Chapter 191 Pretty
After Sun Chao hung up the phone, he rode to the dormitory.

Sun Chao was still worrying about not having enough money, so someone planned to send him money.

After finishing work, Zhang Xiao wanted to buy the adaptation rights from Sun Chao again.

What Zhang Xiao took a fancy to this time is "To Our Simple Little Beauty".

The sales of this book are amazing.

Today, several of Zhang Xiao's director friends got together again. This dinner was organized by a friend.

In the end, Zhang Xiao proposed to gather at her home, and everyone agreed.

After Zhang Xiao received a call from her friend, she guessed that she had something to do with Sun Chao.

Some of these directors are filming costume dramas, and some are filming urban dramas. Recently, I heard that they are also picking scripts, but they have never heard of new dramas starting to shoot.

So Zhang Xiao guessed that these friends wanted to contact Sun Chao through him.

At noon, everyone gathered at Zhang Xiao's house.

"Why did you get here together?"

Zhang Xiao asked after the three got out of the car.

"I happened to meet outside the community, so we came in together."

These three directors came today, one for urban and two for ancient costumes.

"I asked someone to prepare the meal, let's eat first."

A few people went to the living room together, director Zhu Zhou who was filming the city said with a smile on his face, "I'm here today because I have something to ask Xiaoxiao to come."

"We both have the same purpose."

Several people said as they walked towards the villa.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm very curious now, how did you find this mysterious writer?"

"I contacted many famous screenwriters, but I couldn't find this one's contact information." Zhu Zhou said.

"I asked many people before, but I couldn't get in touch with this one." Qin Feng also echoed.

Qin Feng is one of the directors who shoot costume themes.

"At the beginning, Ding Wen approached me and told me that there was a good costume script, and that the editor would contact me when he wanted to shoot."

"This makes me feel itchy. Ding Wen is very picky. If he says it's good, then it should be very good." Qin Feng continued.

"Then you didn't get the script?" Gan Jun asked.

Gan Jun is another director who shoots ancient costumes.

"I can't help it. I have called Ding Wen several times, but each time I said that the screenwriter hadn't contacted him, and the script must have not been written well." Qin Feng looked depressed.

Ding Wen had contacted Sun Chao before. At that time, he was busy participating in the publishing house's essay solicitation activities. Later, when he was not free, he replied to Ding Wen that he didn't have time recently, and he would wait for it.

Then he said: "I kept asking afterward, and he couldn't help it, so he said that it was the screenwriter who created his script, and he didn't say anything else."

"I've been depressed for several days. You said it's okay to let me see the script first, but you just say the script is good, but you can't see it."

"Now I'm very curious about how you guys contacted this screenwriter. Apart from knowing that this screenwriter is a writer, I haven't found any other personal information." Gan Jun said while changing his shoes.

Zhang Xiao gloated: "It's because you don't pay attention to the Internet literature circle, where can you find someone now."

"That's why I'm curious how Zhang Xiao and you guys got in touch with this guy." Qin Feng said.

"Let's eat first, and talk while eating."

After Zhang Xiao let a few people sit down at the dining table, he asked, "Have you not contacted the novel website?"

The three of you talked to each other, and said, "How can we not contact, but the reply is that this writer is not available recently."

"I also contacted, and it also said that this writer is not available."

"Yes, I asked their website to give me the mobile phone number of the writer. Do you know what the website said? I find it funny when I think about it now." Gan Jun said.

The three of them were also curious.

Gan Jun said with a gloomy face: "They replied to me that their website doesn't have [Mouse]'s cell phone number. Isn't that annoying? The website even said that they don't have the author's cell phone number."

Zhang Xiao felt that Sun Chao could really do this.

Otherwise, I didn't even give the mobile phone number that my sister asked me for [mouse].

Zhang Xiao suddenly remembered that Sun Chao had just started school for more than a month, and with military training, it should be the busiest time now.

There should really be no time now.

"I remembered, this writer really seems to have no time recently."

"And don't give the phone number, I don't know about other people, but if he can really do this."

As soon as Zhang Xiao finished speaking, Gan Jun asked:
"Is this writer so busy? Even the website can't contact him?
"I've read his novels. This writer is a bit awesome. He can write so wonderfully about any subject. I've read all his novels." Qin Feng swallowed the food in his mouth and continued. "

"My favorite is the ancient costume conspiracy novel published by the publishing house, which is so wonderful." Gan Jun said.

"And the hero is portrayed very beautifully."

