Chapter 138 Either First or Second
He feels that [Mouse] is not No.1 or No.2 this time. He has also seen that other writers’ novels are not as fascinating and lifelike as [Mouse]. inner emotions.

It's like being in a novel and watching all this happening in front of your eyes.

After Wang Ou regained his composure, he quickly got up and walked to the editor-in-chief's office.

Because each of their editors has to choose a novel that they think can be recommended in the top three. If the novel they recommend can really appear in the top three, then the editor who recommended this novel will also get a lot of bonuses.

This is the main reason why Wang Ou is so excited.

Editor-in-Chief Deng Mingliang was browsing the submissions for this event in his office when he heard a knock on his office door.

"Come in." Deng Mingliang said without a baby.

When Wang Ou heard that he was allowed to go in, he opened the door and walked into the office of editor-in-chief Deng Mingliang.

Deng Mingliang looked up at this time and saw that it was Wang Ou, an old employee of the editorial department, who came in.

"What's the matter?"

"Editor-in-Chief, I have a particularly wonderful novel in my hand."

"And it's [Mouse]'s contribution."


"Do you think you can make it to the top three?"

This is a question he would always ask the editor of his recommended novel.

After Deng Mingliang finished speaking, he looked down at his screen again, never stopping the movement of his hands, then browsed the submitted novels, and asked this question casually.

Seeing that his supervisor didn't take it to heart at all, Wang Ou went on to say:

"Moreover, this novel was personally requested by the director of the publishing department."

After hearing what Wang Ou said, Deng Mingliang looked away from the computer and looked up at Wang Ou.

"Isn't this [mouse] the one who wrote romance novels? Why did he come to join in the fun this time? What did Wang Hui think? He even thought of making an appointment with someone who wrote romance novels?"

As Deng Mingliang talked, he remembered what Wang Ou said just now: "You said [Mouse] is a well-written novel? And can it enter the top three?"

Wang Ou: "..."

It took a long time for you to find the point now.

Wang Ou said decisively: "It's either No. 2 or No. [-]."

Deng Mingliang sat up straight and hurriedly said, "Then send me the manuscript now, and I'll take a look first."

"I want to see what kind of ancient costume themes a romance writer can write."

"If this one is really good, we will have 10 novels now, and then we can end the second review."

Entering the top ten are three other novels by veteran writers who wrote period costumes.

There is also a book under the pseudonym [Lonely], which is the work of Hua Lao.

This old Hua is also an old writer that Sun Chao doesn't know, and more than one or two costume novels in his hand have been published.

This time, it is the editor-in-chief's face that Mr. Hua is able to make a move. The editor-in-chief means that he wants to continue this activity every year. If it fails at the beginning and fails to select excellent novels, there is no need to talk about the follow-up.

"By the way! By the way, send a copy of this novel to other editors, so that everyone can read it." Deng Mingliang remembered and added when he saw Wang Ou was about to go out.

"it is good!"

As soon as Wang Ou returned to his seat, he sent a copy of [Mouse]'s novel to every editor.

Deng Mingliang appeared at the door of the office just after the distribution: "I asked Wang Ou to distribute a novel to you all. After reading it, we will have a meeting together before leaving get off work. Everyone will share their thoughts."

After Deng Mingliang finished speaking, he turned and returned to his office.

Colleagues all knew what this meant, and they gathered around Wang Ou and asked, "Wang Ou, have you discovered the novel of the big fire?"

"Yeah, the editor-in-chief has spoken, it's almost a done deal."

"If you get a bonus, remember to invite you to dinner." Some colleagues also joked.

"Wang Ou, which writer's novel did you choose?"

Wang Ou heard everyone asking various questions in a hurry.

Quickly said: "The writer I selected is familiar to everyone, and it is the work of [Mouse]."

"That's not right, isn't [Mouse] a writer who writes youth romance novels? Why did you rewrite ancient costumes?" The editor asked again, puzzled.

"What else is it for, for the bonus!" An editor answered from the side.

Some editors think more: "Actually, it's not impossible. Doesn't the mouse have a game novel with a particularly good score? Since you can write games across genres, it's not impossible to write a good costume novel." Bar."

In fact, everyone knows that there are writers who write ancient costumes across genres. After all, the bonus is attractive, but they have seen so many excellent writers who can also write across genres.

Wang Ou heard that everyone was showing signs of endless chatting, and quickly interrupted everyone's chat: "Everyone can go to your computer and take a look, and you will know, I have already sent the manuscript to you."

Hearing what Wang Ou said, everyone felt that it was so, and they all returned to their positions to watch.

Sun Chao and his group have just arrived at the place to eat.

Sun Chao saw that Zhong Liang was brought by the driver, so Sun Chao didn't take the car arranged by Ding Wen, and set off with everyone in Zhong Liang's car with his younger brother Wang Kai.

After setting off, Sun Chao thought about it and asked, "By the way, Brother Zhong, you guys are about to wrap up. Where did the filming take place?"

"It's almost over, just one or two episodes after the marriage."

Wang Kai couldn't answer the words, so he just listened quietly. He still feels like he is dreaming.

After arriving at the place, when everyone parked their cars and got together, Brother Hu suggested:
"Let's find a teahouse and sit for a while. We'll go there around the time. How about it?"

Sun Chao had no objection, and the others all said yes, and it happened that there was a teahouse not far from where the car was parked.

When everyone was about to go to the teahouse, Brother Hu took out the mask from his pocket, and Yuan Hong jokingly said, "Now our old Hu is a big star, and we wear masks when we go out."

Brother Hu didn't show weakness and said directly: "By this time next year, you will all have the same standard equipment as me."

"Do you dare to bet?"

Brother Hu turned to look at Yuan Hong.

Sun Chao felt that Brother Hu was quite right. If he wanted to have a party at this time next year, he might have to gather at home.

It was only now that Sun Chao realized that the looks of these people were a bit horrible, should he take them to make a change?
Just do it!

Sun Chao stopped directly at the entrance of the teahouse.

As soon as Sun Chao stopped, the others also stopped.

Zhong Liang asked with a puzzled look: "What's wrong with Xiaochao? Why didn't you go in?"

Sun Chao turned around and looked at several people: "How about I make some changes for you guys?"

Brother Hu felt that his hairstyle was very handsome, so he said, "Isn't my hairstyle pretty good? It's so handsome! My styling teacher specially designed this for me."

The others are still in a lukewarm state, and they don't have any professional stylists, so it doesn't matter if they say they want to get their hair cut.

On the contrary, Zhong Liang's hairstyle is inconvenient to move now, he is currently filming.

Sun Chao thought in his heart, if he wanted the effect of the TV series to be as good as that of the later generations, then the hairstyle was an important hurdle that he couldn't escape.

"Let's go and let you see my aesthetics."

Several people turned around and went back to the car, started the car and followed behind the car where Sun Chao was sitting.

In the car, Wang Kai asked hesitantly: "Sun Chao, do you really know how to design hairstyles?"

"Which one looks better, my discovery or your hairstyle?"

"Did you design your hairstyle yourself?" Wang Kai asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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