was bought and where that figure was bought.

Chu Qing also listened very carefully. Although she didn't understand much, she still had an attitude.

Not long after, the assistant led a middle-aged man in his 40s into the room.

"Brother Kun, Teacher Hua is here"

Xie Kun turned his head, saw the middle-aged man and walked over to say hello with a smile.

"Mr. Hua, I have to work hard for you today."

Teacher Hua's smile was very gentle, and he also smiled when he saw this: "Mr. Xie is too polite, I don't know why Mr. Xie called me here today?"

Xie Kun pulled Chu Qing in front of him and said, "This is my friend Chu Qing. We made up a dance. Would you like to see it?"

Teacher Hua nodded with a smile, "No problem."

Xie Kun brought Chu Qing and others to the training room on the first floor. Chu Qing connected his mobile phone to the stereo. After everything was ready, the two began to dance!
“Room cleaned in ten seconds”

"3 minutes to drive downstairs and wait for you"

"My boyfriend is not good, I kick him out"

"You are lonely, I will talk with you"

With the rhythm of the music, Chu Qing's dance moves perfectly!
Xie Kun on the side was worse, after all, he hadn't skipped a few times.

Teacher Hua on the side looked at the two intently, but most of his eyes still fell on Chu Qing.

After waiting for the two to finish dancing, the assistant turned off the music.

Xie Kun looked at Teacher Hua and said, "How is Teacher Hua? Did you see anything that needs to be revised?"

Teacher Hua pinched his chin and asked, "How many people are there in your group?"


Chu Qing gave the answer first, and Teacher Hua pinched his chin again, and then said: "I have a little idea, let's see how it goes."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Chu Qing and said, "What's the name of this gentleman?"

"Chu Qing, the teacher can just call me Xiao Chu"

"Then I'll call you Xiao Chu, Xiao Chu, you don't need to change your movements, you don't need to change anything, just dance normally, okay?"


Teacher Hua smiled, turned to look at the assistant and said, "Play the music again."

The assistant played the music again, and Teacher Hua was standing on Chu Qing's left. When the music entered the beat, the two jumped up almost at the same time!

This surprised Chu Qing, this person wants to dance with him?Didn't he just read it once, did he learn it after reading it once?
But then there was something that surprised Chu Qing even more, seeing that Teacher Hua's actions were completely opposite to his!It's like acting in front of a mirror!
Chu Qing almost exclaimed, this person just watched him dance once, he was able to copy it perfectly, and adjusted it to the complete opposite movement, this is simply a monster!
Contrary to Chu Qing's surprise, Xie Kun's face was full of surprise. He understood Teacher Hua's plan.

After waiting for the two to finish dancing, he said pleasantly, "Wonderful! No wonder you asked how many of us were there before!"

At this time, Chu Qing also understood that if there were five or six of them, if they wanted to attract people's attention, they had to move in unison!

The more orderly the movements, the better. If you can dance like a person, then it is considered a success!
And if there are only two of them, the possibilities are much more!For example, in the current reverse jumping method, as long as a mirror is placed between them, the two of them can simulate the inside and outside of the mirror!

Xie Kun said in surprise: "This is really a genius idea, Gao!"

Teacher Hua smiled modestly, then looked at Chu Qing and said, "Did you make up this dance?"

Chu Qing hummed and scratched his head in embarrassment. Although he has dancing skills, the hand that Teacher Hua showed just now is enough for him to look up to!

In the face of people who are better than herself, Chu Qing has always been very humble.

Teacher Hua nodded gently: "The idea is very good, but I have a little suggestion."

"Teacher, you said"

Chu Qing hurriedly opened her mouth, and Teacher Hua smiled and said, "You don't have to be so polite. My idea is that the dance moves in the chorus are a little too peaceful, and it feels like 11123! The step-by-step feeling is too obvious. I think you can use that The feeling of 11135! Directly jumping movements, the movement range is a little bigger!"

After he finished speaking, he demonstrated it directly, and Chu Qing had to admit that it was indeed better than what he made up before.

Seeing Chu Qing nodded, Teacher Hua continued.

"In addition, your dance has been dancing from the beginning of the singing to the end. I think the singing can stop in the middle and give you a short period of time to have your own solo. Since your theme is mechanical dance, I think it can be connected Some wave dancing, like human body currents or something"

As he spoke, he made two more demonstrations.

Xie Kun clapped his hands and said, "Teacher, how about we change while dancing?"

Teacher Hua nodded with a smile, but did not refuse.

Chu Qing's eyes lit up, and she really found a feeling of being pointed out!

Before, he thought that the dance he composed was already very good, but in the eyes of professionals like Mr. Hua, he still has a lot to improve!

This really made Chu Qing feel that the harvest was quite fruitful this time, and it was not in vain!

This practice lasted until noon, and both Chu Qing and Xie Kun were exhausted.

But both of them gained a lot, especially Chu Qing, who didn't treat himself as an outsider at all, and asked many dance questions that he didn't understand.

Teacher Hua is indeed very gentle and patient in answering, but she is really a bit old, and after a long time of dancing, she is a little unable to do what she wants.

When it was time for lunch, Chu Qing was once again amazed!
I saw tomatoes, cucumbers, bitter chrysanthemums, and a serving of boiled baby vegetables in front of Xie Kun.

Chu Qing was a little speechless: "Are you feeding the rabbit?"

Xie Kun laughed and said, "You're so funny, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm a fat person, and I get fat easily if I eat too much."

"You still get fat after dancing like this every day?"

"Fat! If you eat more, you will get fat. Don't you usually go on a diet?"

Chu Qing shook his head resolutely, Xie Kun looked at Chu Qing's belly when he saw this, the meaning was obvious, then you must be fat!

Seeing this, Chu Qing immediately pulled up her clothes, her eight-pack abs were particularly obvious!
Seeing this, Duan Peng also lifted his clothes, his abdominal muscles were more obvious than Chu Qing's!
Now Xie Kun was speechless, and asked a little unwillingly: "You really don't diet and still have abdominal muscles? How do you usually exercise?"

"Just exercise normally. After participating in the program, I haven't exercised for a few days."

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she glanced at the 'rabbit food' in front of Xie Kun with disgust, and calmly picked up a chicken leg and ate it.

Seeing this, Xie Kun couldn't help but twitched the corners of his eyes, Chu Qing coughed lightly, picked up another piece of fried chicken, and ate it deliciously.

Chu Qing had a great time eating this meal, Xie Kun also ate very deliciously, watching Chu Qing eat a bite of fried chicken, he would eat a tomato
(End of this chapter)

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