Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 88 Prepare to record!

Chapter 88 Prepare to record!

After a short break at noon, the two continued to communicate under the guidance of Teacher Hua in the afternoon.

With the guidance of teacher Hua's movements, the two danced better and better, and even the dance for solo time was ready.

Chu Qing thought it was very good, but Xie Kun kept frowning.

After waiting for the two to dance to one side again, Xie Kun sat on the sofa and shook his head, "Almost something."

Teacher Hua also pinched his chin and echoed: "Well, I also feel that there are some shortcomings. Now I can achieve the feeling of 11135, but it is still not shocking enough. The overall performance is still a bit flat. It is best to have one that can make the audience wow. The vocal performance is good!"

Xie Kun rubbed his temples and said, "Where's the lower fork?"

Teacher Hua shook his head and said, "It's a bad street. 99 out of a hundred dancers can do it. If you want to perform, you have to perform something different, so that you can attract the attention of the audience!"

Chu Qing sat on the sofa on the other side, acting as if it had nothing to do with me and I didn't know anything.

Seeing this, Xie Kun couldn't help laughing and said: "Why do you have such an expression that has nothing to do with you? Isn't this song originally sung by you? You have to make some suggestions for the dance!"

Chu Qing shrugged: "I think Teacher Hua's revised dance is perfect!"

Xie Kun also nodded and said: "There is no problem with dancing, what we lack now is something that makes people's eyes shine!"

"Do you still need to look for it? You are Xie Kun, you alone are enough to impress the audience."

Xie Kun waved his hand and said, "Don't flatter me, I know what I am capable of, it's not as exaggerated as you said."

After he finished speaking, he continued to think hard. After 2 minutes, he suddenly said: "Or, look at the clothes? We both have a good figure. Wearing those slim or fishnet outfits will definitely look amazing!"

Chu Qing shook her head decisively and said, "Fishing nets are definitely not acceptable!"

His expression is so solemn, a fishnet outfit?joke!In his last life, he only watched movies, the kind of movies that two or three people can act in!
I have to say that the actress is still very good in wearing it, but it's so special that they are two men now!Wearing that kind of thing will have a bad effect and make people feel like a bitch!Didn't you see the strange look in Duan Peng's eyes?

Mr. Hua took a bottle of water from the resting hand at the side, took a sip and said, "Clothing is indeed a very important part of the performance. You can study it on it. By the way, the programs you recorded are allowed to be Upper body?"

Xie Kun and Chu Qing shook their heads at the same time, joking, this is a regular program, you should be in a nightclub!
Teacher Zhong sighed and said, "Muscles are a man's best coat. It's a pity, if you allow, you two don't need to wear anything on your upper body, it's enough for the show effect!"

Chu Qing thought, isn't this nonsense?If I don’t wear anything, I can still be on the legal news tomorrow!

But when Chu Qing saw the water in Teacher Zhong's hand, she was taken aback, and then a bold idea appeared in her mind.

After thinking about it, he asked, "Xie Kun, do you have a white shirt, the thinner one?"

Xie Kun was startled and said, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"You get one, I have an idea"

Xie Kun didn't quite understand, but he still stopped to fetch a shirt.

Originally Chu Qing wanted to try it himself, but although he was about the same height as Xie Kun, he had broad shoulders and a broad back, so he couldn't fit his shirt at all.

Xie Kun was a little puzzled and said, "What did you think of?"

Chu Qing pointed to the mineral water in Teacher Hua's hand and said, "Wet body is tempting!"

Xie Kun didn't react at first, but then his eyes lit up.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Put the solo in the middle of the dance, and it's not against the rules to have a wet temptation during the solo?"

Xie Kun laughed and said, "Hahaha, Chu Qing, you are really a genius! A genius!"

After speaking, he changed into a white shirt, took the water from the assistant and poured it on himself.

The white shirt was attached to his body after being stained with water, but the quality of the white shirt was very good, even if it was soaked, it didn't look transparent.

Teacher Hua squeezed her chin and said, "Well, that's a good idea, but the white shirt needs to be thinner."

Xie Kun was also very satisfied with the result, patted his chest and said, just leave the shirt to him.

In the next few days, Chu Qing went to Xie Kun's house to practice dancing with him almost every day, and in the evening, he broadcasted a live broadcast to cheer himself up.

For this reason, Shaking Hands officially found Song Dawei, hoping to sign a contract with Chu Qing, so that Chu Qing could become a full-time Shaking Hands anchor!

Song Dawei directly rejected this, and signed a contract to be an anchor?Given Chu Qing's potential, it would be a humiliation for him to sign a contract as an anchor!
In a blink of an eye, it was Saturday again, when it was time to record the show, and Chu Qing's panel had also undergone a lot of changes.

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 22"

"LV: 002"

"Current points 1318"

"Current experience: 998/1000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

Chu Qing's experience has reached the critical point of upgrading again, and his points have also increased a little, giving him more confidence!
This time, because he formed a team with Xie Kun, Chu Qing was fortunate to enjoy the treatment of a professional photographer following the shoot.

Speaking of which, Chu Qing deserves this kind of treatment!

The voting on the Internet is not over yet, and now Xie Kun is still ranked first, with an astonishing 2000 million rankings!

Wu Xinyuan ranked second with 500 million votes!

Even if Lexin Culture is willing to spend money, it still distances itself from Xie Kun. Now it is unrealistic to compete with Xie Kun for the first place, and it would be good to keep the second place.

The reason for saying this is because Huang Ping, who is ranked third, has already reached more than 400 million votes, only a few hundred thousand votes away from the second place.

As for Chu Qing, the ranking has also improved a bit, and now ranks tenth, with 930 million votes!

He can have such a high number of votes, and he has an inseparable relationship with the eldest wife and second concubine!
These two not only gave him gifts in his live broadcast room, but also set up a Chuqing fan club, calling on everyone to help vote together, and later voted with prizes, which is no different from the navy!

Chu Qing was very moved by this, and had the urge to agree with her body, but fortunately, she restrained it later, because he is a decent person after all!
After the two days of 'training' on Saturday and Sunday, the filming will officially start on Monday!
Early on Monday morning, the contestants came to the recording site one after another, holding their number plates and preparing to enter the rehearsal.

Chu Qing and Xie Kun sat in a corner beside them, ignoring the gazes of the people around them.

Chu Qing whispered: "Are you ready?"

Xie Kun nodded lightly and said: "Don't worry, my agent has already discussed with the program team, we won't splash water during the rehearsal, we will wait for the official recording."

The corners of Chu Qing's lips curled up slowly when he heard that, after this success, he will be able to enter the top ten!

When the time comes, don't blame me for bullying you with props!

(End of this chapter)

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