Chapter 18
In the past few days, I have been doing summer homework while making up lessons for my younger brother.

But many of the summer homework questions are too simple, so Sun Chao writes them at random, and skips the particularly simple ones, and only does some difficult questions!

At first, my younger brother was curious about how Sun Chao danced and did it, "It's too simple! It's boring to do!"

The younger brother asked in surprise, "Is this okay?"

Sun Chao said very stinky: "If you can also take the first place in the grade, you can too!"

The little brother who said a word was speechless!

In the afternoon, he still went to the Internet cafe to write novels. Uncle Quan was used to seeing Sun Chao every day. He came and left on time every day, even more punctual than his boss when he came to the Internet cafe!

The second volume of the novel is over in a few days!Sun Chao is now writing the last [-] characters of the third volume, and he can finish coding today.

It's July NO.15, and school will start in [-] days, and there are still five or six volumes out of code!
Now Sun Chao is not sure that he will be able to finish writing after the summer vacation.

Recently, the collection and recommendation tickets have reached a big level. The recommendation tickets are 900 votes, the favorites are more than 100 votes, and the monthly tickets are more than [-] votes. , after Zhao Liang's science popularization, he knew that the conversion rate was very high
At that time, he still thought why the monthly pass was so much less than the collection

There are already 2 gold lords who tipped, and there are many other lords, and there are quite a few silver lords. After all, gold lords are a minority.

On the day it was put on the shelves, there was a recommendation on the homepage, and 40.00% of the monthly tickets and collections were attracted by this recommendation!

Two or three days after it was put on the shelves, Sun Chao sent all the finished first volume to Zhao Liang, the editor in charge.

When he first signed the contract, he was too embarrassed to bother the editor in charge. He chatted with the editor in charge for two or three days. Every day, Zhao Liang sent a message to ask him about the follow-up plot. Sun Chao thought it was troublesome.

I always bother myself to code, and the code is going smoothly, what a disappointment to come to the news!If someone else sent it, Sun Chao would just ignore it, but this is his own responsibility, and the income depends on him!

What if you are angry and don't recommend yourself a seat!Otherwise, when can I buy a house for my parents!Sun Chao simply sent him the whole novel!
But Sun Chao made a request, that is, to give him the things that need to be updated when there are rewards after it is put on the shelves.

Zhao Liang didn't think it would be troublesome, he would update it every few days, if he had time, he readily agreed!After this promise, he regretted it after he got on the shelf!
It was the first time that the leader offered a reward, and when he wanted to discuss with Sun Chao how many more chapters to add, no one paid any attention to him! (Author: Sun Chao: "That's why you contacted me in the morning, I'm at home so I can't talk to you!").

I waited for a reply in the afternoon, so what's the use, he's finished adding updates! (Author: Sun Chao: "Who told you to move so fast! I won't bear the blame)
The second time, there was a reward from a gold leader, and Zhao Liang, the editor-in-chief, was so excited. At that time, Zhao Liang just brought back his lunch and was about to open the lid of the lunch box!On the homepage of the starting point, "Grave Raiders Notes" drifted past and entered the golden lord, Zhao Liang's lunch box almost spilled!It's only been seven or eight days since the book was published, and the leaders have been constantly. He has gradually gotten used to it. He just got used to it. There are several leaders every day. Can you not get used to it!

But this is the golden lord, this is [-]!It's fifty thousand!Zhao Liang's envious eyes turned red!

But he knew that he didn't have that much writing skills, and the novel he wrote was far behind Sun Chao!

Jealousy returns to jealousy, and the rest is only envy!So happy to see the golden lord!He forgot that Sun Chao might not be there at this time, and even sent several messages but no one responded, Zhao Liang was so angry that he was full.

Zhao Liang thought in his heart that the author is too lazy!
the most important is!

Readers still-don’t-know-know, it’s too difficult for me to be the editor of [Like a Dream]!

Taking an editor's money, but also doing the work of a writer.

This is always the case!As long as there is something wrong, no one has ever been found, and only when the matter is resolved will it appear!

During these ten days or so, Zhao Liang could see that [Resembling a dream] was really: "Just don't care about the codes and nothing else!" And it was only in the afternoon, and it was even harder to find him at other times than going to heaven!
The book friend group doesn't care either!Don't care about advertising!Readers never reply to their messages!

But there is one thing, money fans!

How should I put it, every time I told him how much the monthly ticket had increased, he would only reply with the question "Are you rich?"

Telling him that there is a reward from the Silver League and the Golden League, Sun Chao is not interested in any leader, he only cares about how much money he can get!In Zhao Liang's eyes, this author is a money fanatic!The kind that loses money!
Fans spontaneously created a group and called him in the message area, but he didn't see him!

Zhao Liang contacted a fan who gave rewards very frequently, and after asking, he set it as the group owner, which made it look like a fan group.

This reader's name is: [It's too difficult to name] He and dozens of very active fans in the fan base gave Sun Chao the nickname "Salted Fish", because readers only care about code words and never ask for votes!
Zhao Liang saw it and thought it was really appropriate!Zhao Liang saw that the writers in the writer group were particularly interested in "Like a Dream".

Can you not be interested!

Liao Liao gained countless leaders with tens of thousands of words, and there were several golden leaders, so he was drawn into the group of writers.


But he never bubbled!
@ He also didn't respond, the writers in the group were all discussing in the group: "Is this author so cold?"

There was no way, Zhao Liang could only reply for him in the group.

As long as there is something wrong, Zhao Liang will nag that it was a mistake for him to accept the reward and update it!
In fact, he can ignore other things, and just make a reward for Jiageng.

But he still depends on Sun Chao for food!Don't worry about anything every day!They all wandered around Sun Chao's book.

There is also good news, that is, temporary editor Zhao Liang has become a full-time editor!He is the fastest of this group to become a regular, and there is another senior who has been here for half a year and has not yet become a regular.

If there is no result this month, I will automatically resign.

Those who came in from the same batch looked at him with envy mixed with jealousy.

Although Zhao Liang complained every day that [Resembling a Dream] is a shopkeeper who throws his hands away, Zhao Liang is still very grateful to him in his heart. If it weren't for this novel, he might also be fired in a few months.

Zhao Liang knew that he was stable since he signed the "Tomb Raider Notes", relying on this series of "Tomb Raider Notes", he will not have to worry about it in the past few years!

Zhao Liang, the editor-in-chief, did not know until Sun Chao had dealt with it. Either after he finished speaking, Sun Chao would forget the words at the first word.
Fan: "What kind of money do you make without us!"

Writers: "You will be isolated at gatherings in the future, and you are still so arrogant!"

Sun Chao finished his summer homework today, and solved another matter!happy!
The third volume of the novel can also be finished in the afternoon, and my spoken English has also improved a lot. In the past ten days, I have used English to talk to my younger brother every day

From the stumbling at the beginning to the fluent conversation now, the younger brother has made rapid progress!

Except for some uncommon words that need to be thought about, normal conversation is no problem!
From being unaccustomed to it at the beginning, Sun Chao's mother became accustomed to it, and she was very relieved to know that they were practicing oral English. Now Sun Chao's mother can also speak a few substandard English.

Sometimes a few simple words often appear, and Sun Chao's mother will ask curiously what it means?There will be a few more times!
(End of this chapter)

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