Chapter 19 Manuscript Fees
After eating and taking a nap, Sun Chao looked at the time on his watch and found that he woke up half an hour earlier than usual, usually around 02:30, but he woke up at two o'clock today.

Get up when you wake up, I won’t be able to sleep anyway, so I’ll go today to see how much money I can get for this period of time!

I've been busy for more than ten days, and I can't just pay the money without seeing the money. Although I can't get it now, I can see how I can satisfy my hunger.

Isn't it coming early next month!I got up to wash and brush my teeth. I remembered that my younger brother didn't go to the Internet cafe in the past few days. Today I took him to play for a while!
It's boring to go alone every time. Although I like to be quiet, it's good to have a chat with someone on the Internet once in a while.

I knocked on my younger brother's door, and before I could open it, the door opened, maybe it was a little louder and woke him up.

Seeing the confused look of the younger brother, although his hair is a bit messy, he is still handsome, but his facial features have not yet opened, and he has a baby face.

"Go online in the afternoon, will you go?"

Sun Shuai hesitated and nodded when he heard it: "Okay!"

After the younger brother finished washing, Sun Chao put his arms around his neck, and the two walked to Uncle Quan's Internet cafe together.

The straight line from home to the Internet cafe is less than 100 meters. Uncle Quan is not here today. It is a girl I just hired not long ago. She smiles and talks softly when she sees everyone.

I took my younger brother to find a seat in a corner and sat down. It’s not very noisy here. Recently, I took my younger brother here two or three times. I have learned everything I need to know. Last time I took my younger brother to play a game. I didn’t expect my younger brother’s comprehension and understanding. The response is good, and it can be operated after playing for a day.

Played with him today, and then let him move freely. He wants to see how much he has this month's manuscript fee. After reading it, read it in the code!Code words and everything have to give way in front of money, and the editor's comments to him are not bad at all!

I checked that the launch date was July 15th, and it has been eleven days since July NO.[-].

14 leaders

6 silver lords

Gold leader: 3

The proportion of tipping 1000 points is relatively large, Sun Chao looked at it and found it really troublesome to count!
The accountability editor is the fastest, and the question is sent to the responsible editor.

Starting point editorial department.

The other editors here are discussing the new book that Zhao Liang signed.

Several veteran writers gathered together and said, "The newcomer Zhao Liang is fine. He has published a book with good grades in just three months."

"Who says it's not? I've been here for almost a year before I got a book."

"I think that the book in Zhao Liang's hand may be a god."

"Really, although the grades are good, it won't be so fast, isn't it normal that the grades are better just now?"

"I think it's also possible. There are so many rewards for just a few words in this book."

"Lu Bo, you have to be careful. [Fangzheng]'s novel is in the same category as this novel. It would be embarrassing for you to get to the top of the list. Don't be taken down by a new author."

Lu Bo looked relaxed, "Probably not. My author is an old man, and I'm finishing the book soon. Even if I have to worry, it's No.2 worry."

As he spoke, he looked at Guo Jiang, who is also the editor in charge of the master fantasy writer 【Kong Kong】.

Guo Jiang's mentality is very good, "What you said is only possible, but it's useless to worry about it now."

Great writer group.

Suspense and adventure master [Fang Zheng]: "Have you seen the recently popular "Tomb Raider Notes"? This book is too good. I think we will add new members to our group of gods."

Master of the Urban category [City in Mid-Empty]: "I have seen that there are indeed a lot of rewards recently, not much less than me."

"It's not that exaggerated. I've been coding recently, but I don't care, but [City in Mid-Empty] what you said is too exaggerated."

"Even if the grades are good, the grades can only be good when they have just been put on the shelves."

"I also feel that way."

[City in Mid-Empty] Formerly known as Tang Tang, he has been paying attention to this book for a long time, and he clicked in to read it himself.

But it can be seen now that this is the rhythm of a book to confer gods.


The editor in charge, Zhao Liang, is planning to add an update to his newly added leader!It was really strange to find out that Sun Chao had sent him a message.

After clicking on it, Zhao Liang complained directly in his heart: "This money addict!"

That's what I said, but Zhao Liang also wants to see how many there are!

"Wait a minute, I'll do the math!"

When Sun Chao saw the reply, he knew that he was the one who was in charge of the editor, so he started typing with peace of mind.

Just after typing less than [-] characters, the editor in charge sent a message.

Seeing the content, Sun Chao grinned to his ears, 21 yuan!

This number, yes!
Sun Chao was enjoying himself, when the editor sent another message: "There is no perfect attendance award this month, because the book was published on the [-]nd, so there is no perfect attendance award!"

Together with a small tip, you can get so much money next month! "

When Zhao Liang calculated the money for him, he was so envious, Sun Chao earned money in more than half a month, how many years of salary would he have to earn!

