Chapter 182 The end of military training
"Have you seen it?"

"The sales volume of the novel we are publishing is particularly high, and our publishing house can make a lot of money from this book."

"It's a pity that I didn't get in touch with [Mouse] and [Like a Dream]." The editor who signed Li Zhengan said this.

"Beibei, just show off here, I know you got a lot of bonuses this time."

"Yeah, you've already signed the [Kong Kong] master, you're not satisfied yet."

"If I could have signed one I would have been content."

"Beibei, you should be arrogant."

This editor named Beibei, even though he was proud of himself in his heart, still had a look of pity on his face.

"I'm telling the truth. It's a pity not to sign those two. That's the big bonus."

"Who doesn't want to? You can ask who hasn't made up with these two people, but even if you can't get in touch with them, there is nothing you can do."

"Do you think the vice president is stupid, so that she can offer such a high bonus if you get in touch with her? You are still too naive."

Zhao Liang had already received calls from Shutiantang, and the calls were one after another.

But Zhao Liang said: "There is no time now, this is the author's original words."

The same goes for Wu Zhenzhen.

It was very lively outside these days, but Sun Chao didn't feel it at all.I am still living my military training life peacefully.

Today is the end of Sun Chao's military training. In the past ten days, Sun Chao has been tanned at least a degree, but it doesn't affect his handsomeness at all.

When everyone was about to end the military training performance, Sun Chao accidentally found the instructors lined up silently, and he planned to leave.

Shen Yue, who was next to Sun Chao, saw that Sun Chao seemed to be looking at something, so she followed Sun Chao's gaze curiously.

When Shen Yue saw it, he stood up straight away: "The instructors are getting on the bus!"

This sentence is like water dripping into the oil pan, and the students all stood up with a clatter.

At the same time, all the students in the class ran towards the instructor at the same time.

Sun Chao seemed to be infected by this atmosphere, and ran towards the bus with his classmates.

Maybe everyone wants to say goodbye to the instructor.

Looking at the anxious students, Sun Chao thought to himself.

When the students were about to run to the bus, Sun Chao saw the instructors getting on the bus one after another.

A few steps away, the bus closed its doors.

After seeing this situation, everyone stopped running and watched the bus start slowly.

Rational and emotional, when everyone stopped, there were still some students in the class who wanted to try to stop the bus.

The teacher who came from the side stepped forward to stop the excited students.

Sun Chao looked at the bus that was close at hand, looking for the instructors of his class through the windows, not in the first row, nor in the second row. When Sun Chao looked one by one, he saw himself in the window of the last row. instructor.

Sun Chao saw the instructor waving at him.

Sun Chao had a private chat with the instructor before, and Sun Chao knew that the instructor would either be promoted or discharged after returning this time.

Sun Chao and the instructor also exchanged their mobile phone numbers, and made an appointment to get together when they came to the capital. They might see each other again, or it might just be a courtesy, who knows.

Sun Chao also raised his hand and waved.

At this time, the students also found the instructor, and Sun Chao vaguely heard the sound of crying.

After turning around, I found that the girls in the class were hugging each other and crying.

Perhaps due to everyone's influence, Sun Chao's mood also fell.

Finish the final activity silently. After lunch, everyone took their luggage and got on the bus with the counselor.

It was past three o'clock when we arrived at the dormitory, and when Sun Chao entered the dormitory, the other three had already arrived.

Sun Chao saw Huang Hao sitting by his desk. This guy was not white in the first place, but after half a month of military training, he was so dark that he was a little shiny.

Sun Chao couldn't hold back a burst of laughter.

At this time, Huang Hao, who had been looking in the mirror, saw Sun Chao.

Smiling and scolding: "Sun Chao, just laugh, I'm not bad."

"Originally, I wasn't white. You didn't see the two on the balcony, so it's obvious."

"Those two are back too?" Sun Chao asked and looked to the balcony.

"One is washing his face and the other is taking a shower. You can see them both when they come out."

Speaking of which, Huang Hao also laughed.

When Sun Chao had just packed his luggage, the two walked out from the balcony one after the other.

When Sun heard Huang Hao's laughter, he also looked over, and Sun Chao couldn't help but burst out laughing again.

Gao Fan used to be a fair and clean young man, but now he is very dark, and Fan Kexin is similar.

The current comparison between Sun Chao and Huang Hao is still good.

"How do I feel that Huang Hao and I have been in the sun for half a month, but you two..." Sun Chao couldn't help laughing again.

"I feel like you two have been in the sun for half a year."

The two cried sadly: "During your military training, there was still a shady place. The instructor in our class is a pervert. He led us to stand under the sun for half a month."

"Our class is not far from Gao Fan's class, and the treatment is similar."

Fan Kexin snatched the mirror from Huang Hao's hand and looked at it, and complained while looking in the mirror:

"What do you say that boys are whiter than girls. Show off more."

"And that's it."

"It's okay, you will come back for nothing after one semester." Sun Chao comforted.

"Sun Chao, why haven't you got a lot of tan?"

When Sun Chao heard Fan Kexin's question, he said, "I'm not white in the first place, so it's not obvious that I'm tanned."

Sun Chao was tanned during the busy farming season, but he didn't get any darker after the sun.

Sun Chao took out the mobile phone he had just brought back from the counselor from his pocket, and found the charger to charge the mobile phone.

"Do you have class tomorrow?" Sun Chao asked.

Sun Chao's current class is very full. Other students have classes in the morning and even if they have classes in the afternoon, they only have one or two classes, and they are almost free.

Sun Chao has classes in the morning and afternoon.

"Yes, Sun Chao, have you selected your class time? There will be no conflict." Fan Kexin asked.

Huang Hao answered: "You still need to worry about this, the Super God has already arranged it, and the counselor helped to arrange it."

"The counselor helped me relocate all the elective courses in the morning to the afternoon ones, and there were basically no conflicting courses."

Sun Chao's cell phone rang at this time.

Take the phone and walk to the balcony.

"Brother Zhao, what's the matter?"

It was Zhao Liang who called.

"Xiaochao, is your military training over? The phone was turned off when I called you before."


"It's like this. Publishing houses are vying for writers recently. Your novel is still being serialized. Now, publishing houses have come to sign your novel early, and the share is very good, and it has directly opened to fourteen points."

"There are very few writers who can get this share. Let's see which one you want to sign?"

Sun Chao thought for a while after listening to Zhao Liang's words.

"How about it, don't sign it now, I want to find an agent to handle these things for me now, and now [Mouse] is also anxiously waiting for me to handle publishing matters."

"I want to find an agent first and then talk about signing the contract. Does Brother Zhao have anyone to recommend?"

(End of this chapter)

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