Chapter 137 The Villain
"Xiao Shuai, you won't be able to see your brother after meeting your idol, right?"

Sun Shuai sneered and said, "This is different bro, you can see it every day, but idols are not seen every day."

Brother Hu answered with a smile at the side: "If you have time to come to Shencheng, let your brother take you to my house to play."

"Okay!" Sun Shuai nodded repeatedly.

Sun Chao looked helplessly at Sun Shuai and shook his head.

A few people enter the elevator together, Brother Hu, do you have any delicious recommendations as a local?

"Then I'll take you to a restaurant that doesn't even have a name."

"This store is in an old house. You should be able to book a private room by calling now."

"Most of the people who eat there are locals gathering for dinner, or some diners brought by locals like us."

"But it's a little far away, on the side of Zhenning Road."

"It's okay, we're not in a hurry, it's still early."

Sun Chao asked other people for their opinions, and when they decided where to eat, the elevator came downstairs.

From a distance, I saw a person standing downstairs.

Sun Chao recognized Zhong Liang standing there at a glance.

Several people walked over together.

When Zhong Liang saw a group of people coming out, he knew it might be Sun Chao and the others, so he also took a few steps forward.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Zhong Liang, the leading male lead in the drama directed by Zhang Xiao."

After hearing Sun Chao's introduction, Zhong Liang greeted everyone: "Hello."

As soon as Zhong Liang opened his mouth, everyone recognized that Zhong Liang's accent should not be from mainland China, and he spoke Mandarin very reluctantly.

Sun Chao knew that everyone was confused: "Zhong Liang is from Xiangjiang, but he has been developing with us."

Turning around, he introduced to Zhong Liang: "The one standing beside me is Brother Hu."

Zhong Liang smiled and said, "I know this, Li Xiaoyao! It's very popular now."

The two stepped forward to shake hands with each other, and Zhong Liang said, "Hello, Senior Hu."

Zhong Liang greeted Brother Hu in that not-so-standard Mandarin.

"Brother Zhong, don't call me senior, I'm just lucky."

When Brother Hu heard Sun Chao mentioning Zhang Xiao on the phone, he guessed that this person might be the lead actor of that play.

He knew that the film played by Zhong Liang was very likely to become a hit, and Brother Hu was also a relatively modest person, let alone push him too hard.

"Those who have mastered it are teachers, and they should be called seniors."

After a few words of humility between the two, Sun Chao continued to introduce: "The one standing next to Brother Hu is Yuan Hong, Brother Hu's good brother."

Zhong Liang also shook hands with Yuan Hong.

"The one next to him is Wang Kai, and he is the most important villain in this drama now."

"Graduated from the Central Drama School."

When Wang Kai heard the introduction, he answered the conversation: "Hi Zhong Liang, we met before and we acted together in a play for a few days, I don't know if you have any impression of me, after all I didn’t know each other and didn’t say hello.”

Zhong Liang heard that he had seen it, but he had no memory at all, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I really can't remember it."

"Standing next to me is my younger brother Sun Shuai." Sun Chao said with his arms around Sun Shuai's shoulders.

"I got it."

Director Zhang Xiao said that you came to Shencheng with your younger brother. "

"Everyone will be able to see each other sooner or later after they are actors, and it just so happens that we get together today."

"Okay, all the introductions are over."

He said to Zhong Liang: "Brother Hu is a local, he said to take us to eat private food."

"You don't have any objections as a treat, do you? Or have you thought about where to take us to eat before you come?" Sun Chao said jokingly.

"I'm not familiar with this. Of course I would like to have a local looking for a place to eat. This is the best."

"Then let's go."

A group of people walked out of the film and television city in a mighty manner.

Wang Kai asked curiously, "Sun Chao, are you still a writer?"

When Sun Chao heard Wang Kai ask himself, he said, "That's right, write a few novels at the starting point."

When Sun Chao and the stars went to dinner, the literature publishing house was extremely busy.

Editorial Department of Literary Publishing House.

Since the solicitation of essays was publicized, many manuscripts have been sent in one after another, not only in electronic version but also in paper form.

Especially at the end of the month, there are too many manuscripts to count before the deadline.


Anyone with a bit of literary talent will try to write a manuscript and submit it to the publishing house. If you are lucky enough to get No.3, it will be a lot of money.

