Chapter 93

Dong Manli took the phone, but she didn't know Chu Qing.

The voice was a little curious: "Who is this? Sister Dong, why are you showing me what he is doing?"

Sister Dong asked in surprise, "You don't know Chu Qing?"

Dong Manli put down her eyebrow pencil, rubbed her temples and said, "Sister, don't you know what a mess my head has become these days, how can I still have the energy to care about these little fresh meats!"

Sister Dong nodded after hearing this, and told Dong Manli about Chu Qing's experience, but Dong Manli was taken aback!

This, this is completely a replica of myself!But she does have the ability to turn things around in such adversity. Of course, the main reason is Cui Qiqi's sudden self-exploitation!

Otherwise, Chu Qing's innocent grievances will definitely not be cleared up for a while. Seeing the half-smile on Sister Dong's face, Dong Manli suddenly understood a little, and subconsciously said: "Sister Dong, you mean to stir up gossip ?”

Sister Dong was startled when she heard this, and then said in surprise: "No, didn't I tell you, he is a singer-songwriter, and he can always write a highly popular song based on his own experience. , so I want to ask him to try and see if I can write a good song for you!"

Speaking of this, Miss Dong pinched her chin and said, "However, what you said reminded me that gossip and hype are indeed very good, especially in the current situation."

"Both of you have just broken up in love, and you are both victims in love. If you two get together as a couple, the popularity will definitely be high enough!"

The more Sister Dong said, the brighter her eyes became: "Besides, he is not very famous now, we are helping him by taking the initiative to ask him to stir up scandals, and I think he will not refuse."

Dong Manli also began to think seriously. It wasn't the first day she joined this circle, so she naturally wouldn't treat gossip as a big deal.

To put it bluntly, gossip speculation is just a man and a woman, making a melon for netizens to eat.

Thinking of this, she looked at Chu Qing in the video in casual clothes. Dong Manli nodded slowly and said, "Sister Dong, you can contact me."

"Okay, his manager is Song Dawei. We also had some friendship before, and that person is not bad."

After Sister Dong finished speaking, she took her mobile phone and found Song Dawei's name in the address book.

Chu Qing, who had just finished lunch, received a call from Song Dawei.

"Hey, Viagra, what's the matter?"

"Qingzi! Qingzi! Guess who called me just now?"

"Where do I go, who is it?"

"Dong Manli! Dong Manli! She wants to make an appointment with you to sing a song and invite us to dinner tonight!"

Chu Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, he knew that the props must have played a role, but who is Dong Manli?

"Ah, okay, will you pick me up that night?"

"I'll go there now, that's Dong Manli! I'll pick you up now, let's go buy two sets of clothes, and we'll go there after dressing up in good spirits!"

Chu Qing agreed with a smile. After hanging up the phone, she searched for Dong Manli on the Internet. After reading Dong Manli's experience, Chu Qing just wanted to say something like shit!
It really seems like it!Similar to my own experience!Looking at the coffee position again, it is actually a top-tier one, even if it is ranked lower, it is still a top-line one!

It's hard to live, and they didn't fall to the second line!
Chu Qing imagined the scene of the two collaborating, there must be some enthusiasm, not to mention the topicality, the other party's coffee position is much higher than the third line that Song Dawei found for him, the most important thing is that the 20 can be saved up!
As for the song, isn't that easy to handle?With so many songs in my mind, I can give her many songs that are suitable for girls. Anyway, singing by myself is not suitable.

Song Dawei was very concerned about this matter, and arrived at Chu Qing's small apartment in just over an hour, with an excited expression on his face.

"Let's go and buy two similar clothes. You can't be rude when you meet Dong Manli today."

Chu Qing was a little speechless and said, "It's not like that."

"Why not, she is a little queen, writing songs for a little queen, it's like helping us promote in disguise!"

Speaking of this, Song Dawei seemed to have just remembered something: "By the way, does the song I wrote for her have any clues?"

Chu Qing shook her head and said, "They didn't even ask for it, so I don't know what to do."

"Yes, yes, I am a little too excited, let's go and buy clothes"

Song Dawei took Chu Qing to the mall directly, and bought two sets of clothes, which cost more than 1 yuan. Chu Qing gritted his teeth in distress.

But no matter what, I finally have two sets of clothes that I can wear.

In the evening, Song Dawei drove Chu Qing to a small restaurant.

Although the scale of the restaurant is not large, the location is very hidden.

"Hello, we are Miss Dong's guests, and they told us to go to 302 to find her"

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Song?"


"Okay, Mr. Song, Miss Dong has already ordered you to come with me."

The waiter led Chu Qing to the box on the third floor, knocked on the door before softly saying: "Miss Dong, your guest is here."

As soon as the waiter finished speaking, the door was opened from the inside, and what Chu Qing saw was a fat middle-aged woman.

Song Dawei greeted each other with a smile on his face after seeing him: "Hahaha, Miss Dong, long time no see."

Only after hearing Song Dawei's address did Chu Qing know that this person was Dong Manli's manager.

"I haven't seen Dawei for a long time. This is Chu Qing, she is indeed a talented person."

The other party seemed very polite, Chu Qing had been observing her eyes, and found that there were only appreciation and surprise in them, which made Chu Qing slightly startled, secretly thinking that this woman is not ordinary, she must be very good!
In the previous life, Chu Qing had seen too many people, including many good 'actors', but there were really too few people who could control their eyes like the sister Dong in front of her.

Even Chu Qing couldn't, that's why he squinted his eyes when he wanted to do something bad, because he was afraid that others would see his eyes!
But now the woman in front of her is not afraid at all, because she can control her eyes to express the emotions she wants, this kind of person is very scary!Only those veterans in the officialdom will know this well.

"Quick, come in, Manli has been waiting for you for a long time"

While speaking, she moved away from the door, and after waiting for the two to enter the box, she took advantage of the opportunity to close the door.

This box is not small, let alone four people, even twenty people can sit there.

Dong Manli was sitting in the main seat inside. When she saw the two people coming in, she stood up with a smile and said hello. After the four of them briefly introduced each other, Dong Manli spoke first.

"I heard that Mr. Chu is a creative genius?"

Chu Qing waved his hands modestly and said, "Genius is not considered a genius, but I usually like to write some songs."

(End of this chapter)

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