Chapter 173 Hell Shura
"No.1 sweeping the floor."

No problem.Fan Kexin looked at everyone and said.

Several people shook their heads.

"No. 2 shoe shine cabinet and all the tables."

"Is there any opinion?"

"No comment."

Sun Chao then shook his head. "

"No.3 Mopping the floor and brushing the balcony floor."

"No. 1 from the bottom to clean the bathroom and washbasin, and it must be very clean."

"Let's all agree."

Sun Chao still nodded, thinking in his heart that Fan Kexin had the potential to be the head of the dormitory, Sun Chao still nodded in agreement in his heart.

"Then let's start!" Huang Hao said.

Everyone posed together, and Sun Chao saw Fan Kexin put on a thief-like look.

Huang Hao looked relaxed.

It doesn't matter to Sun Chao, the last one is just to do more work.


After Fan Kexin finished counting, he bought a lawsuit there.

"Can you get better? You should go to sleep in Moji." Gao Fan yelled in dissatisfaction.

"twenty three!"

After Sun Chao saw the result, he put his arms around his chest and leaned against the bed.

Seeing that everyone looked over, Sun Chao immediately spread his hands.

Sun surpassed the stone, and the other three people all produced the scissors unanimously.

"Damn, Sun Chao is so lucky." Gao Fan admired him.

"I thought No.1 would have to be decided in two rounds."

"Super God! Your luck should go to buy a lottery ticket."

"What a mess, I'm willing to bet and lose! Let's start now." Huang Hao said.

"Oh, it's my fault for being so lucky, everyone has worked hard." Sun Chao joked when he was in a good mood.

No.2 is Huang Hao, No.3 is Gao Fan.

The last one is Fan Kexin who proposed to divide the area.

"My stinky mouth!"

Fan Kexin said with a bitter face while patting his mouth.

Everyone chatted while cleaning.

Huang Hao first mentioned his interest: "I plan to apply for a basketball club tomorrow afternoon. I really like playing basketball."

Sun Chao remembered basketball when he heard it, so he answered, "I'll be with you tomorrow, and I also want to sign up for a basketball club."

If Sun Chao only signed up for one club, then the basketball club definitely didn't run away.

Sun Chao didn't want to focus on studying for four years, his body was the capital of the revolution, and Sun Chao didn't want to be fat when he graduated.

"How about we report to the club together in the afternoon?"

Several people joined in.

"Fan Kexin Gao Fan, where are you two? What club do you want to apply for?"

"I haven't thought about it, let's talk about it tomorrow afternoon." Gao Fan said.

Just after Gao Fan finished speaking, Fan Kexin answered, "I want to join a guitar club, what do you think?"

Fan Kexin got up again, and Xu Kong gestured for the state of playing the guitar.

"As long as you like it." Sun Chao said while sweeping the floor.

"Sun Chao, aren't you so taciturn? When the senior sister approached you in the afternoon, why did you jump out word by word?"

Sun Chao was at a loss, but he didn't notice that anyone was accosting him at all.

"Have it?"

The three looked at each other, and Fan Kexin asked, "Then did you find out that a senior sister strikes up a conversation with you?"

Sun Chao really didn't realize it, that is, asking some questions that need to be filled in. Could this also be called flirting?Just kidding.

Sun Chao was sweeping the floor with his head down, when he suddenly realized that the dormitory seemed a little quiet, he raised his head and took a curious look.

Sun Chao found that the three of them were not working anymore, and they all looked at him directly.

"I think those seniors are winking at the blind!" Fan Kexin said in a drawn out voice.

Gao Fan stood up from the balcony and yelled, "I'll show you how that senior sister strikes up a conversation with Sun Chao."

"At that time, Sun Chao was filling out the information, and the senior sister came up from the side and asked."

Gao Fan cleared his throat and said softly, "Where are you from, junior?"

"At that time, the senior sister was still asking this question in a delicate manner, and I could see that senior sister blushed."

Gao Fan pointed to his face as he spoke.

"I was closest to Sun Chao at the time, do you know what Sun Chao said?"

Both Huang Hao and Fan Kexin looked gossipy, and asked, "What did Sun Chao say?"

Sun Chao is also thinking about it now. It seems that a senior sister approached him and reminded him that at that time, Sun Chao thought it was because he didn't write his home address.

Sun Chao thought about it in his heart, and he seemed to reply "Fill it".

No problem!

Gao Fan was still talking there, "At that time, Sun Chao."

Gao Fan was not only learning words, but also gesticulating.

"Sun Chao pointed at the form and said, "Fill it out. "

"I almost laughed out loud at the time, but I couldn't hold back seeing the embarrassing expression on the senior sister's face."

"How can you say that Sun Chao is so talented? When someone strikes up a conversation with him, this guy just pointed to the list and filled it out."

Seeing the three of them smiling there, Chao Sun was speechless: "Is this what you guys are talking about?"

"Otherwise?" Gao Fan asked back.

When Fan Kexin heard Sun Chao's question, he said, "Sun Chao, what do you think? Could it be that my senior is reminding you to fill in your address?"

Sun Chao also nodded seriously.

All three of them were dumbfounded.

Sun Chao said what he thought was the strike-up.

"I thought strike-up was like this."

"What kind?" Fan Kexin asked.

Seeing that the three of them were all looking at him, Sun Chao continued, "What is your mobile phone number, junior? Or, do you have time, junior, let's have a meal together?"

After Sun Chao finished speaking, he looked like what he said was the correct answer.

Isn't it all like this?The two girlfriends that Sun Chao talked about in his previous life knew each other like this. Isn't this normal operation?

But the three of them were dumbfounded when they heard what Sun Chao said.

"There is no such thing as you talking about, you can't see one in any school." Gao Fan complained.

Fan Kexin also added on the side: "I believe Sun Chao, you will not see the kind of flirting you mentioned in the four years of college."

"What you said is too straightforward, it is impossible."

This is the generation gap of the times.

One of the two girlfriends Sun Chao talked about in his previous life was met when he was doing a drinking event. At that time, this event needed a model.

A friend helped Sun Chao take over this job.

Before the event was over, a girl came up to me and said directly, "Little brother, what is your WeChat ID? Let's add a WeChat account. How about we have dinner together when you get off work?"

Sun Chao's appearance is often approached by girls, but Sun Chao doesn't know that, unless he is like this girl, Sun Chao can know that he is approaching him.

After this matter passed, Sun Chao didn't take it seriously.

Who knew that this girl was still very persistent. Sun Chao traveled to several cities for activities, and this girl followed Sun Chao's itinerary.

This girl followed Sun Chao wherever he went. After a long time, Sun Chao gradually discovered that this girl's personality was not bad, straightforward and generous, and finally they got together.

Sun Chao was not sure what the two said: "Really?"

The three nodded in unison.

Fan Kexin thought that Sun Chao had listened to it, but who knew that Sun Chao said: "That's great, I don't want to find a girlfriend so early."

(End of this chapter)

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