Chapter 90 The show begins

The five mentors sat under the stage, and applauded after watching the two take the stage.

The two waved to the audience and stood beside the host.

"Come on, two contestants, let's introduce yourselves first."

The host had a loud voice. According to tradition, the two of them should talk nonsense at this time, such as what am I responsible for, what am I responsible for, and so on.

But neither of them are low-level players. The most important point of the so-called introduction is to be remembered!

In this regard, good-looking people or particularly ugly people will naturally have a certain advantage.

And those who are more ordinary will create some points for themselves that can be remembered by others.

The easiest way is to go bald and afro!The low-level method is to dye the hair, such as red or green, and get it on, as long as it is eye-catching!
The intermediate method is to make some mantras or character designs.

For example, some comedians in the previous life would repeat a sentence many times to brainwash the audience when they were performing, hoping that the audience would remember that sentence and think of themselves when they heard that sentence in the future.

For example, a series of lines such as 'Who, what's wrong', 'But, what does this have to do with me', 'It's so embarrassing' and so on.

Their central idea is only one thing, that is to let the audience remember themselves!

And the more advanced ones, such as Chu Qing and Xie Kun, will use some eyes or expressions to make the audience remember themselves.

This point has been used by many people in the previous life, such as Liu Tianwang's booing when controlling the field, Zou Zhaolong's laughing and so on.

The first person to introduce himself was Xie Kun. Both of them had headsets, so they didn’t need microphones or anything like that.

Xie Kun took half a step forward, made a gentlemanly salute, got up and smiled at the audience: "Hi everyone, I'm Xie Kun!"

The audience cheered and cheered. Most of the audience came for him. He also has the largest fan base among the contestants. When he introduced himself, the audience's cheers almost knocked the ceiling down!
Xie Kun smiled and retreated to his seat, and then Chu Qing stepped forward, he did not salute, but just nodded slightly, and introduced himself to the audience with his signature smile on his face: "Hi everyone, I am Chu Qing! "

"Chu Qing! I love you!"

"Chu Qing!"

"Brother Qing! Our love brother!"

To Chu Qing's surprise, the audience in the audience gave out organized cheers and even slogans!
Chu Qing looked in surprise, and saw that the eldest wife and second concubine, who were supposed to be sitting in the first row, were directing more than 30 little girls to shout slogans while holding up light signs!

At this moment, even someone like Chu Qing who always thinks of bad things when meeting people can't help but feel warm in his heart.

After the host waited for the audience to shout three times in a row, he smiled and continued: "Okay, the two contestants have introduced themselves, next, please enjoy the wonderful performance brought by the two! Number! 89757! "

The host walked slowly towards the bottom of the stage, and on the other side, two staff members pushed an empty frame to the two of them and put it away.

The two stood on both sides of the frame, one left and one right, while bowing their heads.

The two of them are about the same height, and their clothes are very uniform now. They are both white shirts and black jeans. They really look like they are looking in the mirror alone!
After waiting for the staff to go down, the big screen behind the two began to change, the lights on the scene dimmed, and then the prelude to the song slowly sounded.

On the big screen, each robot is covered with bionic human skin, and the staff are testing them.

At this moment, Chu Qing on the left raised his head slowly, and the audience couldn't help being shocked when they saw it clearly, because Chu Qing's eyes were actually glowing!

Not a metaphor, but really shining!
This is the black technology colored contact lenses that Xie Kun gave him!Normal fluorescent color contact lenses usually only shine under ultraviolet rays, but the ones given to him by Xie Kun can glow as long as the surrounding light is dim, just like night pearls, but the duration will not be very long, but they can be used to dance a Four 5-minute dances are enough!
"The day you turned me on"

"I opened my eyes"

"Meeting you for the first time"

Chu Qing's highly recognizable voice sounded, and at the same time his body began to dance, like a robot that has just been activated, perfectly matching the music, with a sense of pause!

"Recognize the main program and run it automatically"

"I belong to you"

"no deadline"

Xie Kun raised his head after him, his eyes were also glowing, but the difference was that Chu Qing's eyes were blue, while his was a lavender.

As the saying goes, there is no harm if there is no comparison. If you listen to Chu Qing or Xie Kun's singing alone, you won't feel anything, but when the two sing at the same time, as long as you are not deaf, you can hear the difference between the two at once. !

"All you say and order"

"Absolute implementation"

"Loyalty No. 1"

"My function is to protect you"

"Going to the sky and entering the earth like a shadow, never leaving"

Chu Qing continued to sing, and at the same time, the movements of the two gradually began to be consistent, as if two machines that had finally run into each other were finally working perfectly!
"Number 89757"

"From this moment is the name you gave me"

"A Machine That Imitates Humanity"

"Real skin has temperature"

"Can even breathe"

Xie Kun continued to sing, even though he could hear the difference himself, it doesn't matter, anyway, the program group will fix the sound before it airs, so what are you afraid of!
Besides, even if you are afraid!You can't expose it at this time!Wouldn't it be more embarrassing?

“Room cleaned in ten seconds”

"3 minutes to drive downstairs and wait for you"

"My boyfriend is not good, I kick him out"

"You are lonely, I will talk with you"

Chu Qing took the lead in singing the chorus, and at the same time, the movements of the two began to be completely opposite!It's like looking at the exact opposite in the mirror!
Seeing this, the audience couldn't help cheering!

At this moment, they didn't call Chu Qing or Xie Kun anymore, they just kept shouting, as if this was the only way to vent their excitement at the moment!
"But a computer virus made me sick"

"Unknowingly I fell in love with you"

"My behavior can't be controlled by myself"

"Master, I will never betray you"

After Xie Kun sang the chorus, the movements of the two stopped at the same time, and then they turned around and walked towards the predetermined direction.

There was already a mark on the floor. After the two walked to the predetermined position, they turned around and looked at each other tacitly, just like looking at themselves in the mirror. Next, it was time for SOLO!



At this moment, two buckets of water suddenly poured down on the studio, and they just poured water on both of them.

The audience in the audience exclaimed, and then even louder screams rang out!
The first exclaim was because of worry, and the second exclaim was because of excitement!

Because the white shirts of the two people on the stage are almost transparent after being poured with water, and the chest muscles and abdominal muscles can be vaguely seen, which almost caused some female fans at the scene to have nosebleeds
(End of this chapter)

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