Chapter 29 Reward
Sun Chao walked slowly back to the dormitory. At this time, it was not time for self-study next night, and there was no one in the dormitory!The whole dormitory is quiet, very quiet!

In Sun Chao's mind, he always felt that he had forgotten something.But I just didn't think about it for a while and forgot something!

By the way, manuscript!
Sun Chao finally remembered that he forgot to tell the editor that he opened the vest again. He wanted to sign this book to Zhao Liang, the editor in charge. Sun Chao knew that they had a commission.
This editor in charge is not bad, he manages the book friend group very well even if he is not asked to do so, and he is also punctual when he is added, and he is consulted about everything, which is not bad.

He just forgot to tell him that he opened a vest.

Sun Chao thought that he would contact him on the day the physical book of the novel was released.

There is really no other way, this new book can only be discontinued for a few days after it was released.

The editor-in-chief Zhao Liang is now on the bus home. His home is only 15 minutes away from the magazine by bus. He never thought that another big pie would hit him.

The first class of the next day is the head teacher's class. Today I will talk about yesterday's test papers. The head teacher used the evening self-study time to correct the test papers yesterday. Sun Chao got the only perfect score, which is 2 points higher than No.7!
At this moment, Sun Chao's mind is wandering. Today, the first volume of "Tomb Raiders Notes" is coming to a finale. I don't know how much extra rewards can be given. It should be enough to buy a house in Pengcheng, right?With four or five gold lords, and a few more silver lords and lords, you can almost buy a house of more than 100 square meters!
I don't know how much manuscript fee I can get this month, is it enough to buy the big house I want, and the money to find a decoration company, but he wants to get through two sets, design is a troublesome thing, if the design is not good, it will be useless Such a big house!

You must choose a decoration company carefully when you go on winter vacation, what Sun Chao doesn't know is.

The "Tomb Raiders Notes" written by his account [Resembling a Dream] is now bombed!
Starting point network editorial department
Zhao Liang was so happy that he almost jumped up now, and his colleagues were also congratulating him. The biggest thing for the editorial department today is the total number of rewards when watching the finale of "Tomb Raiders Notes"!

Now the homepage of has been floating with all kinds of lords. In just a short while, a dozen or so lords of various kinds floated past. One look at the lord, then the golden lord, and another look, the silver lord, there was nothing in the morning. How did they stop? Zhao Liang and his colleagues were numb. They couldn't count without looking at the backstage. Sun Chao hadn't closed his mouth since the morning, and he kept giggling!
In the morning, the editor-in-chief called him over and rewarded him for signing the physical book and publishing it. In addition to so many rewards today, the year-end bonus will be doubled, and this month's salary will be tripled. This makes Zhao Liang very happy!
After leaving the editor's office, Zhao Liang thought in his heart, this [like a dream] is really his God of Wealth, he became a full-time employee within three months, and his salary and year-end bonus were increased. Today is really the happiest day he has been in the job for so long!
And the readership has also exploded, and the information is constantly being sent!
"We feel that we are all flashing stand-alone machines, and the author can't see it!"

"Then what can I do, I can't find the author!"

"Why do you have to update the second book on the first of next month? I can't wait!"

"How come it's over!"

"When the physical book is released, I want to buy a collection!"

"Same as above!"

Messages haven't stopped all morning.

[It's too difficult to come up with a name] This reader directly created a QQ group for dozens of readers who were more active before, and now he is also chatting about Sun Chao!
"When will the physical book be released? I just announced that the physical book will be released, but I didn't say when!"

"I don't know, maybe I will notify you in a few days."

"Are you saying that we are chasing a fake book? The author has never froze from beginning to end!"

[It's too difficult to come up with a name]: "Who says it's not, you also ask for a ticket, we also know it's a living person!"

"Why don't you publish the second book today, now is the most popular time!"

"Maybe give the physical book time to promote!"

[It's too difficult to name it]: "How old do you say the readers are, and what industry do you work in?"

"I guess I'm 40 or [-] years old. Ignoring the readers proves that I'm busy at work. I can't sit at the computer all the time for the work I do. The writing is so good. Do you think it's a teacher?"

This guess is the same as the editor's guess.

At this time [it is too difficult to name] and said: "I think it is also possible!"

A few people started chatting about the author's career!
On the starting point editorial department, Zhao Liang also received a reply from Huaxia Magazine today, and the physical novel will be officially released on August 8.

At noon, Zhao Liang looked at his mobile phone for a while, and the computer time for a while, and he couldn't wait to call [Reminiscence Rumeng]

I was a little excited when I called for the first time. This is the first master under his command. I wonder if I can tell how old I am when I call?

Zhao Liang felt that he had to be over 30 years old to be able to write "Notes on Tomb Raiders" so well. Watching the time tick by until it was time for Sun Chao to rest, he walked out of the office to a secluded place and made a call.

Just as Sun Chao walked out of the teaching building to the cafeteria, his cell phone rang!

He told Fatty and the others that they were going to answer the phone, and as soon as they connected, they heard the voice of a man who sounded not very old.

Self-introduction said: "Hello, I am Zhao Liang, the editor of Qidian!"

"Excuse me, are you Rumeng himself in the previous life?"

"Hi, I'm [Huang Ruo Ru Meng] myself, hello editor!"

Zhao Liang heard the voice of a boy on the opposite side who sounded like he was still in the period of changing his voice. Zhao Liang was stunned in place with a surprised expression on his face, and forgot to speak!
Sun Chao didn't hear the voice on the other side and said again: "Hello?"

At this moment, Zhao Liang came back to his senses when he heard the voice!
Asked in a surprised tone: "Hello, how old are you?"

Sun Chao heard the other person ask him how old he was, so he said truthfully without thinking too much: "I just became an adult this year and I'm in my third year of high school!"

When Zhao Liang heard [Resembling a dream], he said loudly: "!"

At this time, Sun Chao also realized that he was surprised by his age, it was shocking!

He formally introduced himself again: "Hello editor, I am [Huangruo Rumeng] myself, my real name is Sun Chao, this year, I am now a third-year student in high school!"

After Sun Chao's careful introduction, he greeted with a smile: "Hello editor, my name is Sun Chao, please take care of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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