Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 91 Mentor Evaluation

Chapter 91 Mentor Evaluation
Not to mention the female audience, even the female instructors in front of her had bright eyes.

Especially Ding Cheng, whose eyes never left Chu Qing's body.

At this moment, Ding Cheng was still thinking in his heart, why didn't he find that Chu Qing was so predictable before?What kind of little milk dog is this, this is clearly a big wolf dog!It's my mother's dish, and my mother is about to move her chopsticks!
At the same time on the stage, Chu Qing's body danced first!
That body is as flexible as a machine, and it can perform all kinds of difficult movements easily.

Of course, this is just the perception of the audience. In fact, Chu Qing has spent his life doing these movements, especially when the stage is full of water and is very slippery!
With his dancing movements, the clothes on his body fit his body more closely, and the thin white shirt was almost transparent after being watered, and this looming feeling became even more alluring, at least to the female audience in the audience Is such that!
Who can resist the temptation of eight-pack abs?After Chu Qing made the last electric dance move, Xie Kun also started his dance!

The two danced on the stage, and the cheers from the audience never stopped.

The five mentors also stood up at this moment, applauding their performance!
Zhang Jianshe was laughing so much that he could watch the dinner. He knew that with this show, the broadcast rate would definitely be stable, and it was even very likely that it would go out of the circle and become popular on the Internet, attracting viewers to watch their show!

Compared with their elation, the contestants behind the stage were a little uncomfortable.

Especially when Chu Qing was pouring water on their bodies, the backstage contestants called out for cheating!

In fact, what they said was right, it was almost like cheating, but it was too late to say anything now!
The way they looked at the monitor was jealousy. They only hated why they weren't on the stage enjoying the loud cheers from the audience!
"But how can I tell how to do and how to love"

"Number 89757"

"I can read, cook and dance"

"Number 89757"

After Xie Kun's solo ended, Chu Qing spoke again, and at the same time, the dance steps of the two were synchronized together, or completely opposite!

"I will cry, I will get drunk and I will be sad"

"Number 89757"

"Who am I in this world without you"

"Number 89757"

After the two sang separately, the chorus part sounded again, and the cheers of the audience reached a peak. The five tutors seemed to be infected by the atmosphere of the scene, and cheered together with the audience!
At the end, when the whole song was sung, the two got up again and walked back to the starting position together, bowing their heads silently, as if nothing just happened.

The stage lights slowly turned on, and the host walked onto the stage while applauding.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! This is the most exciting performance I have seen so far!"

The host walked up to the two and asked, "I haven't heard this song before. Is it an original song?"

Because Xie Kun is the team leader, so naturally Xie Kun has to answer the question.

"That's right, this song is Chu Qing's original song, and the name is "No. 89757". I hope everyone will like it!"

The host looked at Chu Qing in surprise and said, "It's amazing! Chu Qing is indeed a creative player. He can write a good song after another casually, and the style is different. It's amazing, amazing!"

After the host finished speaking, he praised the two of them a few more words, then looked at the five instructors in the audience and said, "Teachers! Please tell us your evaluation of the performance of the two of them!"

The first person to speak was Liang You, who had never had much sense of presence.

He took the microphone and coughed lightly before speaking: "I only have two words for this performance, perfect! Whether it is the combination of music and dance, or their 'mechanical eyes' and wet body temptation, I feel that they Pay attention!"

Immediately, he handed the microphone to Jiang Liangtao. After Jiang Liangtao took the microphone, his eyes fell on Chu Qing.

"Chu Qing, you once again let me see your talent in music. If you didn't already have an agent, I really want to give you an A lottery!"

This remark caused an uproar again. Signing A can be said to be the best contract a rookie can sign!
And now, Jiang Liangtao threw out his olive branch just like that.

Chu Qing on the stage hurriedly saluted and said, "Thank you teacher for your compliment, thank you very much."

Then it was Bu Ruiwen's turn, and without saying a word, Bu Ruiwen directly bypassed Chu Qing.

"Xie Kun, your performance on the stage just now, I only have four words to evaluate you, it is impeccable! Whether it is singing, dancing, or your stage rendering ability, I have to give you full marks! And"

Bu Ruiwen talked a lot, but he didn't mention Chu Qing at all.

Some audience members in the audience were a little confused. There are many fans of Xie Kun present today, but they are not deaf!

The dancers of the two on the stage are similar, but it is obvious that Chu Qing is better at singing!As a result, what happened now?Is this mentor deaf?

But after all, Xie Kun on the stage is also their idol, and now that their mentor is praising their idol, they are not easy to refute.

After Bu Ruiwen finished speaking, he handed the microphone to Ding Cheng.

Ding Cheng just said a word: "You two are the most champion-looking contestants I have seen!"

The audience in the audience cheered again after hearing the words, did you see that?This is called evaluation!

What's the point of praising one and demoting the other?Since you are sitting in the position of a mentor, you must speak fairly!

Finally, the microphone reached Wang Zhe's hands.

Wang Zhe, who took the microphone, was not in a hurry to make a comment, but spoke slowly after pondering for a while.

"To be honest, you two make me feel a sense of threat!"

"I feel that what you two lack now is just an opportunity, an opportunity to show you to all audiences! As long as you meet this opportunity and seize it, you will definitely soar into the sky!"

"In a few years, you will be able to reach my position, and even surpass me!"

When Wang Zhe said these words, his expression was extremely serious, clearly letting the audience see that he was not joking, but made this comment after serious consideration!

Chu Qing and Xie Kun hurriedly bent down to thank each other for their compliments, otherwise people would think they were arrogant.

"Thank you, thank you teacher"

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, teacher, you are too famous"

The audience cheered, thinking that a mentor like Wang Zhe is a good example.

The contestants in the backstage were all dumbfounded, what the hell, did the mentor give such a high evaluation to the two of them?

Then they thought that it's okay, it's good that they are backed by the company, and they can use resource channels to swipe their tickets to get themselves into the final ten-member group.

After all five mentors finished evaluating, the two walked off the stage amidst the shouts and applause of the audience.

After arriving backstage, Duan Peng and Xie Kun's assistant hurriedly brought bath towels for them to put on, and prepared clean clothes for them to change into.

Xie Kun seemed very excited, and said while walking: "Stable! Our idea is absolutely stable!"

 Thank you for the reward from the boss who received the flower and bloomed again!
(End of this chapter)

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