When Sun Chao saw that he could get so much money at the end of the month, he had already forgotten about his responsibility. He was not in the mood to type now, and was already thinking about where to buy a house for his parents!
Now in 2004, the housing price in Pengcheng was only over 1000 yuan, which is still very cheap if calculated on the basis of [-] square meters.

By 2020, there will be more than 2 square meters per square meter at that time, and the house price will be around [-]. The current house price is really the price of cabbage!

Sun Chao will be eighteen in August!That is to say, after school, he can ask for leave and buy a house in the city with his ID card!Wow Kaka so happy!
Sun Shuai, who was playing the game, was attracted by his flamboyant movements. Sun Shuai took off his earphones and asked, "Brother, what are you doing? You are so happy!"

Hearing his younger brother's voice, Sun Chao came back to his senses, quickly stopped his movements and expressions, and replied to his younger brother, "It's nothing, just some friends shared some funny things on the Internet!" Seeing that Sun Chao didn't want to talk about Sun Shuai, he didn't ask, Then play his game.

Seeing the younger brother playing games, Sun Chao thought, did I have an exaggerated expression just now?do not care.

No matter how much money you have, you will have to wait until the start of school to get it. Let’s continue to code words. After checking the time, there are still more than two hours. Open the starting point writer background and start coding. Today, I will finish the [-] characters!

Time passed minute by minute, after a stretch, the third volume is finally over!After checking the time before getting off the plane in less than 10 minutes, Sun Chao opened the top few novels on the website to read.

Don't say it!The writing is really good. I really can't underestimate these writers. Those who can stay in the top few are all masters with good writing skills!
Especially an author named [Kongkong], who was ranked No.1, and looked at the homepage again, and found that the top few writers were all good, and their grades were also very good.

There is also a master in the city who writes very well. The author's name is [City in the Half Sky] and his grades are also very impressive. This author is also a veteran master and has already written several books.

Sun Chao silently calculated their income in his heart, and found that they made a lot of money. He was dreaming in his heart, when he could earn so much, how many houses would he be able to buy?

After watching it for a while, the computer screen showed that the time was up soon. Sun Chao saw that the younger brother was not playing games, but now he was watching the news. Is the younger brother watching the news?
This brother has a very unique hobby. After leaving the Internet cafe, the two went home together. As soon as the Sun Chao brothers arrived home, Sun Chao heard his mother tell them to wash their hands and eat!
Since the first time he brought his younger brother to the Internet, Sun Chao had a good chat with his mother at night, and now his mother doesn't care about his younger brother's Internet access!Whatever you say, as long as you don't become an Internet addicted teenager!
Sun Chao's mother also knew that she couldn't stop it all the time, and it would be too late to show a rebellious mentality!
Now Sun Chao's mother is very open-minded. Watching Sun Chao make up lessons for his younger brother every day, even his spoken English has improved rapidly. Although she can't understand, she can tell if he is fluent or not. Even if Sun Shuai goes out to play at night, he will start early return.

Unlike before, when I played until midnight, I didn't have a sense of time, and everything was going in a good direction!

Sun Chao’s mother has been in a good mood these days, and she has been making food in different ways. During the period when Sun Chao came back from vacation, the fruit at home has been constant. Recently, Sun Chao’s mother is in a good mood, and the fruits will not be repeated. It's not like before, I bought the same ones, and bought several together. Fortunately, Sun Chao likes to eat, otherwise he would suspect that it would be spoiled!

Sun Chao's mother just saw that Sun Chao likes to eat fruit. Every time after eating, she would see Sun Chao eating a piece of fruit!Today Sun Chao plans to go to the bookstore to buy some papers to test the current level of the younger brother.
The papers are not expensive, and a stack of 10 papers costs three yuan.In junior high school, unlike senior high school, where one subject is stacked, all subjects in junior high school are placed in one stack.

Sun Chao went out after dinner. There was evening self-study in junior high school, and the small bookstore in front of the school closed after the students finished their evening self-study. Now the summer vacation would not be so late, so Sun Chao went out after dinner.

He was afraid that it would be too dark, so he closed it. Fortunately, when he arrived at the bookstore, he saw that it was still closed. He bought two stacks, paid the money, and went home leisurely.

Sun Chao didn't even notice that the current papers should not be too formal.

The time passed day by day like this, and in a blink of an eye, it was the 30th day. The fat man called yesterday and asked, "Do you want to go to school early tomorrow?"

After the exam, Sun Chao made an appointment to go to school together earlier, and Sun Chao felt that the fat man was bored of staying at home!
I still have a novel to write, this guy must be thinking about where to go every day, and he called to ask when he was bored at home!

Since the appointment is made, let's go, without delaying Sun Chao's code words, the fat man listened to Sun Chao's agreement, and took over the job of notifying Wang Bin.

Sun Chao gave Sun Shuai a mock test last time, and found that his grades had improved a lot, but he still didn't make it into the top [-] in his grade!
(End of this chapter)

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