Chapter 28 Vest
Now it is not sure how much the manuscript fee plus publishing will be last month. Sun Chao wants to decide which school to go to before the winter vacation.

He also wants to buy a house near the school!

Although I don't live often, it's good to live every week!

Sun Chao would be wondering if there are any larger houses with an area of ​​180-260 square meters near the university. If not, he would like to buy two houses on the same floor.

Find someone to get through directly!It would be best if there is a high-rise with an elevator, but if you don’t have one with a yard on the first floor, it’s also good, but I don’t know if I can find a suitable one.

He can buy a house only after he decides where to go to university. If it’s okay in the capital, he can buy it in a place about the same distance from Qingbei. If he goes to Shencheng, he has to look at the house in advance. It needs to be renovated, and it needs to be put away after the decoration, but it doesn't mean that you can live in it after the decoration!
Other houses can be put aside, but the house needed for school needs to be bought as soon as possible. After all, it needs to be renovated. This is the house that I will live in the most in the next four years of college.

If according to the meaning of the editor in charge, the manuscript fee was 100 million last month, then the sales volume of the book should not be too bad, there should be a sales volume of 200 million, Sun Chao thought confidently.

In the previous life, the total sales volume was 500 million. At that time, the Internet was prevalent and distracted people's attention. Now it is still the world of books. Now it is estimated that 200 million is not much!
Based on 150 million copies, at 28 yuan per copy, it would cost more than 500 million!
It's not a lot to add up, it should be enough for him to buy a house and decorate it.

Now the Tomb Raider notes are finished, and the second part will be serialized, even if it is a book every two months, now counting from September to before the college entrance examination, the sixth volume can be serialized, and the seventh volume can be serialized by the start of school
The other finale books are being released, but Sun Chao still thinks that the serialization is too fast?Do you want to serialize the next volume every six months?
But wouldn't Sun Chao be free in this way?The housing price does not wait for anyone. It is obvious that you can buy it when it is cheaper. Why rush to send money? He still wants to build houses in Shencheng and Beijing. These two cities are the fastest growing.

No matter whether he is going to university in Beijing or Shencheng, Sun Chao wants to stock up more houses in these two cities.

Sun Chao likes Shanghai better. He wants to buy high-rise buildings around the Oriental Pearl Tower, and he also wants to buy a sea-view house by the Erhai Lake!
Sun Chao hasn’t bought a house yet. He still wants to buy some houses everywhere. After satisfying his dream of house freedom, he will consider buying a few more houses in a community, or buy him directly at the expansion point. .

It’s not good to be free, how about asking the responsible editor to put on a vest and open a trumpet?I don’t know if the editor-in-charge agrees or not, wait a minute and ask the editor-in-charge!
If you write on a trumpet, what type should you write? [Like a dream] is used to write about suspense and adventure, so what kind of other vest is written?Do you want to write a romance?What kind of domineering president is in love with me?

No, no, if it is dug out in the future, it will be a black history, and this matter cannot be done.

But women's videos are really making money, so greedy, let's put it aside for the sake of my own image in the future.

If you don’t want to open this vest, it will not be classified and write some light-hearted novels, such as campus novels, time-travel novels, those with connotations, put them under the name of [Reminiscent of Dreams], and the light-hearted novels on Xinkai on the waistcoat!

Just do what you say, register a new writer's assistant, Sun Chao just wanted to ask the editor in charge, but he forgot as soon as his mind diverged.

What's your name?

Just [mouse], since you want to be easy, start with the name, fill it in, and the registration is successful.

What to write in the first book, just writing about school is boring, so I just write about college life and work, by the way, I wrote "Why Shengxiaomo".