Zhang Xiao looked suspicious: "Pretty?"

Gan Jun immediately explained: "The beauty I mean is not the beauty you understand. The beauty I mean is the beautiful portrayal of the characters in the plot."

"Gan Jun, Zhang Xiao is done teasing you, she can't understand that." Qin Feng said amusedly.

Zhang Xiao also looked at Gan Jun with a smile.

"Hey, to freak me out, my sexual orientation is pretty normal."

Gan Jun is a little suspicious now.

Gan Jun is 33 and [-] years old this year, but he has never been married and has no girlfriend.

People in the circle speculate that Gan Jun likes to wear sticks and doesn't like girls.

If the rumor has been passed on for a long time, it will inevitably be worn into Gan Jun's ears.

"Xiaoxiao, I came here today because I fell in love with "Tomb Raider Notes", and I wanted you to ask [Mouse] if the writer of this novel can be contacted."

"They all write web articles at the same time, and it used to be a website, so they should be able to contact them." Zhu Zhou said.

[Resembling a dream] Zhang Xiao does know,

Who let me have a sister who always wanted to dig this writer.

She had heard from Wu Zhenzhen that the writer's price was not low, and her friend's company might not agree to it. It seemed that Zhu Zhou ran away for nothing today.

"Don't even think about "Tomb Raiders Notes." Zhang Xiao said to Zhu Zhou.

Zhu Zhou was at a loss: "How to say?"

The other two also looked at Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao took a leisurely mouthful of food, and after chewing, he said, "Do you know how much the author of "Tomb Raider Notes" quoted?"

"How many?"

"The minimum is 1000."

"How much?" Zhu Zhou's voice suddenly rose after hearing the price.

"Zhang Xiao, are you kidding me?" All three of them were surprised.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said nothing.He just looked up at the three of them.


Seeing that the three of them had calmed down, Zhang Xiao looked at Zhu Zhou and said:
"Do you think you're the first to see this novel? If the price wasn't so high, would the novel still be in the author's hands?"

"Really? [Mouse] said?"

Seeing that Zhu Zhou was not giving up, Zhang Xiao said: "Although Sun Chao didn't say it, but it was said by the editor-in-chief of Qidian, I can still lie to you."

Zhang Xiao continued: "The Sun Chao I'm talking about is the real name of the writer [Mouse]."

The three looked at each other.

"Then Zhang Xiao, please help me contact this writer named Sun Chao. I want to buy the right to adapt "Langya Bang", but the price is not so outrageous, right?" Gan Jun asked hesitantly.

After finishing speaking, he said comfortingly: "Probably not, they are not the same writer."

Zhang Xiao thought for a while and said: "This drama should not have 1000 million, I think it should be 500 million."

"Then the ancient costume script that Ding Wen told me before would not be so expensive? Could it be four to five million?" Qin Feng asked uncertainly.

"When Ding Wen bought the script of that play, Sun Chao had many additional conditions, you know."

Of course the three of them knew.

The three nodded.

"Since you can accept these conditions, don't guess here and there. I'll call you and ask if you know."

After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, she took out her phone and called Sun Chao.

Sun Chao just finished his meal and went to the dormitory.

Now that Sun Chao doesn't go to the law department, his time is much looser.

When there is no class in the afternoon, you can also go to the company for a walk.

Just as Sun Chao was about to call home, the phone rang as soon as he took it out.

"Hi, Director Zhang."

When Zhang Xiao heard the phone call, she said politely: "Has Xiaochao eaten yet? I didn't delay your meal by calling."

"I've finished eating, what's up with Director Zhang?"

Zhang Xiao also knew that Sun Chao was not the kind to chat politely, so he said directly: "That's right, I have some director friends here who want to buy the right to adapt your novel."

"Which one?"

"Langya List."

"Another director said that Ding Wen had told him about a script for a costume drama before, but Ding Wen told my friend that you never had time."

Sun Chao remembered that he had told Ding Wen that he was afraid that something might happen to Brother Hu when he was filming other TV series.

Later, Ding Wen also contacted himself several times, but he never had time to write it out.

Things have dragged on until now.

It just so happens that I am short of money now, so I can consider writing the script.

I just didn’t think about writing a novel by Mr. Jin Yong.

Sun Chao didn't speak, Zhang Xiao said again:
"Well, Xiaochao, do you know [Huang Ruo Ru Meng]?"

"What's up?"

After Zhang Xiao asked this question, he saw the three of them looking directly at him.

(End of this chapter)

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