Some of them were submitted with this mentality, and some were full-time writers, but they may have been writers of other categories before.

Everyone knows that even if the hope of entering the top three is relatively slim, they will try to submit an article, just in case!What if my manuscript is selected.

Writers who submit articles with this mentality also account for a large proportion.

The remaining part is some writers who are good at writing in this type contacted by the publishing house.

Some are already good at writing in this field on the website, and there are also authors who have published physical books before. Even if the types are different, publishers will try to call to solicit manuscripts.

Writers like Sun Chao, who have already published several novels and sell well, will receive calls from the publishing house directly.

In recent days, the editorial department of the Literary Publishing House has been working overtime reviewing manuscripts.

When you are tired, you can drink coffee, or go to smoke a cigarette to refresh yourself. If you are really tired, you can lie down on the desk and rest for a while.

A group of editors, Wang Ou, just finished drinking a cup of coffee and is now in good spirits, and is now concentrating on reading the manuscript.

They were busiest during the first trial, which was fairly good.

Wang Ou is currently undergoing the second trial, and the manuscripts that can enter the second trial are all good manuscripts.

Their job is to delete a large part, and find the best three novels from the middle. If they are not sure, they can pick them out, after all, there will be a third trial to check.

This activity was personally supervised by the president, and the standards were clearly issued. At the second trial, at least 90.00% must be cleared.

At the meeting, it was bluntly stated that we only need to see the best few books, and the time left for the second review is only a short week.

In other words, the editors in charge of the second review had only a little more than one day left before the deadline.

Wang Ou was reviewing the manuscripts assigned to him, and everyone in the editorial department assigned a certain amount of manuscripts after the second review.

The theme this time is ancient times, and there are both male and female frequencies in the overhead category.

Soon a familiar author's name appeared in Wang Ou's vision.


Wang Ou knew [mouse] that the author who could submit a manuscript was most likely due to the appointment of someone from the publishing house.

Otherwise, the author [Mouse] would not come to participate in this event, and it is not his style, and [Mouse] is not short of these 10 yuan.

[Mouse] The fraction of a book is more than this bonus.

Wang Ou looked at it very carefully, and found that the name of Wang Hui, the director of the distribution department, was marked on the top.

It turned out that Director Wang had requested the manuscript, so it was no wonder that 【Mouse】was invited.

Wang Ou read the outline carefully first. The full text is 74 words in the type of ancient costume and conspiracy. Wang Ou found that only about 50 words were sent.

After reading the above, Wang Ou began to read from the beginning, this time Wang Ou read it very carefully.

In this way, Wang Ou sat on the external device and read for more than two or three hours, reading the hundreds of thousands of words sent at once.

Especially when Mei Changsu was seriously ill, King Yu colluded with Xia Jiang, resorted to a plan to create a rift between Mei Changsu and Prince Jing, and captured Wei Zheng, the former deputy general of the Chiyu battalion, and used him as a bait, waiting for Prince Jing to take the bait .

Seeing this, Wang Ou was very anxious.

He also saw Mei Chang staggering towards the secret passage after waking up. He was weak and had no strength to close the secret door of the secret passage.

Facing King Jing who was determined to go his own way, Mei Changsu tried hard to persuade him, analyzing the pros and cons, King Jing insisted on saving Wei Zheng, and said the phrase "different ways do not conspire with each other". The bell of communication.

Seeing Mei Changsu calling "Your Highness" again and again, Mei Changsu knelt down, but he still didn't win back Prince Jing's heart.When Mei Changsu looked at the secret door slowly closing, but Mei Changsu struggled to get up, seeing this, Wang Ou also felt wronged and angry.

At the end of the novel, Mei Changsu was imprisoned in Guanxuanjing Division, Mei Changsu was forcibly fed Wujin Wan by Xia Jiang, what Xia Jiang did was seen by Xia Dong, and finally ended abruptly where Xia Dong shed tears, this confrontation Wang Ou looked very cool.

But when Wang Ou clicked on the next page, the novel ended here.

This made Wang Ou's heart itch, what happened to Mei Changsu after taking Wujin Wan?This [mouse] is really broken out of context.

It took a while for Wang Ou to calm down from his excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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