Chapter 192 Friendship Price

"It's like this. There is a director who has taken a fancy to "Notes on Tomb Raiders". I heard Zhao Liang say that the author's quotation was more than ten million yuan. I just want to confirm it. Is it true?"

"Also, Sun Chao, do you know this writer?"

Sun Chao frowned when Zhang Xiao asked about "Tomb Raider Notes".

Now Sun Chao needs money urgently, but he doesn't want to sell the adaptation rights of this novel cheaply.

But Sun Chao suddenly figured it out again, he only sold the adaptation rights for three years, and it will be taken back automatically after three years.

After figuring it out, Sun Chao said: "The copyright of this author's novel is under the name of my new company, and it is indeed a base of 1000 million."

Sun Chao still told the truth.

The three of them heard it too, and it really cost tens of millions.

Also outrageous.

"Xiao Chao, have you started a company? What company?"

Zhang Xiao and the three directors have completely different focuses.

"A company that buys and sells copyrights."

"All the copyrights of the novel [Resembling a Dream] belong to me."

"Sure, Xiaochao! The copyright of [Resembling a Dream] actually belongs to you." Zhang Xiao was surprised.


When Zhang Xiao wanted to ask something, she saw Zhu Zhou gesturing to herself, so she asked.

"Xiao Chao, can it be cheaper?"

Sun Chao is in urgent need of money now, if he sells these adaptation rights, it will be almost the same.

"Tomb Raider Notes" takes up the bulk of the money.

"At least 800 million."

"Giving this price is entirely out of your face, Director Zhang. Others should at least make a bottom line. After all, I also spent a lot of money when I bought the copyright."

Sun Chao guessed that Zhang Xiao's friend should be by Zhang Xiao's side, so he sold Zhang Xiao's favor.

The most important thing is that Sun Chao is really short of money now.

After hearing Sun Chao's offer, Zhang Xiao repeated to the three of them: "800 million."


Sun Chao went on to say: "Let them come to our company to discuss the specific price, and find the person in charge of my company."

"I don't know the price of other adaptation rights. Director Zhang should also know that I am busy now."

Zhang Xiao also heard that Sun Chao probably knew that his friend was by his side, so he didn't say he was busy in class.

"That line, you give me the mobile phone number of the person in charge of your company, and I will let them contact you."

"By the way! I also want to buy Xiaomeimei's adaptation rights, so let me tell you first."

"I see, I will send you the number by text message later."

Zhang Xiao said after hanging up the phone: "You have also heard that Sun Chao has opened a company now, and he is not very clear about the specific price."

While talking, Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang.


"I'll give you the number, you can contact Sun Chao's company."

Sun Chao called Liang Yifei and told him that someone wanted to buy the copyright. After hanging up the phone, Sun Chao didn't care about it. Liang Yifei would contact him in the end whether he bought it or not.

Sun Chao didn't go to the law department these days, but such a scene happened in the classroom.

The professor of criminology is also the one who often asks Sun Chao. In class today, he found that the student who was holding the computer all day but could answer every question did not come.

I asked the monitor to come to count the roster, and when the counting was completed, all the students arrived.

This professor usually does not call names, and every time he can make a rough guess with a glance.

This made the professor frown.

"Has everyone in the class arrived? Why didn't the student who was always holding a computer come here? Why isn't there on the roster."

The students were also discussing before class, and even ran to ask Zhang Wei and Shen Yue.

The girls in the class were very disappointed when they knew that Sun Chao would not come to class in the future.

This will be asked by the professor, and the discussion will continue below.

"The school grass didn't come to class today."

"You came late. We had a round of discussions before the class started. I heard from Zhang Wei that he will not come to class often in the future."

"That's right, this is only a second major, how could he come to class all the time."

"Sun Chao came to class every day and I forgot that this is not his main major."

"It's just a pity. Every time I go to class, I think that I can meet the school girl, so I am particularly motivated to go to class."

"Didn't you see that even if you don't take the class seriously, the professor can answer every question you ask?"

"People may think it's a waste of time."

"It would be great if I could have the IQ of a school grass."

"Stop discussing, didn't you see that the professor's face is not very good-looking?"

Hearing the reminder from the classmates, everyone slowly quieted down.

This professor still likes Sun Chao more. Although he doesn't look like he is serious about listening to the class, he can answer perfectly every time.

Once he asked this student four or five times in a class, and he passed it perfectly.

And the homework after class is also very good.

Now he is used to asking this student to ask questions every time, why did he skip class again.

Knowing that the professor was talking about Sun Chao, Zhang Wei raised his hand and said, "Professor, are you talking about the student who has been sitting next to me?"

The professor confirmed and said, "Yes, that's the one."

"He is a minor in our law department as a second major. He may not come here much later, but he will come during the exam."

Zhang Wei replied cautiously.

The professor went to class without asking any further questions.

Of course Sun Chao didn't know about this, and Zhang Wei told Sun Chao later that he only knew about it.

During the beginning of school, Sun Chao's novel at the starting point will soon come to an end.

This novel is originally not many words.

Starting point suspense editorial department.

Lu Bo has been asking his editors to contact Sun Chao recently, but no one has responded.

"Did [Reminiscent of a Dream] reply to the message?"

"Editor-in-Chief, you've asked the question for the third time today. I'm also anxious, but I can't do anything if no one gives me a message."

"You said [Huangruorumeng], did you forget that you have a novel that is being serialized, otherwise you wouldn't be able to get in touch anyway."

Lu Bo only had Sun Chao's QQ number here, and if Sun Chao didn't reply to the message, he had no other way to get in touch. "

An editor next to him couldn't stand it any longer, so he uttered in confusion: "Editor-in-Chief, Editor-in-Chief Zhao Liang should have Rumeng's phone number, why don't you call Rumeng?"

Lu Bo was feeling irritable, and said angrily, "You know I don't know, but the deputy editor-in-chief said that he doesn't want the phone number of [想如梦] to be leaked, otherwise why would I be in such a hurry here."

"There are still a few days before the end of the book. I don't dare to add more rewards now. If something is not good, I have to end it today."

Lu Bo said: "You guys work hard, I will solve this matter."

Lu Bo turned around and walked out of the office, looking for Zhao Liang before he got off work.

Although I can't give the number, Zhao Liang can help me to call and ask.

At night, Sun Chao received a call from Zhao Liang.

"Xiao Chao, your novel is coming to an end soon, when will you start writing a new novel?"

When Sun Chao heard Zhao Liang say this, he remembered that he saw that there were still tens of thousands of words before it was over, and he had forgotten it for a while.

Sun Chao has no time to write novels recently, if not, let's serialize "Tomb Raider Notes 5".

"Brother Zhao, I took the time to finish writing "Tomb Raider Notes 5" and I will send it to your email in a while."

"How long will the novel be finished?"

When Zhao Liang heard Sun Chao ask when it would end, he thought for a while and said, "Four or five days."

(End of this chapter)

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