Chapter 94 Cooperation
"Mr. Chu is really humble"

Several people laughed and started chatting. Sister Dong is an old man in the industry, and she took the lead in finding a topic. When she knew that Chu Qing had also participated in "Idol Has an Attitude" and was likely to enter the finals, her eyes narrowed involuntarily. .

This variety show is indeed very popular now, especially in the fan circle. It has become a way for many female fans to meet and greet each other. It is very likely to become a phenomenon-level show, but the style of the first season is somewhat low. ugly.

After hearing Chu Qing mention the names of several players, Miss Dong smiled and talked about the background behind those people, the company, etc., which also gave Chu Qing more knowledge.

Then the waiter began to serve the food, and after waiting for the food to be served, several people chatted while eating.

"To be honest, this time, I have two things I want to ask Mr. Chu, but I don't know if Mr. Chu can agree."

Sister Dong's smile gives people a sense of intimacy, which is hard to refuse.

Chu Qing laughed when he heard the words: "Sister Dong, let me listen to you first. If you can help me, you will definitely help me. It's my small temple and small house. It's really limited!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Chu is really humble, so I'll tell the truth, it's like this, I know Mr. Chu is very creative, so I want Mr. Chu to help my family Manli think of a song"

Chu Qing nodded, he had thought about this before he came, and just waited for the other party to ask.

Seeing that Chu Qing was so happy, Sister Dong nodded and agreed, feeling very comfortable, and continued to smile: "Of course, I won't let Mr. Chu write it for nothing. The second point, Mr. Chu, you must be in great need to participate in the program now." Let's increase the popularity for yourself!"

Chu Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, but Song Dawei nodded aside and said, "Of course, hey, it's my fault too, I can't give Qingzi a good publicity channel, otherwise he wouldn't be so tired by himself."

Sister Dong smiled and gave Chu Qing a piece of food with chopsticks, and said, "I have an idea of ​​mutual benefit, but I don't know if Mr. Chu and Mr. Song can agree."

Chu Qing and Song Dawei are both good people. They already knew what the other was going to do with his words.

Song Dawei was afraid that Chu Qing would be in trouble, so he took the lead and said, "Sister Dong, my Chu Qing is following the route of infatuation. It's only been a month or two. If there is news of a new love affair, it will have a big impact, and he is currently participating The program is dominated by female audiences”

Sister Dong understood, and looked back at Dong Manli, yes, this is indeed a problem.

Now that Dong Manli has just experienced that kind of thing, if she suddenly has a new relationship, there will definitely be different voices on the Internet.

After thinking about it, Chu Qing suddenly asked, "Sister Manli, can you dance?"

Dong Manli didn't expect Chu Qing to ask such a question suddenly, but she still nodded and said, "Well, I can still dance and so on."

Chu Qing smiled, then turned to look at Sister Dong and said.

"Sister Dong, we can't directly admit this kind of thing, but we can give netizens a direction and let them think about it themselves! See if this works. If I make it to the finals, I can invite a guest to help me out. When the time comes Let Sister Manli assist in the performance, and treat it as my reward for writing songs."

"At that time, because of the interaction between the two of us, I believe it will also bring some enthusiasm to the new song, especially if the new song is written by me."

Dong Manli and Sister Dong looked at each other, and after thinking for a while, Sister Dong took the lead and said, "This is fine, but the scale is not easy to grasp."

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Actually, it's okay. To put it simply, it's a little ambiguous, but we don't admit it. Let the netizens imagine it. At that time, just find some sailors to lead the rhythm."

Song Dawei and Sister Dong looked at him with strange expressions, Chu Qing couldn't help but wondered, "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing, I think your idea is very good, what do you think, Manli?"

"I think so"

"Then it's settled!"

In the end, Song Dawei made a final decision, which was a complete confirmation of this matter!

Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief inwardly, and hired a first-line sky for [-] points to help her act later, earning money!
After confirming the cooperative relationship, several people obviously got close.

"Sister Manli, do you have any requirements for the song?"

Dong Manli thought for a while and said, "I want a song with a different style from mine, preferably one that can make the audience feel involved!"

Chu Qing nodded, and raised her hand to signal Dong Manli to continue.

"I want to try a dark style, break the audience's stereotype of me before, and it's best to make people's eyes shine!"

Chu Qing nodded again, and Dong Manli continued.

"And it's best to have a sense of power, the kind that can feel me venting."

Dong Manli made a lot of requests, and Chu Qing recorded all of them in the memo on the phone.

After waiting for a few people to eat their fill, Chu Qing smiled and said, "Three days, do you have time within three days?"

Dong Manli glanced at Sister Dong, and Sister Dong smiled and nodded, "It should be said that we have time at any time for a while. Many announcements and endorsements on Manli's body have been snatched away. This period is her vacuum period. "

Chu Qing smiled and said: "That's right, I have two ideas about your request, and I can almost produce the finished product in two days, but it's best to sing songs by yourself to feel it, So I hope to find a karaoke room for Sister Manli to try.”

Dong Manli was a little surprised and said, "Have an idea so soon?"

Chu Qing nodded and said, "There are two ideas with different styles. I don't know which one is more suitable for you."

Dong Manli and Sister Dong looked at each other, wondering if Chu Qing was bragging about herself.

But Sister Dong still chose to believe it. After all, there is no need to lie to herself about this kind of thing. In the end, the few people simply agreed to see each other in a recording studio in three days!
This recording studio is owned by Dong Manli's friend, so she can go there anytime.

Several people left separately, and while waiting for the return trip, Song Dawei was still feeling emotional.

"My God, all of this is just like a dream! Since Dong Manli intends to have an affair with you, what kind of shit luck did you have!"

Chu Qing also felt that she was lucky, but it was not because Dong Manli wanted to have an affair with her, but because the props did not disappoint her this time, so she invited a big guy to come back to help her!
After returning to the rental house, Chu Qing began to write songs.

In fact, he had already thought about such things as songs. Give him half an hour, and he can even make songs and background music, but that would be a bit shocking, so he said it would take three days, but this is not the case. It was enough to surprise the other party.

Three days later, Faith Studios.
(End of this chapter)

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