Before I was reborn, I liked it very much. Sun Chao also thought about studying law in this life. Being a lawyer is still my favorite industry, but do I have time to work?
What's more, the best law school is no longer in Qingbei, and they have made an appointment with Fatty and the others to be alumni together!
Another thing I like is foreign languages. My thoughts are far away, and I continue to think about novels. This is the only book. I will write some updates today, so I will do it!
Now at 06:30, the school turns off the lights at 1 o'clock, and there are still three hours to code for myself. It is easy to write more than [-] words in an hour. Now the hand speed is faster, and I have coded millions of words. No matter how slow I type, it becomes faster !
Author name: Mouse, novel title: "Why Shengxiaomo" Introduction:
A top student in the law department of C University, he is handsome and intelligent, while Zhao Mosheng is a very ordinary girl on the campus of C University, who is careless and reckless in doing things.On weekdays, Zhao Mosheng is a photographer and likes to go around the campus with a camera.One day, He Yichen accidentally broke into Zhao Mersheng's camera. She was deeply attracted by him and fell in love with him ever since.Zhao Mosheng followed He Yichen noisy all day long, and often went to professional classes with him, making a lot of jokes.From the initial resentment to discovering Mo Sheng's simplicity and beauty, Yi Chen fell in love with her unknowingly.

Because of a misunderstanding, Mo Sheng left his hometown.

Seven years later, Mo Sheng really came back, and just like Yi Chen, she still couldn't forget the original relationship.She was afraid of seeing him, she always thought it was his fault that made the two farewell; she wanted to see him again, because she missed him.But even if the two hearts in love meet again, there are still many misunderstandings and obstacles between them.After seven years of fermenting, Yi Chen's love seems to have become a little hysterical.Under almost persecution and intimidation, Mo Sheng married Yi Chen.

There are also some misunderstandings in the middle.

But in the end, all the misunderstandings were cleared away, and the lovers finally got married.

I looked at the time and it was almost nine o'clock, why hasn't the contract in charge of editing been finalized yet?
If Zhao Liang knew he was going to cry and faint in the toilet, big brother!It's all off work, so I have to find someone and come to the company again. This doesn't always take time.

When Sun Chao coded nearly [-] characters, Zhao Liang, the editor in charge, finally delivered the contract as expected. Sun Chao uploaded the new book, and the tens of thousands of characters could be updated for a period of time.

The terms of the authorized contract are very simple and clear at a glance, and Sun Chao signed it after reading it!
When Sun Chao was negotiating the authorization contract with the lawyer, he happened to make a phone call, so Zhao Liang missed the fact that Sun Chao was still a high school student in advance.

"Editor-in-charge, when will the contract be due? And when will the new book be released?"

Zhao Liang had an overtime shift today. After get off work at five o'clock, it was already past nine o'clock. He just called home to tell him what time he would be back.

And the editor-in-chief also promised three times the overtime pay, which is not a loss!
I was planning to pack up and get off work, when I heard the notification sound of new news coming from the computer.

When I opened it, it turned out to be [like a dream], and Zhao Liang replied: "It will take about two weeks to publish in four days at the latest, because the publishing house still needs to publicize, but it won't be long before they have to sell the book to catch up with the popularity of the book. Usually a week."

"The publishing house first drives out some of the goods to the bookstore, and then prints them later."

Then he continued to show his merits and said: "Other authors set their share according to how much they sell. Only the author, Da Da, you directly take [-] points of share. No matter how much they sell, you will always follow this proportion."

"It's because they know that this book is popular and won't lose money, so they are so straightforward. The books that have been popular in previous years have been rewarded with less than half of your rewards. You have given too many rewards this month. Just count the income from this month's rewards." , the author, you are the first brother of the starting point."

Although Sun Chao was very happy to see the information, he knew himself.

I just wrote a book, and the income of many established writers is absolutely crushing myself. Otherwise, Zhao Liang would emphasize that this month is compared with other great gods, because this month is coming to an end, so there are a lot of rewards.

If it swells because of this, it is ignorant.

Sun Chao replied to Zhao Liang: "It's too exaggerated! I'll get off the plane if I have nothing to do!"

Zhao Liang also wanted to leave a long time ago, so he turned off his phone and went home after replying.

(End of this chapter)

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