Chapter 181 Partner Sniper
"But they did it, and we got all our writers poached."

"If we don't take measures, we will open the skylight this time if we can't contact the novel after the novel is over." The director of the propaganda department said worriedly.

"Don't worry, we won't be able to open the skylight for a while, we still have "Tomb Raider Notes 4" in our hands, and a writer who has signed a contract."

"At the beginning, the starting point told us to avoid the [mouse] book. If it really doesn't work, contact the starting point and tell me, I think it shouldn't be a big problem." Xu Chang said.

"This new vice president is too unruly!"

"It was the writers who benefited from her actions in the end, and everyone lost money in the end."

"Who says it's not, it's too unruly."

"She is blatantly and maliciously robbing the market, and she is not afraid that she will lose all her underwear in the end."

A supervisor who knew a little more said: "I found out that Book Heaven has given the writers a little more share this time on the basis of the evaluation."

"Pay them to death." A supervisor said angrily.

Xu Chang answered with a solemn face, "You think people will pay, but have you ever understood? This time they are digging out novel writers who are destined to make a lot of money after publishing."

"Either they have published novels in their hands, or they are writers who are currently among the top few writers on the website. Even if they give these writers a small profit, they will definitely make some money, and they will definitely not lose money."

After Xu Chang finished speaking, he sighed: "It's just more earning and less earning."

"Have you counted? How many writers has Shutian signed this time?" Peng Huan frowned and rubbed his temples, maybe a little over the top.

The head of the public relations department answered, "I've already arranged for people to investigate in the morning. There are about ten to twelve writers who have done very well in the past."

"Three of the top five in this starting point event were signed by Book Paradise."

"Shutiantang is not afraid that we will join forces to suppress them? What they did this time is too extreme."

After hearing nearly a dozen of them, the supervisors said aggressively.

"This is not leaving a way out at all."

"Actually, it's understandable. When their publishing house was in a downturn, didn't the writers also be divided up by us?"

There was also an editor-in-chief who defended Book Paradise.

Peng Huan spoke at this time:

"[Mouse] and [Huangruo Rumeng] haven't been signed yet. The reason may be that these two are too low-key, and they really can't be contacted."

"You guys have to find a way now, you must sign these two novels that are currently being serialized."

Some agreed: "I think as long as we can sign the two writers [Mouse] and [Like a Dream], this incident will not have much impact on our publishing house."

"Which of you can contact these two?" Peng Huan, the president, raised his head and swept towards the crowd.

Everyone lowered their heads and murmured that no one dared to answer the president's words, they didn't have that ability.

"I called [Huangruo Rumeng] before, but the phone has been turned off. [Mouse] I also contacted the editor-in-chief of Jinjiang, but they replied that they can't contact him now. "Xu Chang said sullenly.

"Now we must race against time, and we must contact these two before Book Heaven."

Peng Huan used two musts to see how serious this matter is now.

Xu Chang had an idea, and he suddenly remembered something.

Suddenly said excitedly: "I might be able to find [Huang Ruo Ru Meng], I'll check it out after the meeting."

"President, I may be on a business trip for a few days." Xu Chang said hastily.

"No problem." Peng Huan agreed very simply.

Xu Chang remembered the address he found when he sent the sample booklet to [Huangruo Rumeng] before, thinking that it would be useful if he could use it.

I just wrote it down in my notebook.

Now I can't get through the phone, so I can only come to the door in person.

"If it doesn't work, I will increase the share for these two, but you must sign the book for me."

"Now only these two influencers can compete with other big-name writers."

After Peng Huan finished speaking, he was silent for a few seconds and then said: "This time there is a tough battle to be fought, and it is very important whether we can sign these two writers."

After the president finished speaking these words with a serious face, the atmosphere in this conference room became even more depressing.

Now everyone is tightening the strings in their hearts.

After saying this sentence, Peng Huan sighed, and arranged: "Contact the other two publishing houses. This time, they need to cooperate to resist this wave of offensive from Book Heaven."

After speaking, he thought of something, and added: "Forget it, I'll contact you myself."

"It would be best if we could sign these two. If not, we can't let Book Heaven sign."

Peng Huan didn't want everyone to be so pessimistic, so he comforted:

"If we win this time, the three of us can share the market share of Book Paradise."

The status of the other two companies is similar to that of Huaxia Publishing House, and the presidents of each of them have serious expressions on their faces.

In the afternoon, Peng Huan called Yao Lihua, the president of the Literature Publishing House.

Peng Huan and Yao Lihua have no conflicts, and Yao Lihua is still very optimistic about Peng Huan, and once threw an olive branch to Peng Huan.

"Sister Yao, I'll get straight to the point."

When Yao Lihua saw that it was Peng Huan's call, she knew what it was about, but she didn't expect Peng Huan to come up with such a sentence after connecting.

"I like your temperament, otherwise I wouldn't have wanted to poach you at that time."

"Fortunately, you have made it through now. The leaders above you are not all blind. This seat should have been yours long ago. At least you are worthy of your loyalty." Yao Lihua said.

"Sister Yao laughed, I don't want to move after I've stayed there for a long time, I'm just lazy."

Said these are also excuses, otherwise let Peng Huan say what.

Do you want to say that I don't like your deputy, but I like your position, can you give it to me?

After making a few jokes, Yao Lihua said with a serious face: "This time Shutiantang has gone a little too far. I also wanted to call you before."

"Now this matter cannot be handled by one of our publishing houses. This time we need to work together."

What Yao Lihua said didn't include Bo Shu directly.

In fact, Peng Huan did not publish any more books, after all, they had only just started publishing novels.

"Sister Yao, you have a lot of experience. If you say what we should do, I will cooperate with you."

Yao Lihua was also not humble, and said directly: "What type of novels will be published by their publishing house in the future, and what type of novels will be published by our two families."

"And the writers we choose must be as famous as the writers who published their books at the same time."

"I'm also contacting some established writers to see if they have any works in their hands."

"After several times like this, I don't believe that any writer will choose their publishing house."

Peng Huan said something in his heart after listening, the most poisonous woman's heart.

"No problem, I will definitely cooperate."

"If there are writers who want to terminate the contract with them in the future, how much we can sign depends on our respective abilities." Peng Huan said with a smile.

"Of course! You can't beat us, so don't cry."

Peng Huan didn't know how to answer the words.

You don't wear such things when you are too old, and Peng Huan has no way to reply.

After chatting for a few more words, Peng Huan hung up the phone.

The two tacitly did not mention [mouse] and [reminiscent of a dream].

Shutianxia Publishing House is full of joy.

All departments are discussing.

Editorial department.

"The vice president's move is powerful, and it directly revitalizes our publishing house."

"I don't think our publishing house has been dead since the vice president took office."

"Okay, okay, just a little busy."

A colleague next to me joked:
"If you are not busy, you will not be far from being laid off."

"It seems to be the same." The colleague who just arrived not long ago scratched his head and smiled silly.

There was also a thoughtful editor who said a little worriedly: "I'm worried that several other companies will join forces to attack us."

The colleague next to him looked relaxed: "You are thinking too much, this is impossible. Which publishing house is not a deadly enemy, how can it be possible to join forces."


"I don't think it's possible, and we didn't sign all the writers, we just signed the best wave."

"You will be beaten for talking like that."

Jiang Quan didn't expect to find so many more writers than she expected. She thought it would be good to find about six or seven writers.

(End of this chapter)

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