Chapter 92 Use props!

After the two changed their clothes, they returned to the players' rest area, and immediately received a lot of applause.

But neither of them is blind, so they can naturally see the hypocrisy in these people's eyes.

The two found a corner and sat down, quietly watching the performances of other contestants on the monitor.

Soon, all the contestants in the six groups finished their performances, and today's recording ended here. What will be recorded next week is the final ranking, the ranking from [-] to [-]!

After the recording of the program ended, Chu Qing and Xie Kun also parted ways, and the cooperation between the two was terminated.

After Chu Qing went to say hello to the eldest wife and the second aunt, she said she had something to do and left first.

He was indeed busy. When Song Dawei drove him off, Chu Qing asked directly.

"Viagra, do you want to invite guest assistants for the final?"

Song Dawei smiled and said, "Yes! But you don't have to worry, I have found a suitable candidate, but the asking price is a bit high, a third-tier actress costs 20! Ten thousand is worth it, I don’t know how many people want to spend it but can’t spend it!”

When Chu Qing heard it, what? 20?That level can't be given to her!
Duan Peng couldn't help being speechless, 20 yuan was enough to cover his salary for two years.

Chu Qing thought for a while and said: "Don't worry, next week we will be recording the elimination video, we still have nearly half a month, I'll think about it later"

Song Dawei also knew Chu Qing's character of wanting money, so he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll take the 20! In fact, I'm also to blame for this matter, because I didn't think it through beforehand. You are the only one who is working hard this way! Now The finals are coming soon, and it’s up to me as an agent to contribute.”

Chu Qing shook her head and said, "Let's listen to me! I have other ideas."

Although Song Dawei didn't understand what Chu Qing wanted to do, after this period of contact, he also understood that Chu Qing was a very thoughtful person. Since he had decided on the matter, let him handle it by himself.

After returning home, Chu Qing started to continue the live broadcast. Now he will not let go of every action that can increase his points.

"Experience has reached the upgrade standard, whether to upgrade!"

Chu Qing, who was in the live broadcast, heard the system notification sound in his mind again, and Chu Qing directly agreed.

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 22"

"LV: 003"

"Current points 1401"

"Current experience: 000/3000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

This is Chu Qing's latest panel. When upgrading before, some system functions will be unlocked, such as the system mall, lottery, etc., but now after the upgrade, it just adds some more props in the system mall, so that Chu Qing felt extremely bored.

It's a pity that even if he is bored, he can't help it. After all, the system won't listen to him.

After the live broadcast the next day, Chu Qing's points finally reached [-]. After thinking about it, she bought the prop [actress invitation card] directly in the system store!
Gritting his teeth, he opened the lucky halo for the first time, ignored the points that were dropping every second, and directly clicked to use the item!

Immediately, in his mind, he heard the system prompt sound.

"Congratulations to the host, the [Actress Invitation Card] has been used successfully this time! Please wait at ease, the host!"

Chu Qing let out a long breath, it's okay, it's okay, now it seems that his halo has not been in vain, and those points have not been wasted.

Eternal Entertainment, Dong Manli's office!
Diva Dong Manli was sitting behind her desk, doing her makeup in front of a small mirror.

It has been ten years since Dong Manli made her debut. From the head of the jade girl back then to the current queen of the music scene, she can be regarded as a template for the protagonist.

But her luck in the past two years was obviously not very good. First of all, her boyfriend who had been in love for seven years announced that she had broken up with her, and the reason was that she was promiscuous!
This is fatal to a female artist, causing her reputation to plummet, and the scolding of her on the Internet is really ugly, even more vicious than those who scolded Chu Qing before!
Although it was later confirmed that it was her ex-boyfriend who really lied, but this kind of injury and defandom are almost irreversible!This caused her status to drop again and again.

What's more deadly is that during her bad reputation, her endorsement and channel resources were all given to other actors by the company.

Even if you prove your innocence now, those resources and channels that were given out will still not come back.

In order to prove herself, she released an electronic album at her own expense, but it turned out to be a dog, and she didn't even recover the cost.

Now in the company, except for this office and the manager who has been with her all the time, she has nothing, and she can't even support an assistant.

Her agent is also a woman with the same surname as her, Dong, and she can be regarded as an old agent in the circle.

At this moment, Miss Dong sighed and said, "Have you heard the rumors in the company these two days?"

"What rumor?"

Dong Manli carefully put eyeliner on herself, and asked subconsciously when she heard Miss Dong's words.

"There are rumors in the company that after your contract expires next year, the company will not renew your contract. According to my understanding of the company, this kind of thing does have a high probability of happening."

Dong Manli's hands froze, and after letting out a long breath, she continued to draw eyeliner: "How much money did I earn for the company? In the end, the company took everything from me because of a scumbag's lies. Now you want to terminate the contract with me?"

"It's not a termination, but a non-renewal?"

"What's the difference?"

"Of course there is a difference! If you terminate the contract, they will have to pay liquidated damages, but if you don't renew the contract, the contract will expire, and they won't have to give you a dime at that time!"

Sister Dong said these words very seriously, as if she was telling the truth in the world.

The veins on Dong Manli's forehead were about to come out, but she forcibly adjusted her mentality, and then continued.

"Sister Dong, are we really unable to stand up now?"

"Of course there is a way. We only need one song that can be sung well, and it is enough for you to turn around!"

Dong Manli couldn't help frowning when she heard this, because his ex-boyfriend was a composer, and for some reason, she also had a bad quarrel with those composers. Now it's not easy to want a good song!
The manager, Sister Dong, seemed a little heartless, and she was still shaking her hands, but it could be seen from the fact that she was the only one who did not leave, and the relationship between the two of them was deep.

Sister Dong was stunned for a while, then raised her head and looked at Dong Manli in surprise.

"Manly! Now there is a very good opportunity in front of you, but you must sacrifice some at the beginning, are you willing?"

Dong Manli frowned after hearing this, "Could it be that you want me to go out and have a drink with someone?"

Sister Dong smiled and shook her head, and handed her the phone.

On the phone screen, it was Chu Qing's dressing video!
(End of this chapter)

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