Chapter 172 I'm Dissatisfied

And the beds on both sides are not directly opposite, after all, there is a shoe cabinet.

The beds in the dormitory are still the color of logs, which is not much different from the videos of the dormitory that Sun Chao saw in his previous life.

Fortunately, it is not an iron bed. After all, if these beds are made of iron after a class of students, they will inevitably make noise.

There are still drawer-style stairs between the two beds. Sun Chao thinks this design is better than the iron stairs with one bed for each bed.

Sun Chao's bed is next to the balcony, and now Sun Chao is glad that his bed is not next to the shoe cabinet. If so, he can only pray that there will be no smelly feet in the dormitory.

As Sun Chao walked in, there was an L-shaped desk on the left, with a black iron shelf around the desk, and a one-meter wardrobe on the right.

Next to the wardrobe, Sun Chao also saw something similar to a storage cabinet. Sun Chao opened it and looked at it, and it was a six-drawer chest. The space was not small and the height reached Sun Chao's waist.

Sun Chao went to the balcony again. Opposite Sun Chao's bed was a rectangular shared desk for four people, and there was a bookshelf at least two or three meters wide next to the wall.

After four years, Sun Chao felt that this bookshelf should be full.

After opening the narrow sliding door on the balcony, Sun Chao saw two doors on the left. Sun Chao opened them both and found that the toilet and bathroom were still separated, which is rare.

There are still two sinks, on the other side of the balcony.

Sun Chao turned around and looked at the entire dormitory, and found that the aisle in the middle was very wide. The dormitories that Sun Chao had checked on his mobile phone in his previous life were all very narrow. no problem.

Wang Bin compared their building. It is not an exaggeration at all that one dormitory is equal to the area of ​​their two dormitories.

Sun Chao suddenly felt that living in such a dormitory for four years was not bad. The dormitory that Sun Chao imagined was the type of high school dormitory, otherwise Sun Chao would not rush to buy a house.

Sun Chao had just looked at the other three and walked in together talking and laughing together.

"Super God, you are back, let's take a shower and go eat."

"Where did you go shopping?" Sun Chao asked curiously.

Sun Chaochao is back from school, and the three of them are only now back.

Gao Fan spoke first: "We went to the library, and wandered around the dormitories in other buildings. This proposal was made by Fan Kexin."

"The two of them are looking for a sense of superiority." Huang Hao said.

"It's not because Fan Kexin said that the environment in other dormitories is so miserable, so we went to have a look out of curiosity. After reading it, I found that our dormitory is heaven."

Fan Kexin smiled and said: "I was curious about the dormitory that your high school classmates said about him, so I just found a dormitory and went in to have a look. After reading it, I felt that the conditions were not as good as my high school dormitory. The creaking sound of getting out of bed is unbelievable."

"Is it an iron bed?"

Sun Chao thought the whole world was made of wooden beds, but it turns out there are still iron beds.

"Yes, I heard from my senior sister that the dormitory built in the past two years has wooden beds, and the previous ones were all iron frame beds." Huang Hao said.

"Not even a wooden bed like ours."

Gao Fan sat directly on the stairs and continued, "There is still this kind of drawer-style stairs between the two beds."

"I have also found a sense of superiority, so hurry up and take a shower and go out to eat." Huang Hao said.

"Should we go out to eat or go to the cafeteria?" Gao Fan said as he walked towards the balcony.

"what do y'all think?"

It doesn't matter to Sun Chao, he has a bicycle anyway.

"Let's eat in the cafeteria today, how about buying a bicycle and going out to eat tomorrow?" Fan Kexin suggested.

Gao Fan who had just entered the bathroom also stretched out his head and said, "It's such a happy decision."

Sun Chao saw that Huang Hao had seen it and nodded.

"Then go to the cafeteria."

Sun Chao and his roommates were having dinner in the cafeteria, and a group of writers was chatting enthusiastically around Sun Chao.

All the writers in this group participated in this starting point essay solicitation activity. As long as writers from any website in this group participated, most of them were drawn in, and there were both male and female writers.

The ranking of this event does not distinguish between men and women, and 150 works are selected uniformly. The number of newly revised works and the amount of prize money are released from the first day of the event after the final decision on the starting point.

And the top ten have rewards, No. 150 million, No. 230 million, No. 320 million, No. 4 5, No. [-] [-], and the remaining [-] will be shared among the last five. That's all.

When the promotion of the event started, manuscripts were sent out one after another.

Among the dozen or so people who are most active, of course Fang Zhong is the starting point, as well as the [Monk Book] whose real name is Songtao who writes fantasy, and the [Young Master Weng] who writes about cities, whose real name is Shao Yewen.

"Fang Zhong, is your news reliable, that writer named [Huang Ruo Ru Meng] really participated in this event?"

"No, I asked the editor before, and he said [Resembling a Dream] did not participate."

"If he participates, we will forget about No.3."

"Who says it's not? Let alone the top three, I don't even think about my top ten. This event has blown up a lot of old-fashioned authors who haven't published a book for a year or two."

"Fang Zhong, what is your purpose? You are here to get people's mentality, I'm going to split."

"Originally, we could all think about No.1, even if there are veteran writers, we can imagine it. If [Reminiscence Like a Dream] comes to "Tomb Raider Notes", we won't even think about it."

"Who says it's not, this kind of writer who has written several books should be banned from participating in this event."

"The readership of his books is too huge."

"He's cheating, and I won't accept the loss."

There is something on top.

Fang Zhong felt that it was good for him to rank fifteen to twenty. At the beginning, Fang Zhong said that he was in the top few places as self-encouragement.

Fang Zhong said weakly: "That..."

"Can I speak?"


It seems that I was pissed off when I spoke just now.

"I... I didn't say that [Rumeng] participated in the event is "Tomb Raiders Notes"?"

There are quite a few bigwigs in this group, and Fang Zhong's qualifications are not enough in front of these writers who are speaking.

The crowd suddenly fell silent.

One or two minutes later, the group suddenly became lively again, as if what happened just now hadn't happened.

If it weren't for the chat records, Fang Zhong really thought that what happened just now was his own hallucination.

The mighty poaching operation of Book Paradise Publishing House has quietly started.


Fang Zhong silently quit the group chat, doubting his life, and went to code words.

When the four in Sun Chao's dormitory returned to the dormitory after dinner, Fatty and Wang Bin both called Sun Chao.

Like Sun Chao, they were having dinner together.

The four returned to the dormitory and began to sweep and mop the floor and clean the bathroom.

"Who cleans the bathroom?" Gao Fan asked.

The four looked at each other.

"How about rock-paper-scissors?" Gao Fan suggested.

Fan Kexin began to divide, counting his fingers while talking.

 Ask for votes, everyone who has a vote, please vote for this book.Any ticket will do!

(End of this chapter)

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